Alright people who know how to tell there computer what to do and how to get there... I bring you a challenge from the interweb.
Objective: To create the most productive/useful code that as source code is no larger than 4 kilobytes (4096 bytes). There is no restrictions as to what your code does, or what language it is used in.
this thread seems dead or something, so i take it that either nobody's hacking up some code or everybody's still at it.confirm/deny :O?
as for me, i'm about 3/4 done i think.. and i still have plenty of bytes to waste code and long strings/variable names on. coders using a language the kind of perl, ruby or python have a huge advantage when only filesize and productivity matter... so this challenge is somewhat unfair to, say, the c/c++/java/malbolge crowd imo.
The challenge is a great one, but I don't think people have that much time. It's also amazingly open-ended.
BTW, here's my recipe for guaranteed success:
Make a tiny makefile that takes filenames, inserts them into a file, and compiles the result. Put all the code in filenames, leave the file empty, and on some filesystems you could fit an entire kernel tree in 0 bytes.
All perfectly within the rules too! Whee! >;D
I'd do something but I'm busy with other things. We shall see.
"you must be willing to give your code out to the public domain."
You post anything here it becomes property of the internet... sif you have a say on the matter.
then why saying it
Is perl::sdl okay?
I was thinking of using SDL from Perl too, but it seems to kind of suck. Just the base SDL library, with nothing much in the way of graphics drawing except blitting. Boring.
well, don't you get an event loop, timers, stuff like that, and audio?
I think it'd be cool to whip up a little keyboard-based realtime synth with some sort of cheezy visual feedback.
You could always use Allegro. Oft overlooked, but both mature and stable. Perfect for 2D gaming with things like blitting, timers, audio, midi, controls, yadda, yadda. I have no idea if someone has cooked up a perl module that interfaces with it though.
Allegro is a lot older than SDL (and better maintained). Perhaps they were looking for something more lightweight, but I think Allegro should have become de facto, not SDL.
I've written several (unfinished, of course) games in Allegro, and it is a joy to work with, but it's really not very good at interfacing with the host OS. SDL wins there, but not by much. SDL is also more widely supported.
Allegro was cool back when I was playing with DJGPP and DOS extenders. Nowadays it reaches too much and carries around too much useless cruft.
SDL seems leaner and meaner, leaving other details to other libraries.
However, I absolutely despise the "leave other details to other libraries" mindset. It makes for a horrid mess of libraries to get and install to compile code, or even worse, to install just to run the software.
I have to side with WAHa on this. While I well understand the reasons for libraries, it still annoys me no end the number of amazingly rare libraries that are used by single programs. There has to be a balance between code sharing and dependency.
IMHO SDL doesn't suffer from excessive libraries, but for a developer working with cross-platform code Allegro is a saner choice.
SDL is nice for doing 3D work, because the only other library you need then is OpenGL, and maybe some image loading code. But for 2D code, I just can't be arsed to track down and install a zillion different libraries (who even more annoyingly often don't like statically but instead use a zillion DLLs) just to get some sprites and graphics going.
There's SDL. There's OpenGL. Now here's a question I've been wondering for a while: what's the deal with OpenAL?
AFAIK it's pretty rare, so I doubt anyone here has twiddled with it, but it'd be interesting to know what the hearsay about it is.
Well I was bored this afternoon and tired of studying for exams so here's my "entry", I guess.
Horribly ugly C++ code using SDL and OpenGL to display PQ-torus-knots. It defaults to a 1024x768 window so if that doesn't work out for you, you need to recompile :)
Keyboard controls: space for next knot, w to toggle wireframe, o to toggle the oscillating effect, esc to exit.
Source is 4090 bytes, using unix line endings and still plenty of readability (newlines, tabs) - I suppse I could take all those out and hit about 3800-ish but why bother.
^^^ for the source
^^^ for a windows exe (I think it may require msvcp71.dll, I was lazy to include it in the download but you can get it from or something... sdl.dll is included, or I guess you guys can recompile from the source, not_a_virus.exe and all that)
Pretty nice! However:
> I think it may require msvcp71.dll
Get a real compiler! doesn't need any annyoing DLLs.
