The Adventures of the Sasuga Brothers (227)

1 Name: FRRRRAP 2005-05-19 00:35 ID:Heaven

@@@@@ @_||@
@@@@ @(Ό| It's high time we started an
@@@@@ / /@English language thread!@
@@@@@/ / @Ι@
@@@@ / /@@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@That's cool...but what's this
@@@@/ /QΘ @@@iL<_M @j@Ϊ @about "adventures"? You
@@ @/ / L_T`j @@@/@@άi@@@@never leave the house.@@@@@
P_b@ @/PPPPP/@b
PP||@@./ @zOMG@@/@.|@|
“c|@|@_QQQjj_@@ iu@½
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

@@Stop splitting hairs.
@@It's just a figure of speech.
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ΘQΘ@@@@@Whatever. Oh snap, your
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j@Ϊ@browser just crashed again.
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@LOL@@/. |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

@@@@@N...not again
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ iL<_M @j@Ϊ@Way to pick
@@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@/@@άi@@@@porn sites, dumbass!
P_@ ^i@B/PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@x_x@@@/. |@| @@@
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

178 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2013-08-11 13:48 ID:aGsn6c4I

Nice work guys

179 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2013-08-15 21:32 ID:Ffs8FhQV

@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j@
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ xchan@@ /. |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

180 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2013-08-21 16:22 ID:qNM8Q9J+

@@@@@@@@@@@ ΘQΘ
@@@@@ΘQΘ @iL<_M @j
@@@@ i@L_T`j@/@@ άi@@
@@@ /@@ @@@|@|@@@|@|
@ Q_(__ƂQ@|Q|@@@|@|QQQQ
@ @@@@@@@@@@@@iu@½

181 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2013-08-21 22:12 ID:qNM8Q9J+

@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M@j@@ƒ@Hey, Anija, what're you looking for today?
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ Jobhunter /. |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

@@@@@Since this place is going down the shitter and mum
@@@@@@will kick us out soon, I've started looking for a job
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M@j@@
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ Jobhunter /. |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP


@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M@j@@ƒ@And, what did you find?
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ Jobhunter /. |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M@j@@ƒ@c
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ Jobhunter /. |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

@@@@@A...Another browser crasher...
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ iL<_M# j@
@@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@/@@άi@@@@
P_@ ^i@B/PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./lolercoaster /. |@| @@@
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

182 Name: V&M& : 2013-08-29 01:17 ID:lBybjjcI

@@@@@W...w..wait, brother is that gay porn... of us?
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ iL<_M# j@
@@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@/@@άi@@@@
P_@ ^i@B/PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./lolercoaster /. |@| @@@
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

183 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2013-10-12 21:34 ID:NQjQfc/U

"If female cats are called pussycats, then why
are male cats called tomcats? They should be
called dickcats instead".
@@@@@@@ Ι
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ iL<_M@ j@
@@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@/@@άi@@@@
P_@ ^i@B/PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@FMV@ ./. |@| @@@
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@ |@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@FMV@ ./ . |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

Tumblr is so fucking gay.
@@@@@@@ Ι
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j Ϊ For once, I agree with you.
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@ |@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@FMV@ ./ . |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

184 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2013-10-16 12:26 ID:Ubgo4Aqu

@@@@What do you think about this, brother?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@ |@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@FMV@ ./ . |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

185 Name: CζRL+ˆ & ˆζsinn : 2013-10-16 19:20 ID:U/nJRAYs

@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j Ϊ I don't think, I feel.
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@ |@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@FMV@ ./ . |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@ |@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@FMV@ ./ . |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @ˆζˆζ
P_@ ˆζˆζPPPP/.@ |@@@@@
PP| ˆζ@./TANASINN./ . |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

