The Adventures of the Sasuga Brothers (223)

1 Name: FRRRRAP 2005-05-19 00:35 ID:Heaven

      (⊂| It's high time we started an
      / / English language thread! 
     / /  ∨ 
     / /       ∧_∧    That's cool...but what's this
    / /_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠  about "adventures"? You
    / / ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    never leave the house.     
 ̄\|   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
 ̄ ̄||  ./  zOMG  / .| |
 ̄| |__/_____/__.| |____
田| | \___))\   (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

  Stop splitting hairs.
  It's just a figure of speech.
              ∧_∧     Whatever. Oh snap, your
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ browser just crashed again.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   LOL  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

     N...not again
              (´<_`  ) ∠ Way to pick
       ∧_∧   /  ⌒i    porn sites, dumbass!
 ̄\  /( 。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   x_x   /. | |    
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

2 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-19 03:25 ID:Heaven

      (⊂| So... should this be like
      / / a speech bubbles thread?
     / /  ∨ 
     / /       ∧_∧    Let's not explain and
    / /_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠  mock people as they stumble
    / / ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    around in ignorance!    
 ̄\|   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
 ̄ ̄||  ./  KOPIPE / .| |
 ̄| |__/_____/__.| |____
田| | \___))\   (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

  Isn't that kinda mean?
  I'll do it anyway.
              ∧_∧     Whatever. Oh lookie, your
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ thread just got saged.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   DQN  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

     N...not again
              (´<_`  ) ∠ Anonymous
       ∧_∧   /  ⌒i    does not forgive!
 ̄\  /( 。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   sage  /. | |    
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

3 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-19 05:40 ID:Heaven

  Hey, this AA thing is
  pretty good.
              ∧_∧    Post it in the nullpo thread
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ for safe keeping.
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   LOL  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

4 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-19 21:52 ID:UKBQftXr

  Λ_Λ  \\
  ( ・∀・)   | | GA !
 と    )    | |
   Y /ノ    人
    / )    <  >_Λ∩
  _/し' //. V`Д´)/
 (_フ彡        / >>3

5 Name: FRRRRAP 2005-05-21 19:35 ID:SqHiTsbX

It's not a speech bubble thread >>2! We encourage you to
go find more AA of us and think up something witty to say!
     ∧_∧  (´<_`  )∠Don't you think that's a bit much
バン   ( #´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  to expect from the kind of people
 バン ∩   \     | |  who hang out here?
    / /ミ  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
  __(__ニつ/  DQN  / .| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃

What's the big deal? Look, I can find AA
of us all over the fucking place!
  | | ハァァァァァ   ∧_∧
 ∩ \ ∧_∧ (´<_` ;)∠Ummm, I think you've   
 \\ ( ´_ゝ`)  /   ⌒i  missed the point.
  (__ニつ    \     | |
  (__ニつ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
  __(__ニつ/  SOB  / .| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃

hey look at me, I'm Vishnu.
  ∩ //         ∩
  |│|│      ∩/ / ∧_∧
 ∩ \ ∧_∧ .||/  (´<_` ;)∠Wow...all that fapping to online porn 
 \\ .( ´_ゝ`) |⊂__) /   ⌒i  has given you amazing dexterity.
  (__ニつつ   ⊂__) /    | |
  (__ニつつ  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ | |
  __(__ニつ/  FAP  /_ | |____
      \/____/  (u ⊃

6 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-21 20:12 ID:Heaven

\ Frrrrap sure spends a lot of time talking to himself.
   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
      ∧_∧        | Dude seriously needs to get laid.
      ( ´_ゝ`)   ∧_∧ \
     i⌒ .____(´<_`  )   У ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
      | /.… …/|/    \
.     | / … /  |        |
. __|〈《⌒》     |__⊂二__)
   ⊂  丶テ........,.イ_/

7 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-21 20:23 ID:qTk02jXB

       ∧_∧    ∧_∧  ∧_∧   ∧_∧
      ( ´_ゝ`)   (´<_ ` ) ( ´_∧`)_∧(´<_`∧)_∧
      /    ヽ ∧_/∧  ∧_∧( ´_ゝ`)  ( ´_ゝ`)
      (  |    |( ´_ゝ`)/( ´_ゝ`)   \∧_∧ \
  ∧_∧ヽ⊃   .| ∧_∧ U   ∧_∧ ..(´<_`  ) | | In our heads and on the internet
 (´<_`  ) |    (´<_` ).| Y ( ´_ゝ`) ./  ⌒i . ∧_∧ we are never alone.
 /∧_∧ヽ| .∧_/∧     .| .| /   \|     | |(´<_`  )
 ( ´_ゝ`)   ( ´_ゝ`) ∧_∧ /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/| |/    \
 /    ヽ  /    ヽ( ´_ゝ`)(__ニつ/ DELL  /..| |____|
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   \/____/ (u ⊃