Meh, I do have cygwin installed, but I only tested it to make sure it compiles with g++ :) Way too lazy to get my libs working.
Thanks for recompiling!
Cygwin has its own annoying DLLs. Mingw is the way to go.
Dev-C++ + mingw for teh win.
A PHP-powered text obfuscator, for OCR resistance. Originally written for a project I never released, I've recently tweaked it for a project I'm working on now which I'll also probably never release. Probably needs some tweaking; it obfuscates a little too well at times...
It weighs in at under 1.5K. It could be made smaller by using one-character variable names and reducing whitespace and such, but I'm actually using this code in a project, so it has to be legible...
Incidentally, anyone know the UNIX command to get the actual size of a file (not the whatchamacallit du -h
provides)? (lol "duh" lol)
$code="Text to obfuscate";
if (mt_rand(0,1)==0) {
else {
for ($i=0; $i<$clen; $i++) {
$pos[$i]=mt_rand($right, $right+4);
$theimg=imagecreate($right, 16);
for ($i=0; $i<$lines; $i++) {
if ($dark==true) {
else {
for ($i=0; $i<$clen; $i++) {
if ($dark==true) {
else {
imagestring($theimg, $fonts[$i], $pos[$i], $horiz, $code{$i}, $clr);
for ($j=0; $j<($fonts[$i]*2); $j++) {
imagesetpixel($theimg, mt_rand($pos[$i],$pos[$i]+imagefontwidth($fonts[$i])),mt_rand($horiz, $horiz+imagefontheight($fonts[$i])), $clr);
header("Content-type: image/png");
Nice. Mind if I swipe it for ochiba?
> Incidentally, anyone know the UNIX command to get the actual size of a file
ls file
wc -m file
Comes in at 1341 with tabs expanded.
oops, that should've been ls -l file
and 1314. where [Del] go?
Can we have an example installation somewhere to see what it actually outputs?
>>24: Don't mind at all. Go ahead.
ls -l
... That's too easy. Bah, what a fool am I. :P
hmm... my tripcode database script is 4066 bytes, plus would that count under the "Common standard libraries" thing?
Hey, could you email me at h-cube @ x-maru org regarding this.
With text rotation. Wheee! A flaw of this, however, is that it becomes impossible to guess the vertical height of the resultant image... 1989 bytes.
$code="Text to obfuscate";
for ($i=$clen; $i<3; $i++) {
if (mt_rand(0,1)==0) {
else {
for ($i=0; $i<$clen; $i++) {
$pos[$i]=mt_rand($right, $right+4);
$textimg=imagecreatetruecolor($right, 16);
if ($dark) {
else {
for ($i=0; $i<$clen; $i++) {
if ($dark==true) {
else {
imagestring($textimg, $fonts[$i], $pos[$i], $horiz, $code{$i}, $clr);
for ($j=0; $j<($fonts[$i]*2); $j++) {
imagesetpixel($textimg, mt_rand($pos[$i],$pos[$i]+imagefontwidth($fonts[$i])),mt_rand($horiz, $horiz+imagefontheight($fonts[$i])), $clr);
for ($rot=mt_rand(-10,10);$rot==0;$rot=mt_rand(-10,10)) {
//Rotating an image with transparency breaks GD or something, so we have to apply transparency after rotation. Gay.
