[HowTo] SJIS Art Tutorial? [SJIS] (10)

7 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-28 13:47 ID:wE8Elf/s

>>6 here again, I forgot to mention that most of the stuff you see here was made on Japanese keyboards by Japanese people, and it's not quite so easy to cook it up on a western machine using a western keyboard. It's also known as SHIFT_JIS art, after the encoding used on Japanese web pages.

I'd say that if you really prefer this style to the stuff made by westerners, copy and save some of the stuff you find around the web, as plain text if possible, and then just play with it a bit. Using the Mona font will help a lot, due to the character spacing uniformity. You'll get the hang of it quickly, but be sure to preview your posts here, notice how many copypasta AA thingies on here get broken and people just keep on copying and pasting without bothering to fix it...
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