8 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-22 15:49 ID:IY66mQ1A

Je me sens le plus heureux avec cela. Joindre dans, le copain.
     ∧,,,;;,∧  (´<_`  ) …Le fre`re ?
     (,,:::''';;:;;,,:) /   ⌒i 
    /:::...::::::\     | |
    /::.'.:..::...:/: ̄'::' ̄:':':.:: |
  __,;;,;;;;;つ/::tanasinn,,, /.| .|____
      \/:::,,;;_,,,,_;;;;,,,,;;;/ (u ⊃

9 Post deleted by moderator.

10 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-24 11:53 ID:Heaven

    ∧_∧  (´<_`  )   Dude, why do you always sage everything?
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i   
   /   \     | |       
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |          
__(__ニつ/  FMV  / .| .|____
    \/____/ (u ⊃

Why, is that a bad thing?
    ∧_∧  (<_`   )  On I learned that you only sage something
   (  ´_ゝ) /   ⌒i   which you don't like so that it gets pruned faster! 
   /   \     | |      
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
__(__ニつ/  FMV  / .| .|____
    \/____/ (u ⊃


    ∧_∧  (´<_`  )  And I trust moot's words above all!
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i
   /   \     | |
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
__(__ニつ/  FMV  / .| .|____
    \/____/ (u ⊃

Say you don't sound like Otoutosha...

    ∧_∧ Σ(´<_`  )
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i 
   /   \     | |
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
__(__ニつ/  FMV / .| .|__
    \/____/ (u

You're an American! Our evil cousin,
Wapanese-kun! GTFO!

    ∧_∧  ( ℃_°) zOOMJ, I fail it!
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i 
   /   \     | |
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
__(__ニつ/  FMV / .| .|__
    \/____/ (u

11 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-30 22:51 ID:GgUYNGgj

          |  Christ, can't I even take a shit without you beeing around?
│          ̄ ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
|    |   | .i____l|  .|              ||;;;;;;;;.._________
|    |   |/_____|   .|              ||;;;;;/
|    |.    ̄   r―- 、   .il:  ┌────┐│|;;;;| Can't you even take a
|    |         .LI⌒l l   |    ∧_ ∧  │||< shit without carrying that 
|    |・・・ . ._,,-‐ ;ii; ‐ l l=-┐|   〈 ; . ::::::::)‐┘|| | stupid laptop with you?
|   .:!    [∧二∧ ̄ _!_ -| .!   `7 ..:::::::〈   ||....\
|    |   (;*´_ゝ`)  .i ロ | .|   /  :::::::::ヽ  ||::::::::. ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
|  /⌒ヽ ( 、    \ |.レ.i i   |  i  .:::::::::h. ||;;;;;;;;
| .フ ̄ヽ/! ┌───┐ヽ! .|.|   ! .| ...::::::::::li..||;;;;;;;;
|.( 〇 )l i,,-| DQN  .i´ )..ii|.|   | .|  :::::::::i..|||;;;;;;;;
|.`''ー''´ レ ( L_._____|ー''<'''' .!   / Λ  ::::::::||||;;;;;;;;;
|    l  フ   流  丿ノ!   .|  / /ノ  :::::::::| .!ヽ|;;;;;;;;;
|    |./  ./石  !/ノ  .|  / .//    ::::::::! .Iノ|;;;;;;;;;;;
|:    .!/  /'''''''|   |/|   . i [_〉    ノ ::::ノ ||;;;;;;;;;
|    l  〈i ̄ ̄|  /  I ,,,,...,,|   /  / .i :::::::|..||;;;;;;;;;;
|     l.|  | 〉 ̄ .|  ! /  '''''.|  ./   ./  ! . :::::i. ||;;;;;;;;;;;
|    i  | ー-- i  |.ノ    :| l  .i   | .:::|||;;;;;;;;;,,,
|  /_ノ  .))   .j _.| 〉    . |l: .|  ..l   | . :::::! ||;;;;;;;;;,,,
|..// ヽ/  / ̄ .冫'     |  |   |   i .::::::l. ||;;;;;;;;,,,,
|  (_,,/   (_,,,ノ      .|  i  !   . | . ::::! ||;;;;;;;;,,,,,,
└ー‐―――― ―――――― '''ー !  l _   l :::::| ||;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,
                     .ノ  .〈  ''ーi ::::!.||::::::::::::::::::
   ::::::::::...::::::::  ...................    〔__.ノ 〈__)'' ̄''''''''''''''''''