for ($i=0; $i<$lines; $i++) {
if ($dark==true) {
else {
header("Content-type: image/png");
Well, I finally got a funny idea for this, and threw together this in an hour and a half. It's more like a 400 byte entry than a 4k entry, though:
package PerlHP;
use Filter::Simple;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
my $q=new CGI;
our %vars=$q->Vars;
s/(.*?)(?:<([\%\?])(?:perl)?(.*?)?\2>|$)/"print '".esc($1)."';$3;"/sgei;
print "Content-Type: text/html\n";
print "\n";
$_=(join "",map {
/\0/?"my \@$_=split /\0/,\$PerlHP::vars{$_};":"my \$$_=\$PerlHP::vars{$_};";
} keys %vars).$_;
sub esc { my $a=shift; $a=~s/(['\\])/\\$1/g; $a }
It is the FANTASTICALLY FABULOUS PerlHP! It combines the concepts of Perl and PHP in one big headache-inducing mess! Now you can write code like this:
use PerlHP;
<head><title>It's a test page!</title></head>
<h1>PerlHP test page</h1>
print "<h3>Three random numbers: ".int(rand 10)." ".int(rand 10)." ".int(rand 10)."</h3>";
print "<h3>The time is: ".localtime time."</h3>";
<? print "<h3>Value is: "$arg"</h3>" if($arg); ?>
<form action="" method="get">
<input name="arg" type="text" value="">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<h3>Ten stars, drawn with an interleaved loop:
<? for(1..10) { ?>
<? } ?>
Try out the demo page at
you're right, this is pretty fucking retarded.
perl code with php like bindings.. what a pain in the ass.
submit it to freshmeat and see if you get a following.
there are people who code in brainfuck and malbolge and LIKE IT.
Hey, that's actually pretty slick...
Best something since something else!
Now that is a cool hack. XD
Are you ready for... PerlHP 2.0?
Now with bugfixes, support for cookies and headers, and more! I forget what the "more" is though. It's late, and I should be asleep. PerlHP is now a whopping 1.5k in size!
The header()
and cookie()
functions work much like PHP's header()
and setcookie()
, except that they don't need to be at the start of the code. Cookies are imported as global variables, too.
The latest example code is at
package PerlHP;
require Exporter;
@EXPORT=qw(header cookie);
use strict;
use Filter::Simple;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
our @headers;
our $q=new CGI;
our %vars=$q->Vars;
$vars{$_}=$q->cookie($_) for($q->cookie());
my ($html,$code)=($1,$3);
"print '$html';$code;"
(join "",map { "my \@$_=split /\\0/,\$PerlHP::vars{$_}; my \$$_=\$PerlHP::vars{$_};" } keys %vars).
push @PerlHP::headers,"Content-Type: text/html" unless(grep { /^Content-Type:/ } @PerlHP::headers);
print "$_\n" for(@PerlHP::headers);
print "\n";
print while(<PIPEIN>);
sub header { push @headers,shift }
sub cookie($$;$$$$)
my ($name,$value,$expires,$path,$domain,$secure)=@_;
my $cookie="Set-Cookie: ".cookie_enc($name)."=".cookie_enc($value);
my @days=qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat);
my @months=qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday)=gmtime($expires);
$cookie.=sprintf("; expires=%s, %02d-%s-%04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT",$days[$wday],$mday,$months[$mon],$year+1900,$hour,$min,$sec);
$cookie.="; path=$path" if($path);
$cookie.="; domain=$domain" if($domain);
$cookie.="; secure" if($secure);
sub cookie_enc($) { $_=shift; s/([^0-9a-zA-Z])/my $c=ord $1; sprintf($c>255?'%%u%04x':'%%%02x',$c)/sge; $_ }
Now that's what i call creativity at work =o
I am working on a crawler for bittorrent sites, since some indexers went offline for whatever reason and i was too lazy to look for another one. Currently, it's a beta and I assume that I've ironed out the major bugs since it works pretty well with what I've tested it with thus far. I upload new versions here from time to time:
documentation is included. the file weights in at 4032 bytes (atm) when removing all comments.
This might be just another crawler but I found it useful on the commandline and as a candidate for cronjobs. Furthermore, you can enhance it yourself by writing (sort of) callbacks. The sample config includes some hints on this; additionally, I'd like to point out the "code:" field which is evaluated after startup, making it possible to (eg.) redefine the print function to write to a database instead and so on. If something's mystifying you or you have suggetions, bugreports etc., go ahead and tell me.