186 Name: Italia-kun : 2014-09-20 20:00 ID:8PwIx5Ml

@@@@@@@@@@@ ΘQΘ
@@@@@m@(š)@n @<MΝL˜€@>@Ϊ
@@@@ < ˜€L„D`>@/@@ άi
@@@@^@@@_@ @@@|@|
@@@ /@@ @/PPPP/@|
@ Q_(__Ζ>/@ FMV@ / .| .|QQQQ
@ @@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@>

187 Name: Italia-kun : 2014-09-20 20:16 ID:8PwIx5Ml


188 Name: Italia-kun : 2014-09-20 20:26 ID:Heaven

Wow! This is a cool website made by the Saitama guys! It's got tons of NSFW content!
@@@@@@@ Ι
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j Ϊ Really?
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@ |@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@FMV@ ./ . |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP
@@@@@@@ Ι
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@ |@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@FMV@ ./ . |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP
Hmm... Uhh... Ehh...
@@@@@@@ Ι
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j Ϊ ...
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@ |@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@FMV@ ./ . |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP
@@@@@@@ Ι
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL„DM @j
@@@@@i@ ίΝ ίj@@@ /@@άi@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@ |@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@FMV@ ./ . |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

189 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2014-09-20 20:58 ID:Heaven

Wow! This is a cool website made by the Saitama guys! It's got tons of NSFW content!
@@@@@@@ Ι
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j Ϊ Really?
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@ |@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@FMV@ ./ . |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP
@@@@@@@ Ι
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@ |@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@FMV@ ./ . |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP
Hmm... Uhh... Ehh...
@@@@@@@ Ι
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j Ϊ ...
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@ |@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@FMV@ ./ . |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP
@@@@@@@ Ι
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL„DM @j
@@@@@i@ ίΝ ίj@@@ /@@άi@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@ |@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@FMV@ ./ . |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

190 Name: Nida : 2014-09-21 20:36 ID:8PwIx5Ml

@@@ ΘQΘ @iL<_M @j@So what do we do with itH
@@@i@L_T`j@/@@ άi@@
@@ ^@@@_ / @@@|@|
@@/ @@ _,,..,,,,,_@@@ @|@|
Q_(__Ζ‚Β ,' 3@ `R°‚Α .| .|QQQQ
@@@@ l@@ ½@ά_‚iu@½

191 Name: ‚a‚n‚j‚t@‘@‚g‚d‚s‚`‚k‚h‚` : 2014-09-22 00:42 ID:Heaven

>>2 you are sage o.o

192 Name: ... : 2014-09-24 23:40 ID:8PwIx5Ml

@@@@@@ @@@@@@/))j
@@@@@@@@@@@ /@/@@F
@ @@@poop!!@@ /@/@@@ @F,
@@@@@@@@@@/@/@@@@ @F,
@@@@iQ_j @/@/@@@@@@@@ F,
@@@ .iQQj /@/@@@@@@@@@@F,
@@@.i,,EΝEj@ /@@@@@@@ @ €@.l
@@@|/@‚χQ_/@@@@RR@@@@ iQ_j@@Άή―! >>1-191
@@@L@R ^.@|@@@@@R@ƒjŽO .iQQj@..lΘ__,ΘΏ
@@@QΎ |Q__|@@@@@@@@ @ .iQQQj<@ >M„DLj./
@@ [QQQQ]Q@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .V/@@@ /
@/QQQQQ_R_R @@@@@@ @@@@@@@ /@ /@./
@|QQQQQQ|Q|@@@@@@@@@@@@@ iQ_,jQj
/‘‘‘R= /P/

193 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2015-02-07 21:48 ID:bKp64GPW

Today I wrote a bash script..
@@@@@@@V @@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j@@ƒ@I bet you feel like a hacker now..
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@ |@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@UNIX@ / . |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

194 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2015-08-01 01:14 ID:69kl0M5B