12 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-06-09 02:09 ID:Heaven

 | *********
 | ******************
レ''" r'゙ 」 );ァ'"  'ー''"'"アン'シィ,:リ ハ リ     ,、-''´ ̄ ̄ ̄`¨`ヽ、
レ,  | (r' ,レ'    ‐-、     イ ノレ'    /   ,ィ        `ヽ、
イ , j、_` ゙ ;'   てi``   ___ f゙´     、.」  _テ' ,ィ ノ        ヽ,
f/イ;'゙ /!  ;'        ,r;<`,ン゙       7;ィ /`ー'_,ィリ_ノ_        ゙!
(( l / l          i` r'゙        V' /_    ''7゙ィノィ ,ィ'     ,|
`、 ;' :!    _  ':、__;' ノ         ,i リ __゙;;ミュ  __ '´ (    ハ
::::`、i ::l,    `\ミュ /          Vi  ー'ン)  'ー-`ヽ 〉    ノ
:::::::ミ、 :::゙:,   `ー` /           _,」;'      「'-ヘ ` トェ. 、 イ
:::::::::} \::゙>、   ,r'゙`'-、        _,、r'゙ .:|   (  ,      ,レ'ィ )ッリ . / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
:::::::::゙ト、 `'''「i`7´.::::::::.. `'ー、_、--─::'":/.: ff゙l   、 ` ゙       ' )ノ,ノ''゙´  | ******
:::::::::::l, ゝ、_,ィ リ{::::::::::::::::::::.... `ヽ;:::::::::::/.:::: ゙i, i   、`_‐-:   ,r' ーイ    < *******
:::::::::.. \ _,ィ仆}:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::....ヽ;::::::i;::::∧ ゙:、!      _,、ィ'ィン゙リ-、_.   |********
::::::::::::::::..\,: i: |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ゙i:::::l::::l 〉:.,、ミ;_、 _,.、-''゙/,ィ.:::::::::::::...`'-、,._\________
:::::::::::::::::::::: | : |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i:::::l::::!/::/.:〈/ ´ K⌒ヽ,r'/ .::::::::::::::::::::::::..
: :::::::::::::::::::::| : :|::::::::::::::::::/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/.:::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::| :  |:::::::::::::::/                      /.:::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::/i : : !:::::::::::/                      /.:::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::/,'  i |::::::::/                      /.:::::::::
:::::::::::::::::/,'   l. |:::::/          DELL           /.:::::::::


13 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-07-28 10:30 ID:KItnVts9

  ( ´ω`) / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
__(__ニつ/  DELL  / (・∀・ ) Hay Grandpa, what are you doing?
    \/____/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 

14 Name: = 。= 2005-07-28 13:12 ID:Heaven

   ⊂ n) / ̄ ̄ ̄_ ̄./\
 ̄ ̄ ̄| .| ./ΓΓ∃(_|./⊂ニ ̄) ̄ ̄
     | ../_____/    /
     | |     \  _ /
     .し ._  /  ( 、く , ) 
    ( 、> , )   ∨ ̄∨ 
     V ̄V
    Something wrong Anija!

15 Name: = 。= 2005-07-28 13:17 ID:Heaven

   ト、 , ---- 、    ⊂⊃
   H /::(/、^^, :゙i   , ---- 、
(( (ヨb |::l,,・  ・,,{:K〉::(/、^^, :゙i 
   \`l:ト、(フ_ノ:」/ |::l,○,○,,{:〉 Sasuga dana Neva-ja
    ゙、 ヾ〃 /  lト、(フ_ノ」
    /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/   ! |
  _/__ /NEVADA゙/__ .| .|____
      \/____/   (u ⊃

16 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-07-29 16:18 ID:6jpFqB1E

   ⊂ n) / ̄ ̄ ̄_ ̄./\
 ̄ ̄ ̄| .| ./ΓΓ∃(_|./⊂ニ ̄) ̄ ̄
     | ../_____/    /
     | |     \  _ /
     .し ._  /  ( 、く , ) 
    ( 、> , )   ∨ ̄∨ 
     V ̄V

      / / What are they doing up there?
     / /  ∨ 
     / /       ∧_∧    They have achieved a "higher state of being".
    / /_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠  Therefore they appear "upside down" to us.
    / / ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i     It's all a simple matter of perspective, really.
 ̄\|   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
 ̄ ̄||  ./   DELL  / .| |
 ̄| |__/_____/__.| |____
田| | \___))\   (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

17 Name: = 。= 2005-07-29 17:07 ID:Heaven

.... thereads and all the response here ,
    those are my making and playing all by myself.
           ∧_∧                   (´<_` ;) ・・Sa、Sasuga dana Anija !
           ( ´_ゝ`)                  /   ⌒i  
          /   \                 / ィ   | |
     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
__ _/  Prius  //  FMV  //  VAIO // Mebius // LaVie  /____
   \/_/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
   _ /ThinkPad //WinBook//DynaBook//Libretto // Presario/
   \/_/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
   _ / Inspiron //Endeavor//InterLink // DELL  //Let'sNote/
         │        │        │        │        │          ┌─┐

18 Name: !.38tuXtuXs 2005-07-30 13:40 ID:Heaven

You can leave jisakujien untranslated if you want, =.=!

19 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-07-30 14:34 ID:Heaven

I don't know, but
I am fascinated with it!     