I'll refrain from spamming this thread by posting any more code, but PerlHP 3.0 has now been released!
function to match PHP's htmlspecialchars()
.If anyone ever actually uses this for anything, I'd love to hear about it.
do you have a job?
a girlfriend?
a friend friend?
regardless, this is immensely cool in the manner that only foolhardy tasks can be -- you tug at my heartstrings, waha.
thread-kun is back from the dead, yay. now let's try to keep it alive a little longer. i'll drop a quick and dirty one-liner shellscript i use since i constantly forget what i watched so far:mplayer $@ > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo $@ >> /strg/animes/anidb
saved me some unnecessary downloads and thinking.
Actually, this took me a couple of days work, total.
You want to see something that took a silly amount of effort, check out
What follows is a color picker using JavaScript's new Canvas doodad. It supports 24-bit color and the alpha channel. It works in both Firefox 1.5 and Safari 2. Grab the necessary images from . The code and the images together are 4203 bytes, but I'm counting it because it would be fairly easy to get down below 4K by sacrificing a bit of readability.
The idea is to maybe possibly use this as part of a larger side-project, though I don't know if it'll ever leave the ground. Anyway, I think it's awesome, and mommy tole me dat's awl dat counts.
<html><head><script type="text/javascript">
col=new Array();
barimg=new Image();
colsimg=new Image();
diamond=new Image();
window.onload=function() {
//Can't have this part in header because we need to make the obj in HTML first.
function colfit(num) {
//Fit the color to an acceptable value.
if (num<0) {
return 0;
else if (num>255) {
return 255;
else {
return num;
function colbarup() {
//Update this color bar, and the color preview box. 0=r 1=g 2=b 3=a
for(x=0;x<4;x++) {
if (col[col[x]]==255) {
ctx.fillStyle="rgb("+col['r']+","+col['g']+","+col['b']+")"; //JS and its wacky color assignment schemes. What a card.
function goodalp(a) {
//The rgba() function wants a value of alpha between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque). We're storing it as 0 (opaque) and 255 (transparent) for simplicity. This will convert our number to an acceptable value.
return 1-(a/255);
document.onmousedown=function(e) {
//This allows "dragging" the color bar.
if (e.clientX>255 || e.clientY>32) {
document.onmousemove=function(e) {
if (dragbar!==false) {
document.onmouseup=function(e) {
if (dragbar!==false) {
<body><canvas id="pic" width="800" height="600" style="left:0px;top:0px;position:absolute;cursor:crosshair;"></canvas></body></html>
A multi-threaded http server written in haskell that serves both regular files and CGI scripts, and weights 4095 bytes. I've been able to run Kareha on it, for example. It's also much faster than Apache, on my test machine, for static content (haven't had time to test dynamic content yet), but not as fast as lighttpd. It's a shortened (shorter function names, etc) version of the http server I wrote a few months ago, which is available at and is almost 9k in size (but much more readable). I believe that with a bit more work it should be possible to shove off a few more hundred bytes.
module Main where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import Network
import Network.BSD
import Network.Socket
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Char
import System.IO
import qualified System.IO.Error as I
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Control.Concurrent
import System.Time
import System.Process
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Directory
type S=String
fD x s=M.findWithDefault""x$hd s
data ParserState = ParserState {
hd::M.Map S S,
eS = ParserState""""M.empty""0""
pH x=case(last$head$words x)of
':'->pHd x
_->pMd x
pHd x=get>>= \s->put$s{hd=M.insert k v(hd s)}
(y:ys)=words x
