O' CANADA (79)

1 Name: canadian : 2006-04-21 03:32 ID:ChjF222b

i would like to know how many canadian people using this 4ch eh?
(゜_ゝ゜)go canada eh? eh? eh?

54 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-09 15:34 ID:tdXuW/Ix


         <<< >>>
        ( ゜_ゝ゜) Pourquoi est-ce que tous les deux vous ne vont pas porc
        / つ_つ  que les chiens vont mise à mort vous-même ? N'importe
       .人  Y    qui qui ne peut pas parler français devrait mourir !

55 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-09 15:41 ID:Heaven

  ( ゜_ゝ゜) Whoa jeez, this is some hateful stuff, eh?
  (    )  
  | | |

56 Name: 49 53 : 2006-09-10 00:51 ID:S/+N4lTn

I'm sorry

57 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-09-10 08:32 ID:dfklxGiP

>>53 日本鬼子可以回地獄了!!! 快快死!!!

58 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-16 23:53 ID:Heaven

                  < `∀´*>
                 と  と ノ
                と  と ノ

         ∩_∧∩ 彡
         /丿゜_ゝ゜) Goodbye there
     .   /     /
 _,,..-―'"⌒"~⌒"~ ゙゙̄"'''ョ
゙~,,,....-=-‐√"゙゙T"~ ̄Y"゙=ミ
T  |   l,_,,/\ ,,/l  |
,.-r '"l\,,j  /  |/  L,,,/
,,/|,/\,/ _,|\_,i_,,,/ /
_V\ ,,/\,|  ,,∧,,|_/

59 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-23 19:08 ID:DTg9DyI9

                  < `∀´*> I DEMAND APOROGY
                 と  と ノ JUUUUUuuuuuu..........
                と  と ノ

         ∩_∧∩ 彡
         /丿゜_ゝ゜) Take off, eh?
     .   /     /
 _,,..-―'"⌒"~⌒"~ ゙゙̄"'''ョ
゙~,,,....-=-‐√"゙゙T"~ ̄Y"゙=ミ
T  |   l,_,,/\ ,,/l  |
,.-r '"l\,,j  /  |/  L,,,/
,,/|,/\,/ _,|\_,i_,,,/ /
_V\ ,,/\,|  ,,∧,,|_/

60 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-09-23 21:12 ID:dfklxGiP

                  ( ゜_ゝ゜)
                 と  と ノ
                と  と ノ

         ∩_∧∩ 彡
         /丿;`ハ´) 再見了
     .   /     /
 _,,..-―'"⌒"~⌒"~ ゙゙̄"'''ョ
゙~,,,....-=-‐√"゙゙T"~ ̄Y"゙=ミ
T  |   l,_,,/\ ,,/l  |
,.-r '"l\,,j  /  |/  L,,,/
,,/|,/\,/ _,|\_,i_,,,/ /
_V\ ,,/\,|  ,,∧,,|_/

61 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-09-24 16:59 ID:Heaven

                  ( ;`ハ´) WHERE'S MY $800
                 と  と ノ BIIIIIIiiiii........
                と  と ノ

         ∩_∧∩ 彡
         /丿´_⊃`) It's at the bottom of the gorge
     .   /     /  with Nida and Gordon, dude.
 _,,..-―'"⌒"~⌒"~ ゙゙̄"'''ョ
゙~,,,....-=-‐√"゙゙T"~ ̄Y"゙=ミ
T  |   l,_,,/\ ,,/l  |
,.-r '"l\,,j  /  |/  L,,,/
,,/|,/\,/ _,|\_,i_,,,/ /
_V\ ,,/\,|  ,,∧,,|_/

62 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-25 11:58 ID:iGRDEPno


63 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-25 15:11 ID:Heaven

[aa]  ∧_∧  
 ( ゜_ゝ゜)  
 (    )
 | | |   eh?
 (__)_) [/aa]
im from england

64 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-25 15:16 ID:Heaven

[aa]  ∧_∧  
 ( ゜_ゝ゜)  
 (    )
 | | |   ...yes all english people have the [aa] [/aa] thing
 (__)_) [/aa]

65 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-25 15:19 ID:h9hqf/at

 ( ゜_ゝ゜)  
 (    )
 | | |   That's a lie and you know it! Stop trying to defame the english!