          ∧_∧  What the hell is this?   
    ∧_∧  (´<_`  )  
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i
   /   _,,..,,,,_    | |
  /   ./ ,' 3 `ヽーっ  |
__(__ニつl   ⊃ ⌒_つ.| .|____
      `'ー---‐'''''"  (u ⊃

20 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-07-30 16:16 ID:Heaven

          ∧_∧  hmmmmm
    ∧_∧  (´<_`  )  
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i
   /   _,,..,,,,_   | |
  /   ./ ,' 3 `ヽーっ  |
__(__ニつl   ⊃ ⌒_つ .|____
      `'ー---‐'''''"  (u ⊃

21 Name: !.38tuXtuXs 2005-07-31 00:50 ID:Heaven

What happen?!
          ∧_∧  It's become... one of us!   
    ∧_∧  (´<_`  )  
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i
   /   _,,..,,,,_    | |
  /   ./ ,´_ゝ`ヽーっ  |
__(__ニつl   ⊃ ⌒_つ.| .|____
      `'ー---‐'''''"  (u ⊃

22 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-07-31 08:45 ID:Heaven

  ???      ∧_∧  
    ∧_∧  (´ω`  )  ???
   ( ´ω`) /   ⌒i
   /   _,,..,,,,_    | |
  /   ./ ,' 3 `ヽーっ  |
__(__ニつl   ⊃ ⌒_つ .|____
      `'ー---‐'''''" (u ⊃

23 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-07-31 08:50 ID:Heaven

       _,,..,,,,_       _,,..,,,,_       _,,..,,,,_    
      ./ ,' 3 `ヽーっ / ,' 3 `ヽーっ  / ,' 3 `ヽーっ
______l   ⊃ ⌒_つ.l   ⊃ ⌒_つ..l   ⊃ ⌒_つ____
      `'ー---‐'''''"   `'ー---‐'''''"   `'ー---‐'''''"

24 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-07-31 09:46 ID:mta9bFg5

       ∧_∧    ∧_∧  ∧_∧   ∧_∧
      ( ´_ゝ`)   (´<_ ` ) ( ´_∧`)_∧(´<_`∧)_∧
      /    ヽ ∧_/∧  ∧_∧( ´_ゝ`)  ( ´_ゝ`)
      (  |    |( ´_ゝ`)/( ´_ゝ`)   \∧_∧ \
  ∧_∧ヽ⊃   .| ∧_∧ U   ∧_∧ ..(´<_`  ) | | Is this really better than JISAKUJIEN?
 (´<_`  ) |    (´<_` ).| Y ( ´_ゝ`) ./  ⌒i . ∧_∧
 /∧_∧ヽ| .∧_/∧     .| .| /   \|     | |(´<_`  )
 ( ´_ゝ`)   ( ´_ゝ`) ∧_∧ /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/| |/    \
 /    ヽ  /    ヽ( ´_ゝ`)(__ニつ/ DELL  /..| |____|
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   \/____/ (u ⊃

25 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-01 13:45 ID:Heaven

    .,‐             ,,iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliii,,,,,、
   .,/         _,,,,illlllllllllllll!!゙゙゙゙llllllllllllllllllllllllllllii,、
  .,,'ト        ,/,ll,,゙!lllll!!!l!゙゜   '゙゙゙!llllllllllllllllllllllllli、
  ント        /,_,,,li゚,「'゙i,、 .__     .゚゙!lllllllllllllllllll,,,
.,/`|           |.゙l/‘  ゙゙llワl゙!llii,,    lllllllllllllllllllll°
  ゙l      ,,r゙゙'‐`    || .'lll,゙゙l゙!!i,,   ゙゙゙!!lllllllllllllll
   |    .,/       .゙lL ゙! .゙l゙l゙°    'llllllllllll
   l゙ _,,,,,-'"  、       `'゙li,,,,yl゙リi,,._ ,,,,、 .lll!!!゙゙゙`
   .゚冫    .l゙        l゙゙,,''` .,,ril゙l,|゙l!!liy.,l!゙`
    .\   │    l゙゚゙l,!、 ` ,/‖ .゙れillr'"
     .ヽ、 " .,!   ゙l `'ミi、  ゙″゙゙l,,,,,,!,ア   Suddenly,
      `ヽ  |    ,ヽ、 ‘♭   .,∧_∧  I feel really uneasy...
       `'、..゙l、   ` ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) 
            ヽ\,、 _( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i
          `厂゙"/   \     | |
           \/   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
_________(__ニつ/ DELL  / .| .|____
              \/____/ (u ⊃

26 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-02 20:50 ID:Afi69lLj

          ,―( *´_ゝ`) You don't seem to be enjoying this much..
         /   ヽ 7                
      /  /    ヽ
      ヽ ヽ|     /_レ⌒i
       \ 〉   /´ /  /   /(∞))∧
        〉 ヽ . r 7   /、_,.-(´<_`*∬
       彡、__っ〈L/ _ /_(  ∬  7∬
        |   しメ- 、 ン  ( ゜,.   }
     ノ⌒v!   |(    i _,.、_/」 /
  i⌒ーL_r__」 ,..-┴   /´ ミ_ノー---'
  |  ト' ̄`ー' _,. -―'''´
  !jjj,j~´ ̄ ̄

27 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-02 22:10 ID:u4erugKP

Incest didn't turn out to be quite as hot as the eromanga made it look like...