@@@@Goddamnit... there's nothing good left
@@@@@@@@@@@ ΘQΘ
@@@@@ @@@ @@iL<_M @j@ΪYou've been hunching down for years!
@ @@@@ ΘQΘ /@@ άi@@@@
@@@ /@@ @/PPPP/@|
@ Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@@SJIS@/ .| .|QQQQ
@ @@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½

@@@ ΘQΘ @iL<_M @j@ ΪThat hurt?@
@ ƒ°i@L_T`j@/@@ άi @@
@@ ^@@@_@ @@@|@| @@@@@@
@@/@@ @/PPPP/@| @@@@@@@@@
Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ FMV@ / .| .|QQQQ
@@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½

195 Post deleted.

196 Post deleted.

197 Post deleted.

198 Name: Copy and past : 2018-03-15 14:59 ID:v6Z/NsgC

@G..g..Goddamnit... /B/ is filled with traps.....
@@@@@@@@@@@ ΘQΘ
@@@@@ @@@ @@iL<_M @j@Ϊ Your never gonna get a girl!
@ @@@@ ΘQΘ /@@ άi@@@@
@@@ /@@ @/PPPP/@|
@ Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@4CHAN@/ .| .|QQQQ
@ @@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½

199 Name: Copy and past : 2018-03-15 15:00 ID:v6Z/NsgC

@G..g..Goddamnit... /B/ is filled with traps.....
@@@@@@@@@@@ ΘQΘ
@@@@@ @@@ @@iL<_M @j@Ϊ Your never gonna get a girl!
@ @@@@ ΘQΘ /@@ άi@@@@
@@@ /@@ @/PPPP/@|
@ Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@4CHAN@/ .| .|QQQQ
@ @@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½

200 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2018-05-06 13:16 ID:USVIn/+O

OK, >>200 GET.
@@@ ΘQΘ @iL<_M @j@As expected of us.
@@@i@L_T`j@/@@ άi
@@ ^@@@_./ @@@|@|
@@/@@ @/PPPP/@|
Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ FMV@ / .| .|QQQQ
@@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½

201 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2018-05-06 13:17 ID:USVIn/+O

Look, I can doodle on this smartphone app.
@@@ ΘQΘ @iL<_M @j@The phone doesn't bend, right?
@@@i@L_T`j@/@@ άi
@@ ^@@@_ / @@ |@|
@@/@@ Q@„ @@@ |@|
Q_(__Ζ‚Β /@„ QQ |@|
@@@ @P@@@@@@iu@½

202 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2018-05-06 13:20 ID:USVIn/+O

OK, Screenshot GET.
@@@@@ΘQ’ @ iL<_M @j@Anija, there's a Print Screen button right there.
@@@@ i@r[ί߁‚ƁR/@@ άi
@@@@^/ /PP Ɂ@ @@|@|
@@@ /_/@/PPPP/@|@|
@ Q_l..Q/@ FMV @/Q|@|QQQQ
@ @@_/QQQQ/@ iu@½

203 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2018-05-06 13:29 ID:USVIn/+O

Why do we use the desktop computer so much here?
@@@ ΘQΘ @iL<_M @j@Lack of resources.
@@@i@L_T`j@/@@ άi
@@ ^@@@_./ @@@|@|
@@/@@ @/PPPP/@|
Q_(__Ζ‚Β/ ThinkPad/ .| .|QQQQ
@@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½

204 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2018-05-06 14:47 ID:jAIsO7NL

If you sign up,
You can earn much money and travel for free.