66 Name: evil han chinese : 2006-10-12 17:56 ID:q+umVn6P



67 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-14 18:16 ID:DTGsefgm


that's pretty kickin' rad man

68 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-15 18:42 ID:Cyhb80te

>>66 I have no idea what anything in that blog meant....

69 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-10-16 12:17 ID:RzlBUz9M

 ( ゜_ゝ゜)  Oh hey, go back to Vancouver already. 
 (    ) This is a Canadian language thread, eh? 
 | | |  

70 Name: carn : 2006-11-23 23:02 ID:iRC2694A

I am starting to think alberta is the best place to be, just remember evil han, western canada does not like eastern canada to much, so there is always a place for someone here. eh?

71 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-11-24 08:56 ID:N6o531v5

 ( ゜_ゝ゜)  Is that what you think, eh?
 (    ) I love eastern Canada.
 | | |  

72 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-06 08:01 ID:Heaven

        ,.ィ' ";;;;;;;;`ヽ、
.      /;;;;;;;;;{'i、;;;{、;;{、;;;;;;;;;}
      {;;;;;i'vv_l`、| ヽ|ヾ、;;;リ  ∧ ,.,
      ヾ、|´iテt`  ゥォ~レ'  /.〉'´/
       !_l. `‐'   '-' /_j  〈y''~/
      {,,_yゝ、 ‐ /゛).  //''"
      /r'´、 .`V |`v'   //
     //"| ヽヽ/./ スヽ,、//
    /,;;;;{  `  V´./  )`''〈
   l'´j;;;;|    ヾy'---ム 、 .ト、
   {./;;;;ノ}    /`ーt'  /'" }
   /,イリ }    /   ∇~ヒ__ノ
   ノ'   ト、       〉`:ゝ
      rヽ、.    /jYl'
     {::::::::|:::::://=ソ+-'::::}                  巫女さん隙なの
     ノi::::::::|::://;;;;;|:::::::::::::}                      。.:*・゜゜・*:.。. .。.:*
.    /::::l::::::|::`´:::::::|::::::::::::::}     .∧_∧           ∧_,,∧ 。・:*:・゚☆
    |::::::`:::::|:::::::::::::::|:::::::::::::}    .( ´∀`)         <`∀´* >☆゜゜・*:.。
   ノ:::::::::::::/::::::::::::::::}:::::::::::リ    .(  y  ) ┌──┬┐ (  Y 人. .。.:*・゜
.  |:::::::::::::::{:::::::::::::::::::|:::::::::/i      (⌒__)..|    |..│(^⌒ヽし'(~~)
   `ヾ、::::::::!:::::::::::::::::{:::::::/::|   ..∈≡≡≡∋..0 ̄~゙0~0 ∈≡≡≡∋
.     ヾ、:::i:::::::::::::::::l:::::::L」
.       |;;|__  }!、 i|

73 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2010-11-28 01:19 ID:xRQYqV0S

 ( ゜_ゝ゜)  Canada will rise again, eh?
 (    ) Oh hey, it just did OLOLOLOL WTF, eh?
 | | |  

74 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-02-02 00:06 ID:xRQYqV0S

 ( ゜_ゝ゜)  Drinkin' Molson, eh? Oh hey, it has a Canadian opener
 (    ) on the back. It says, "You look even sweeter than a
 | | |  Nova Scotia Velvetleaf Huckleberry.

 ( ゜_ゝ゜)  ...
 (    ) 
 | | |  

 ( ゜_ゝ゜)  That's just way retarded, eh?
 (    ) 
 | | |  

75 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-03-15 01:01 ID:0sBT+obK

 (    ) 
 | | |  

76 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-06-18 12:58 ID:YRcQKiaP

 ( ゜_ゝ゜)  Take off, you hoser.
 (    ) 
 | | |  

77 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2012-01-29 10:58 ID:8bsW6cjo


No one speaks french in my area of canada. it is just to appease Quebec that we have french classes in school and french writing on our boxes. I have never in my life met a human who can only speak french...


At a hockey game? hahaha. what the fuck. Canadians dont get mean or tough at hockey games... don't bullshit these people.

78 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2012-01-29 11:01 ID:8bsW6cjo

Is this a canadian saying? :

"if it smells like salmon keep on rammin.

if it smells like trout get the fuck out!"

Also some "canadian" slang:

Salmon Canyon (vagina)

Moose Knuckle (camel toe)

79 Name: Anonymous : 2012-02-02 19:55 ID:MHXA2OSU

Some wasteland this is.
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