28 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-03 07:06 ID:+4+7oBHO

  / ´_ゝ`)  just passing by
  |    / 
  | /| |/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
_//_.|/ DELL  /____

29 Name: = 。= 2005-08-04 15:23 ID:Heaven

  !i |!   !i ._A_、!,    |!  !i    !i 
  l   、!i,,‐''"/|\"''‐,,,  !i   |!      
    /  /.  | .ヽ  \    !i   !| 
|!  i ⌒⌒⌒⌒||⌒⌒⌒^^  !i       !i 
            ||      ! |!   i |!  l  
  !|        i i       |!  !   
 |!        ( ソ ∧_∧   |!   !  
      ∧_∧ | (´<_`  )  !     l 
 ! i   ( ´_ゝ`) 二    ⌒i    i |!  l
  |!  /   \      | | !i 
 ! | /     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. | .|   i |!  l
  __(__ニつ/ DELL  /  | .|____!,_
、!     \/____/ ̄(u ⊃ !, 

30 Name: = 。= 2005-08-08 03:40 ID:Heaven

                   | Where is porn site?
       __        __  __ ヽ──y─────────
      >^、\        /└┘`!            -=、
        \. 、\     `l.    |           i ,ム,」_   j
       |\ノ\  へ l r,.  |        _ レ' { ]/ ヽ ./   <Ask Char!
        \\ \._`^\ヽ.∠_    / ̄ _」[=ー'=] レ___
           rヘ___ノ∨iレ'⌒`ヽ \__ \ /__>.]L[,/,'    ,/\
       __∠_ ,― 、. |〈. ャ=ァ}|\ `、\/|7ー---、/ ̄ ̄ \/
       >、   ̄\`、_〕≧、_[|_/_冂'\   /_ _/   /〈  __ ィ´
      / ./  ̄「\,} }]/ \ゝ/,\ ヽ.「 | | ̄ | ヽィ'  /
.      \ {___|,/ / ニニニ=ァ  <  ヽ. i }/、 j   j_/ | 「 トュ
.       \____,/|    // |.|\|「 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  /L.」._|i||
         〔 | | \  // |:| .li  ヽ.  |  /   l.壬L((_).」|
            匸廿/又iて..).)\ li   ヽ___,/    l.  | i.  |
    ___r'__  入  {―---、,〉     / ̄ヽ.   l___|. ト┃'|_
         \_ ̄ヽ._\j.(○`/li.   /Anaheim !  _〉、L_」
             ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄.`()|j__Electronics._,l ⊂、 _ _ _[
                     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄     UUUU

31 Name: = 。= 2005-08-11 12:29 ID:Heaven

              ,.、   .,r.、
    ,.、   .,r.、   ,! ヽ ,:'  ゙;.
   ,! ヽ ,:'  ゙;..   !  ゙, |   }
.   !  ゙, |   }    ゙;  i_i  ,/
    ゙;  i_i  ,/    ,r'     `ヽ、
    ,r'     `ヽ、 ,i" _,    _   ゙;
   ,i"  _,   _   ゙; !. ・     ・  ,!
   !. ・     ・  ,!ヽ、 x    _,r''
   ゝ_   x  _,r'   `;;''''''''''''"´ヽ.
    ,:`''''''''''/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/      | |
    | ;;"~)/ DELL  /     (⌒) 
   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

32 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-12 07:32 ID:Heaven

    ∧_∧  (▓▓▓▓▓ )   Making shitty posts as Anonymous again, eh?
   ( ▓▓▓▓▓) /   ⌒i   
   /   \     | |       
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |          
__(__ニつ/ DELL  / .| .|____
    \/____/ (u ⊃

33 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-14 14:28 ID:CMZV/7Cq


   ( ´_ゝ`) 
   /   \    
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ 
__(__ニつ/ DELL  / ____

    ∧_∧  (´<_`  )   Install Linux, problem solved
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i   
   /   \     | |       
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |          
__(__ニつ/ DELL  / .| .|____
    \/____/ (u ⊃

              γー ―二⊃}ニっ〉 slapslapslap
             / `` ̄二ー⊃}っ〉 slapslapslap
            / / /_―−ー⊃∧_∧
           / / 、一―_− ̄⊃) − ))>`)
    ∧_∧  ///一ー ̄ __つ}/__⌒i
    ( ´_ゝ`)ノノ∠、、ー-_ーー_二一 ̄ _) |
   /      二ー−` ̄_二_三ー‐⌒⊃} |
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/二_―二二一_ー_)  | |
__(__ニつ/ DELL  /ー_‐ー-二つ}___  .| .|
    \/____/              (u ⊃

34 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-15 08:26 ID:28G8UFGh

>>33 bald same

35 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-15 09:03 ID:Heaven

   ( ´_ゝ`) what
   /   \    
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ 
__(__ニつ/  >>34  / ____

36 Name: 34 2005-08-15 13:12 ID:28G8UFGh

   ( ´_ゝ`) what
   /   \    
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ 
__(__ニつ/  >>禿同  / ____