k=r$tail$r y
v=filter(/='\r')$c ys
pMd x=pM'(words x)
pM'(m:l:v:[])=get>>= \s->put$s{met=m,loc=l,ver=v}
pM' _=get>>= \s->put$s{err=400}
sCH h=getClockTime>>=toCalendarTime>>=hP h.("Date: "++).calendarTimeToString>>(hP h$"Server: "++hV++"\r\n")
pR h s=do
case name of
Just x->I.try(openFile(fst x)ReadMode)>>=either(sE h s.eC)(pM h s x)
Nothing->sE h s 404
rN l[]=return$Just(l,"")
rN l("":xs)=rN l xs
rN l(x:xs)=do
dE<-doesDirectoryExist f
if dE==True then rN f xs else do
fileExists<-doesFileExist f
if fileExists==True then return$Just(f,c$intersperse"/"xs) else return$Nothing
where f=c[l,"/",x]
loc'=takeWhile(/='?')$loc s
fn=case loc' of
eC e
|I.isDoesNotExistError e=404
|I.isPermissionError e=403
pM h s file h2=case(cT$fst file)of
"cgi-script"->dC h s file
_->case(met s)of
"GET"->sF h s h2
"HEAD"->sH h s h2
_->sE h s 501
sp g xs=s' xs
s' xs'=p:s'(dG r)
(p,r)=bOG g xs'
dG=drop(length g)
bOG _[]=([],[])
bOG g r@(x:y)
|isPrefixOf g r=([],r)
where (p,r')=bOG g y
dC h s f=do
hP h"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
sCH h
hFlush h
r<-fdToHandle sR
w<-fdToHandle sW
ptr<-mallocBytes$fI len
hGetBuf h ptr$fI len
putStrLn$snd f
id<-runProcess(fst f)args(Just dir)(Just$c[env"",hH])(Just r)(Just h)Nothing
hPutBuf w ptr$fI len
free ptr
hClose w
waitForProcess id
|otherwise=read cL
dir=r$tail$dropWhile(/='/')$r$fst f
sH=takeWhile(/= ':')$fD"Host"s
sP=tail$dropWhile(/= ':')$fD"Host"s
hH=map(\(x,y)->("HTTP_"++map toUpper x,y))$M.toList$hd s
q'=dropWhile(/= '?')$loc s
q=if q'/=""then tail q' else""
args=if elem '='q then[]else sp"+"q
env hst=[("SERVER_SOFTWARE",hV),
("PATH_INFO","/"++snd f),
("SCRIPT_NAME",takeWhile(/= '?')$loc s),
sH h s h2=do
size<-hFileSize h2
hP h"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
sCH h
hP h$"Content-Length: "++(show size)++"\r\n"
hP h$"Content-Type: "++cT(loc s)++"\r\n"
hP h"\r\n"
cT s=case s of
sF h s h2=do
z<-hFileSize h2
allocaBytes(fI z)$ \p->hGetBuf h2 p(fI z)>>sH h s h2>>hPutBuf h p(fI z)
sE h s n=do
hP h$"HTTP/1.1 "++(show n)++" Not Found\r\n"
sCH h
hP h"Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n\r\n"
hP h$"ERROR "++(show n)++"\r\n"
hClose h
pC h=do
t<-lift$catch(hGetLine h)(const$return"")
case t of
lift$pR h s
(lift$I.try$hFlush h)>>=either(const$return())(const $ k s)
k s=case(fD "Connection" s)of
"close"->lift$hClose h
"keep-alive"->put eS>>pC h
_->lift$hClose h
pH t
if(err s/=0)then lift$sE h s$err s else pC h
mainLoop s=do
(h,hs,p)<-Network.accept s
forkOS$evalStateT(pC h)$eS{cH=hs}
mainLoop s
main=listenOn(PortNumber port)>>=mainLoop
I got frustrated with a porn gallery that used Javascript popups for the images yesterday, and ended up learning Javascript to write this small Fusker implementation. It's not neat or anything, but at least it's slightly useful. Save as html file, call as (for example):
<script type="text/javascript">
function init() {
var t = document.forms[0].elements[0];
if(t.value = process(t.value);
function process(s) {
var left = s.indexOf("[");
if(left<0) {
var child = document.createElement("img");
} else {
var right = s.indexOf("]");
var range = s.substring(left+1,right);
var m = range.indexOf("-");
for(var i=range.substring(0,m); i<=range.substring(m+1); i++) {
var num = i.toString();
while(num.length < m) { num = "0" + num; }
process(s.substring(0,left) + num + s.substring(right+1));
body { margin: 0 16pt; padding: 0; background: #008; }
form { padding: 4pt 8pt; margin: 0; }
form { background: #88f; }
input { width: 100%; }
img { display: block; counter-increment: images; background: #eef; }
img:before {
background: #bbf;
content: counter(images) ". " attr(src) "\A";
font: 7pt sans-serif;
display: block;
padding: 4pt 8pt;
<body onload="init();">
<form action="" onsubmit="window.location = '?' + this.elements[0].value; return false;">
<input />
<div id="content" />
Oh, btw, apparently FF has some use CSS issues. It looks best in Opera.
