Nida becomes a man (25)

1 Name: !KhhfR9rWiw : 2008-07-07 04:58 ID:AmyXET98

.@@@@@@@@@@@@@ΘQΘ@ ^PPPPPPPPP
.@@@@@@@@@@@@ iLΝM@jƒ What are you reading?
@ ΘQΘ@@ @ @ @ i@@@@j@ _QQQQQQQQQ
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@i‚Β|ά|ά|. @ @@@ iQiQj@Θ Θ ?!
@ (ά)(ά)@@@@@@@@@@@@ (ί„Dί )PP ~`
|@Porno from COREA nida. Urinara makes best porn. Manse!

15 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-14 02:12 ID:Heaven

y so fast one =.= ...............

16 Name: !6uEugrVNa6 : 2008-07-14 03:59 ID:AmyXET98

friggin' double post nida. It went through even though I did not change the '1' to '2' nida. Aigoh...disregard >>13

Either way, Nida Jr. became more prolific than his old man. Until...

@@ Θ Θ
@@ (*߁[ί) <Nida, I want your man-meat!
@@@‚t ‚t

...he fell for a choppari bitch, putting at risk the Corean purity of the blood of his offspring.

17 Name: lol!k8x0iPPCiQ : 2008-07-14 04:02 ID:Heaven

but she is a cat!

18 Name: !6uEugrVNa6 : 2008-07-14 07:48 ID:AmyXET98

<#MΝL> but she is CHOPPARI cat nida...

<˜€ίΝί> !!! however, Nida Jr. had a problem that night...he could not rise to the occasion. So he ate her pussy all through the night, and Shii had one helluva'n orgasm.

19 Name: lol!k8x0iPPCiQ : 2008-07-14 21:39 ID:Heaven

Cats also cannnnnnn................

20 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-15 15:09 ID:4QI/FDuo

U should say....

"Cats also fineeee.........

21 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-08-21 08:22 ID:TkiGlA60

(LΝM) but the the shock waves from the choppari orgasm sunk the two nations of Korea and Japan.

22 Name: test : 2008-08-21 09:24 ID:Heaven


23 Name: - : 2008-08-21 09:26 ID:Heaven


24 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-08-26 19:52 ID:Heaven

@^ ☣ _@@ ^ ☣ _
k@i◣◢jl@k@i◣◢jl This thread is currently being fagged up by !6uEugrVNa6
@i‚Β‡b ‚Á@ @i‚Β‡b ‚Á@@@@Quarantine procedures are taking effect.
@b b@|@@@b b@|@@@@@All civilians, please evacuate the area immediately
@i_QjQj@@i_QjQj@@@@and await further instruction.

25 Name: !6uEugrVNa6 : 2008-08-27 10:45 ID:AmyXET98

@^ ☣ _@@ ^ ☣ _
<@i◣◢j>@<@i◣◢j> This thread is currently being fagged up by ID:Heaven
@i‚ΒŠΨ ‚Á@ @i‚ΒŠΨ ‚Á@@@@Quarantine procedures are now under way.
@b b@|@@@b b@|@@@@@All Coreans, please evacuate the area immediately
@i_QjQj@@i_QjQj@@@@and await further instruction.
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