37 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-15 13:19 ID:Heaven

   ( ´_ゝ`) hage?
   /   \    
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ 
__(__ニつ/  DELL / ____

38 Name: = 。= 2005-08-15 13:44 ID:Heaven

【禿同】 Hage-dou

     , -'~ ̄ ̄ ̄~`ー、 
     /      ゚ ○ ヽ
    |  = 三 =  oヾ、
   l|.  ,-―'、 >ー--、 l;;l、
   i^|  -<・> |.| <・>-  b |
   .||    ̄ |.|  ̄    .|/   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    .|    /(oo) ヽ   |  .< 激しく同意 ⇒ 激同 ⇒ 禿同
     |    ____    /    \___________
      ヽ ´ ニ  `, /
        ` ー-― '

39 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-16 13:55 ID:Heaven

   ( ´_ゝ`) Japanese puns are weird
   /   \    
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ 
__(__ニつ/  DELL / ____

40 Name: = 。= 2005-08-23 14:17 ID:Heaven

       ((_      r´   `ヽ  <SEED DESTINY
     〃´   `ヽ  (,,人ヽヽ!リ    dayona Shinn-ja.
     i .( (( ))ノ  リ.゚ヮ ゚ノ从
     W ゚ー゚ノ    /  ⌒i
    /    \  /   | |
    /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ .| |
  __(__ニつ/  DELL /_| |____
     \/____/  (u ⊃

41 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-27 03:50 ID:yJhZygFt

       \        | |
          \     | |
             \   | |
                \| |
                  | | Well, this is another fine mess you've gotten us into.
                  | |         ∧_∧
                  | |  ∧_∧  (`<_´  )Shut the fuck up.
⌒⌒⌒  〜〜      | |  ( ´_ゝ`) /    ⌒i
    ⌒⌒     〜   | | /   \     | |     〜〜
 〜〜  〜〜       | |./    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ | 〜〜     ⌒⌒
   ________| |(__ニつ/  FMV  / .| .|____  〜〜
⌒ (0);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|\| |  \/____/ (u ⊃ \;;)__〜    ⌒⌒⌒
〜〜 (0);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|  | |ヽ                 \;;)__⌒⌒⌒  〜〜
      (0);;;;;;;;;;;;;;\|_| | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄.|;;;;;;;)__ ⌒    〜〜
⌒⌒ 〜〜 (0);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\|.____________|;;;;;;;;;;;;;)__ 〜〜〜〜
〜     〜  (0);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;) __
  ⌒⌒⌒  〜〜 (0);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;) ⌒⌒ 〜〜
〜〜  ⌒    〜〜  〜⌒  ⌒⌒⌒    ⌒⌒    〜〜  ⌒⌒⌒ 〜 〜
        〜〜     〜〜   ⌒⌒   〜〜         〜〜     〜
〜〜  ⌒    〜〜  〜⌒  ⌒⌒⌒    ⌒⌒    〜〜  ⌒⌒⌒ 〜 〜

42 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-28 06:15 ID:Heaven

Awesome Illusion of Gaia ref

43 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-29 00:51 ID:9/UYrw9D

Why didn't you ever get married, brother?
    ∧_∧  (´<_`  )   Because I like meat too much.
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i   
   /   \     | |       
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |          
__(__ニつ/  AGE  / .| .|____
    \/____/ (u ⊃

44 Name: (-_-)さん!aHikkyNoyo 2005-08-29 06:54 ID:Heaven

        (-_-) . . .
      /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
    / ___/  DELL /
  /   \/____/

45 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-29 07:34 ID:Heaven

    ∧_∧  (-_-  )   
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i   
   /   \     | |       
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |          
__(__ニつ/ HAGE  / .| .|____
    \/____/ (u ⊃

46 Name: (-_-)さん!aHikkyNoyo 2005-08-29 07:49 ID:Heaven

        (-_-) nevermind...
      /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
    / ___/  DELL /
  /   \/____/

47 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-30 07:18 ID:Heaven

    ∧_∧  (-_-  )   
   ( -_-) /   ⌒i   
   /   \     | |       
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |          
__(__ニつ/ HIKI  / .| .|____
    \/____/ (u ⊃

48 Name: (-_-)さん!aHikkyNoyo 2005-08-30 08:57 ID:Heaven

          |    uhm... hello... there... . . .
        (-_-) / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
        (∩∩)/  DELL /───────────
      /  \/____/

49 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-31 22:18 ID:Heaven

>>48 ZOMG! Progress!