205 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2018-05-14 14:52 ID:USVIn/+O

Does that mean we'll get to see hot girls too?
@@@ ΘQΘ @iL<_M @j@I think that's just spam.
@@@i@L_T`j@/@@ άi
@@ ^@@@_./ @@@|@|
@@/@@ @/PPPP/@|
Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ FMV@ / .| .|QQQQ
@@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½

206 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2019-02-06 20:10 ID:leTAYAkP

Think 4-ch will ever make a comeback?
@@@@@ΘQ’ @ iL<_M @j@Of course it will. Just watch.
@@@@ i@r[ί߁‚ƁR/@@ άi
@@@@^/ /PP Ɂ@ @@|@|
@@@ /_/@/PPPP/@|@|
@ Q_l..Q/@ FMV @/Q|@|QQQQ
@ @@_/QQQQ/@ iu@½

207 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2019-03-17 02:16 ID:gkOZbVN5

@@@ ΘQΘ @iL<_M @j@ <......
@@@i@L_T`j@/@@ άi
@@ ^@@@_./ @@@|@|
@@/@@ @/PPPP/@|
Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ e@ / .| .|QQQQ
@@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½

208 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2019-04-26 17:26 ID:P7tz+js+

One of us is gay?!
@@@@@@@@@@@ ΘQΘ
@@@@@ @@@ @@iL<_M @j@Ϊ It's you.
@ @@@@ ΘQΘ /@@ άi@@@@
@@@ /@@ @/PPPP/@|
@ Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@Fbook@/ .| .|QQQQ
@ @@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½

209 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2019-06-18 23:29 ID:Jn5QEVLa

@i love lain i cant wait to get into LFE.....
@@@@@@@@@@@ ΘQΘ
@@@@@ @@@ @@iL<_M @j@Ϊ ......
@ @@@@ ΘQΘ /@@ άi@@@@
@@@ /@@ @/PPPP/@|
@ Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ŒŽCHAN@/ .| .|QQQQ
@ @@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½

210 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2019-06-18 23:30 ID:Jn5QEVLa

i accidentally used text art and didnt even notice
see yall in the next life 4-ch

211 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2020-05-28 21:29 ID:XmZ9OecS

Yo, wassup with that brother Sasuga C? He swear he real
@@@ ΘQΘ @iL<_M @j@ƒ@Yo the brother don't swear he's real, he KNOWS he's real!
@@@i@L_T`j@/@@ άi
@@ ^@@@_./ @@@|@|
@@/@@ @/PPPP/@|
Q_(__Ζ‚Β/Facebook/ .| .|QQQQ
@@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½
Watch them asses move as the masses switches
System dissed them but barely missed her
My sole intention to save my brothers and sisters

212 Name: HOW IS 4-CH STILL ALIVE : 2020-07-18 23:45 ID:yrcw3MAA

It's been 15 years since this thread started and people are still active. Nice.

213 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2020-07-19 01:11 ID:Heaven

It's not like there's any content that'll get 4-ch taken down.
@@@ ΘQΘ @iL<_M @j@Especially when /img/ is down.
@@@i@L_T`j@/@@ άi
@@ ^@@@_ / @@ |@|
@@/@@ Q@„ @@@ |@|
Q_(__Ζ‚Β /@„ QQ |@|
@@@ @P@@@@@@iu@½

214 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-01-23 15:08 ID:SRKxH4mO

@@@@@@@@@@@@ ΘQΘ
@@@@@ @@@ @@iL<_M @j@Ϊ ƒhƒLƒ…ƒ“ww
@ @@@@ ΘQΘ /@@ άi@@@@
@@@ /@@ @/PPPP/@|
@ Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ 2channel@/ .| .|QQQQ
@ @@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½@@

215 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-02-02 19:09 ID:VPSmGcJs

I missed this thread. Wonder if a new character will ever appear...

216 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-02-12 11:54 ID:OwITlp7X

I'd like to welcome our new character, >>215-san
Due to the mounting internet bill, they could only stay for one night.
@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL< _M @j@Ϊ@Sasuga da na, Anija
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@NEC@@/. |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