Line-oriented text editor in C. Requires the <err.h> routines from BSD, but those are easy to write yourself if you don't have them. Usage is "tte filename". I had to remove the built-in help to get it under 4K, so the commands are:
s save file
p[num] print lines
.[num] advance
,[num] retreat
g[num] go to / print line number
i<text> insert before
a<text> insert after
c<text> replace
d delete line
tte.c (4013 bytes) follows...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <err.h>
void *xmalloc(size_t size)
void *p;
p = malloc(size);
if (p == NULL)
err(1, "can't get %lu bytes", (unsigned long) size);
return p;
void *xrealloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
void *p;
p = realloc(ptr, size);
if (p == NULL)
err(1, "can't get %lu bytes", (unsigned long) size);
return p;
// get arbitrary length string
char *readstring(FILE *fp)
char *p = NULL, *q;
int size = 50;
p = xmalloc((size_t) size);
if (fgets(p, size, fp) == NULL)
return NULL;
while ((q = strchr(p, '\n')) == NULL)
size *= 2;
p = xrealloc(p, (size_t) size);
if (fgets(&p[size/2-1], size/2+1, fp) == NULL)
return NULL; // file must end with newline
*q = '\0';
size = strlen(p) + 1;
return xrealloc(p, (size_t) size); // save memory
static struct
char **lines;
int numlines, space;
} buf;
static const char *filename;
static int curline = 0;
static void usage(void)
extern char *__progname;
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s file\n", __progname);
static void checkbufsize(int neededspace)
if ( >= neededspace)
while ( < neededspace) *= 2;
buf.lines = xrealloc(buf.lines, * sizeof (char *));
static void gotoline(int index)
curline = index;
if (curline >= buf.numlines)
curline = buf.numlines - 1;
if (curline < 0)
curline = 0;
static void addline(int index, char *line)
checkbufsize(buf.numlines + 1);
if (index > buf.numlines)
index = buf.numlines; // don't make gaps
memmove(&buf.lines[index+1], &buf.lines[index],
(buf.numlines - index) * sizeof (char *));
buf.lines[index] = line;
static void deleteline(int index)
if (buf.numlines == 0)
warnx("no lines");
memmove(&buf.lines[index], &buf.lines[index+1],
(buf.numlines - (index+1)) * sizeof (char *));
gotoline(curline); // bounds check
static void replaceline(int index, char *newline)
if (buf.numlines == 0)
buf.numlines = 1;
buf.lines[index] = newline;
static void loadfile(void)
FILE *fp;
char *str; = 10;
buf.numlines = 0;
buf.lines = xmalloc( * sizeof (char *));
fp = fopen(filename, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
warn("can't open %s, starting new file", filename);
while ((str = readstring(fp)) != NULL)
addline(buf.numlines, str);
static void savefile(void)
int i;
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(filename, "w");
if (fp == NULL)
warn("can't open %s", filename);
for (i = 0; i < buf.numlines; i++)
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", buf.lines[i]);
static void printlines(int num)
int line = curline;
if (num < 0)
line += num;
if (line < 0)
num -= line;
line = 0;
num *= -1;
for (; num > 0 && line < buf.numlines; num--, line++)
printf("%s\n", buf.lines[line]);
static void execute(const char *cmd)
const char *arg = cmd + 1;
int hasarg = cmd[0] != '\0' && cmd[1] != '\0';
case 's': savefile(); break;
case 'p': if (!hasarg) printlines(1);
else printlines(atoi(arg));
case '.': if (hasarg) gotoline(curline + atoi(arg));
else gotoline(curline + 1);
case ',': if (hasarg) gotoline(curline - atoi(arg));
else gotoline(curline - 1);
case 'g': if (!hasarg) printf("%d\n", curline);
else gotoline(atoi(arg));
case 'i': addline(curline, strdup(arg)); break;
case 'a': addline(curline+1, strdup(arg));
gotoline(curline+1); break;
case 'c': replaceline(curline, strdup(arg)); break;
case 'd': deleteline(curline); break;
case '\0': break;
default: warnx("unrecognized command %c", cmd[0]);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *cmd;
if (argc != 2)
filename = argv[1];
while ((cmd = readstring(stdin)) != NULL)
return 0;
The "Javascript vs. Lua" topic made me think of this file, "play", a Lua script for playing various types of audio. It works by piping the output of a decoder into "waveplay", a utility available on Linux and several BSDs. Copy it to ~/bin and use it like "play something.mp3 crap.mid super.flac &" (this plays each of the files in the background, one after another).