50 Name: (-_-)さん!aHikkyNoyo 2005-09-01 12:03 ID:Heaven

          |     as long as you're on the internet  
          |    i can pretend i'm only pretending you
        (-_-) / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
        (∩∩)/  DELL /───────────
      /  \/____/

51 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-07 11:58 ID:Heaven

                             , ィ    ノ!
                          ,/ /:::::! }!  /::l
                       i、 j:{/::::::::レ/ '":::::::l  ,.ィ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                       }:::Y::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::j/:::/< Sasuga dayona Misa sha!
                     ヾ:v:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/   \_________
                      _j::∧/´ ̄`!::::::::::::::::::::::::::Z,   ,ィ'´  ___
                      Y_  __  j_;;;:::::::::::::::::::::∠ノ_,ノム‐ '"/ ̄\
                      {.} k{.}ジ ,r `V:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::∠,__
                      く´.、`~´ j:!   !}!ヘ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::< ̄`\
          { ̄\      __{‐_-_-‐''"/ 7 /U !::::::::\::::::::\::\:::`ヽ- 、
             >,、_}   /´ ̄ ̄くー‐ ''/ // {Y} j::::::::ヽ::\::::::::\::\::::\ \
          ヽ'         / ̄/:ヾ二  //    ハ:::::::::::::::::::ヽ::::::::::\::\::::\ \
 ____            / ̄ ̄/::::く_/:::i{`Tヽ   }:::::::!::::::::::::::ヽ:::::::::::\:::::::::::\
_| ̄''−,,_,,  ̄ − ,,_    Shit!  ,r= 三 三ニ= :::::::::Mn、  ,」:::::::::!::::::::::::::i :::::::::::ヽ:::::::::::::::::::>
 ̄"''‐ 、,|    /|     ,. r=ァ'´/ / =、 `ヽミYf´=ミ、 .トrヘ}:::::::::l :::::::::::::l ::::::::::::::ヽ:::::::::::::{
,,−'" ̄l|    | |   ///Y //   ! ! ! ヽ ∨!l=ミ 、ヽ ::::::::::::! :::i :::::::l :::::::::::::::::ヽ:::::::「
      ||    | |  // // .! !l ! l ll l l  ',  V|lヽヽ ヽ ', :::::::::::::V::l :::::::l :::::::::::::i ::::::::::::!
___||    | |  ! l // .! !l l ! ll '、ヽ l.  l !! l ll  l l ::::::::::l:::| :::::::| :::::::::::::! ::::::::/ 
,___,| |    | | .! l/ll   ! ll从 八从 ヽ__ヽ!  l/! ! !!  ! i ヽ:::r-|:::| :::::::! ::::::::::::::::::::::{ 
 ̄ ̄ ̄||    | | ll l! ll.  l l!!lイ砂   イ砂ァl  l/! ! !!  ! !  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
三三三||    | | || l! !!  | | |l `¨    ¨´ |  ! l l ||  | |.< I've mistaken to kill >>***
三三三||    | | || !! !l  | | |ハ、 ‘__  u /!  ! l l ||  l l  \____________
三三三||     `'| N从 '、 | | || 心、‘=’ ,.イ|_l  l l l / // ― 、>:::::::/>:リ_j:::::::::        
___|_j_____j! .八 ヽヽl | |ムノ;;:`¨´::::::;;ィl  !、_/_ //:/  >::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
二二二二二二二〕‐ ,,_  X´ ';l l ト-゚。、`¨¨¨´。゚ ! // // `ヽ /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ,′  l l l   ゚。    。゚ l// //    ', :::::::::::::/>:::::::::::::::::::::
               .| !    N ヽ-、 ゚。  。゚ ,..//ー'/    ! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
               .| |  ,rg|;;;::::.:.:.:.ヽ゚。゚/.:.:.:.:::::;;l、 ,.rg、 | :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
               .|ムgf爻f;;;;;;:::.:.:.:. Y .:.:.:.::::::::;;;;;;!爻癶fタ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::

52 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-10-04 10:35 ID:Heaven

    |             |                ♪
    |             |    ♪
    |             |                           ♪
__ノ              |    _     ♪       
| |                    |   /\__ヽ
ヽ二二 ヽ -―- 、         |   /  /(◎)
_____/ /" ̄ヽヽ____∧_∧ /     
   /  / _∧_∧ l    (´<_` )⌒ヽ、
   |  |/( ´_ゝ`) |     / /   ̄\ \ 
   ヽi⌒ ̄_/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ (__二とニ二二__)   ♪
    \ ヽ_/ DELL  /\                         ♪
       \\::::::::::::::::: \\
        \\::::::::::::::::: \\         ♪
          \\ ⌒ヽ/⌒ヽ)
              ヽ-ゝ、 \ゝ、 \     
               \ \.\ \ _ mm                     
                `ヽ ヽ、`ヽ /  ,'
                 〈__つ ヽ__ノ

53 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-11-05 00:16 ID:Md9YXhH6

              ⊂ n) / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/\ ●ー;;;
           ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | / OI∀∧ /⊂ニ ̄) ̄
                 | /______./     /
                | |     \   _ /
                ヽ  _  / (、< , ;) So here we are in Australia.
                ( 、 ゝ,)  ∨ ̄∨
                 ∨ ̄∨ oi mate

54 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-11-05 00:41 ID:Ih9ZXnAE

This is so me right now.