217 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-02-13 06:37 ID:Heaven

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ r€. iR
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@_,,. -„Ÿ„Ÿ]-i Rj@j@@@@@@@l˜Έl__˜Έ˜Έl__˜Έll__˜Έ
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@R°-€,.-''".:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::R @@@@@ ƒm@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@R
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@,.-M'.::.........^;::::::::::::::::;:..... : ::::RR@@ @ƒ@@BU[[[[[[NIII @„
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@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ '/_;:^/:;/^,.r,€ "'°"@,r,°€R::R:::::L,@@ @@ YάYWάYάWWάάYWάL@@///)
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@,._____,. -''"!;/::;'_/i'-;i@@@@ i-';;;R_i;;:T:::‚­@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@_,.-]'7/,€ /)
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@M°;;;::::::::::::::;;;;;' TM-'@,@@@ T-' )`!;;;‚­::::‚΅@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@,. -]''"/@@/°' / '/
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M°€__@T_,.->€@ R_,. -]'"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ i:.@@o@@@@@,. '@_,. '::i @M`'].€
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@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ iM°- '"__.^@@@@ ::i@l,..- '@@!@.^
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@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@_i-€ @ l@/./@@@@@@ @ @ @ , '
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@M°-l_!/@@@@@@@@@ @, '
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/@@@@@@@@ @ , '@R
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /@@@@@@ @ @ , '@@@ _

218 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-02-19 00:22 ID:cllYi+fd

@@@ ΘQΘ @
@@@i@L_T`j@why are the fans so loud? i wonder if there's something inside...
@@ ^@@@_@ @@
@@/@@ @/PPPP/@
Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ DELL@/ QQQQ
@@@ _/QQQQ/@

219 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-02-26 16:18 ID:64nzhS0U

@@@ ΘQΘ @
@@@i@^Ν^j@<( This is so funny. )
@@ ^@@@_@ @@
@@/@@ @/PPPP/@
Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ DELL@/ QQQQ
@@@ _/QQQQ/@

220 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2024-02-13 00:48 ID:4ZvBBY5e

.@@@@@@@@@iL<_M @j@Let me just fix my arm here...
@@@@ ΘQΘ /@@ άi
@@ ^i@B@B)_@@.|@|
@@/@@ @/PPPP/@|
Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ FMV@ / .| .|QQQQ
@@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½

221 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2024-04-05 23:53 ID:onaG3er4


@@@ ΘQΘ @
@@@i@L_T`j@oh, its just a cutted finger inside of the laptop...ok
@@ ^@@@_@ @@
@@/@@ @/PPPP/@
Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ DELL@/ QQQQ
@@@ _/QQQQ/@

222 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2024-04-16 00:13 ID:GF68ENd4


223 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2024-04-30 02:32 ID:2sGy/YOq

I hear there are women on the internet
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ΘQΘ@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j@Ϊ@Horseshit. Just an urban legend
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ Gateway@/. |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

224 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2024-05-11 20:18 ID:cCwTORAl

you know? >>223 is saying the actual truth, no one is a woman until it is proven otherwise.
@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL< _M @j@Ϊ@soo it works in reverse too, then you are a girl now.
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@ASS@@/. |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

225 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2024-05-13 02:32 ID:J2NeOKOE

That type of logic doesn't make sense... HOLD THE PHONE, WHERE'S MY PENIS
@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@ iL<_M @j@Ϊ@If the internet wishes it, it becomes reality
@@@@@i@BB@j@@@ /@@άi@@@@and it wished you to be a girl
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ Goatse@@/. |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

226 Name: ƒ[ƒŠ[‚³‚ρ !smz6IUT2D2 : 2024-08-11 08:15 ID:Heaven

@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ^άR @@@ iL<_MG@j@Ϊ@Who is this guy?
@@@@@i@OƒΦOj@@@ /@@άi@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ VIPPER@@/. |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

227 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2024-09-21 22:57 ID:Heaven

Who? What do you mean? As wished, I became a beautiful woman!
@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ΘQΘ@@@@@
@@@@@ ^άR @@@ iL<_MG@j@Ϊ@I am simply enamored...
@@@@@i@OΝOj@@@ /@@άi@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ HOMOSEX/. |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP
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