55 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-11-05 02:38 ID:feEfdR2L

  The world is being attacked
  by animal-named enemies!
              ∧_∧     Quick!
      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) ∠ Call GIGANTOR!
     ( ´_ゝ`)    /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. |     
 ̄ ̄| /   ./   FMV  /. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ||| |       ⌒ ̄

56 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-11-27 08:25 ID:Heaven

  / ̄ \    /   <`O
  0⌒>   ヽ  ⊂ニニニ⊃
    ⊂ニニニ⊃ (´<_`  ) 
   ( ´_ゝ`) /ヽ。/~⌒i  
   /~ヽ。/~\  。  .| |
  / ,  。/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/.| |
__(__.0つ/  X'mas / |__|____
    \/____/ (u ⊃

57 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-11-29 13:17 ID:Heaven

       /⌒彡 /冫、)))
      / 冫、). _| ` ((((
      /  ` /ノ   ⌒))) 
    /   \(・人・ ノ| |(
    /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
  __(__ニつ/  DELL / .| .|____
      \/       / (u ⊃ 

58 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-11-29 13:17 ID:Heaven

       /⌒彡 /冫、)))
      / 冫、). _| ` ((((
      /  ` /ノ   ⌒))) 
    /   \(・人・ ノ| |(
    /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
  __(__ニつ/  DELL / .| .|____
      \/       / (u ⊃ 

59 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-12-04 15:28 ID:E0si5ONK

Well this is interesting...look what i found.
     ∧_∧  (´<_`  )∠Hmmmmm...that looks familar.
バン   ( #´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  
 バン ∩   \     | |  
    / /ミ  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
  __(__ニつ/  DQN  / .| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃

60 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-12-15 21:21 ID:ecq1mLgz

              ⊂ n) / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/\ ●ー;;;
           ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | / OI∀∧ /⊂ニ ̄) ̄
                 | /______./     /
                | |     \   _ /
                ヽ  _  / (、< , ;) '!elejtsn∀ u! aje am ajay oS
                ( 、 ゝ,)  ∨ ̄∨
                 ∨ ̄∨ atew !o

61 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-31 15:16 ID:QzIzK4Y6

       / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       | where the fuck is my laptop?
                      / ̄ ̄ \ damfino.
      /\     _. /  ̄ ̄\  |_____.|     / ̄\
     /| ̄ ̄|\/_ ヽ |____ |∩(´<_`;||┘  | ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄|
   / ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄|  (´_ゝ` ; ||┘ _ユ_II___ | ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄|
   / ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄|( ” つつ[三≡_[----─゚   ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄|
  / ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄| ⌒\⌒\  ||  / ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄|
 / ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄] \_)_)..||| | ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄
              ̄ ̄        /|\

62 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-01 12:49 ID:QzIzK4Y6

   SASUGA                     WORLD          TIME
     ∞       O x 00          1-1          ∞
.  ____________________________
  |゚  _ _ ._     ._                              ゚|
  | 〈_ -l | || | | ゙̄l l ,-| | ̄〉                           |
  |  l_〉ヽ_ノ |_|‐' .l '‐| |_|l_〉                            |
  |      _    ̄  .__ .__ _   _    _  _   _.         |
  |  i" ゙̄l ./ ._ ゙、 .i" ゙̄l | ‖ |/  ゙、 / _ ゙、 .| ._ ゙l | ._ ゙l. / _, ゙、 i" ゙̄l   |
  |  ゙_ !‐' | l_l | ゙_ !‐' | ‖ || |l__l | l_l | | |.〉,l | |.〉,l | .l l | ゙_ !‐'    |
  |  l ゙i  | | ._ .| l ゙i  | | ‖ || |_, l | ._ .| | l.〉゙l | |.i ゙l | .l_l | l ゙i  |    |
  |  ゙、_/ |__| |__| ゙、_/ ゙、_/'、_/ |__| |__| |_||__l |_|.|_,| ゙、_/ ゙、_/ ロ .|
  |。                                           。|
.   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄© 1985 MINTENDO ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 OK. Let's go fix the toilet.         You do it. I'm tired...
  ∧─∧         1 PLAYER  GAME                ∧─∧
  (__(A)⊃         l> 2 PLAYER  GAME           ⊂(O)__)
  ( ´_ゝ`)/⌒\                               (´<_` )
  ( ||_|| )。゚;:;:;:;。;:;\    TOP - 000000         _ "゙i, "゙ ( ||_|| )
  |゜T ゜|;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:\                   ,":.:.'`:.:.'`:.:. | ゜T ゜|
  (__)__);:;:;:;:;:;:。;:;:;:;:;:;:;\                   `i:.:.:.、:.:.:.:.:.:(__(__)
 ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.
 ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.ロ| ̄.

63 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-01 12:53 ID:QzIzK4Y6

 Where do I go?
.   ∧-ヘ   (_(O)__)
   (__(A)_) (´<_`;) You need to jump in that big
   (´_ゝ`) ,// /⌒i  tube thing right next to you.
 _(゚ョ」l/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_i |_
   \/___/ ヽ⊃

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