Supported formats are Ogg Vorbis using oggdec; MP3 using lame; FLAC using, well, flac; WavPack using wvunpack; General MIDI using timidity; the big four module formats using dumb2wav; and Speex using speexdec (wideband only). Ironically, I never bothered making it play wav files because I never needed to do that. You can add a format if you have a program that converts/renders/decodes the format to a wav file, or to raw PCM data, on stdout. Code follows.
local fileext = function(filename)
local extstart, extend = string.find(filename, "%.%w+$")
if extstart == nil then
return nil
return string.sub(filename, extstart, extend)
local playfile = function(filename)
local unpackcmd
local playcmd = "waveplay -s "
local ext = string.lower(fileext(filename))
local israw = false -- set to true if there is no wav header
local samplerate = 44100 -- only use if raw
local numchannels = 2 -- only use if raw
-- don't bomb out on filenames with (, etc.
filename = "\"" .. filename .. "\""
if ext == ".flac" then
unpackcmd = "flac -sdo - " .. filename
elseif ext == ".wv" then
unpackcmd = "wvunpack -q -o - " .. filename
elseif ext == ".ogg" then
unpackcmd = "oggdec -Q -o - " .. filename
elseif ext == ".spx" then
unpackcmd = "speexdec " .. filename .. " - 2>/dev/null"
numchannels = 1
israw = true
samplerate = 16000 -- FIXME: not always true
elseif ext == ".mp3" then
-- lame's "--silent" option lies; it still prints
-- warnings onto stderr about ID3v2 tags.
unpackcmd = "lame --decode --silent 2>/dev/null "
.. filename .. " -"
elseif ext == ".mid" then
unpackcmd = "timidity -s 44100 -Ow1sl -o - -A84a "
.. filename .. " 2>/dev/null"
elseif ext == ".mod" or ext == ".s3m" or ext == ".it"
or ext == ".xm" then
unpackcmd = "dumb2wav -o - " .. filename
.. " 2>/dev/null"
.. ": don't know how to play this file\n")
return nil
if israw then
playcmd = playcmd .. "-r "
if numchannels ~= 2 then
playcmd = playcmd .. "-C " .. numchannels .. " "
if samplerate ~= 44100 then
playcmd = playcmd .. "-S " .. samplerate .. " "
playcmd = playcmd .. "-"
return os.execute(unpackcmd .. " | " .. playcmd)
for i,v in ipairs(arg) do
quick perl script i wrote so i could execute commands on my computer from my cell phone... only use this if you have your web server set up to do ssl and use .htaccess to restrict access to it!
use CGI;
my $query=new CGI;
my $cmd=$query->param("cmd");
if ($cmd) {
print "Content-type: text/html;encoding=us-ascii\n\n",
"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"\n",
" \"\">\n",
"<form action=\"\" method=\"POST\">\n",
"<input type=\"text\" name=\"cmd\">\n",
"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"exec\">\n",
} else {
print "Content-type: text/html;encoding=us-ascii\n\n",
"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"\n",
" \"\">\n",
"<form action=\"\" method=\"POST\">\n",
"<input type=\"text\" name=\"cmd\">\n",
"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"exec\">\n",
Let's have some more 4K programs, people!
A PHP-GTK calculator for geeks with a nice style. It evals PHP code. I have reduced it so that it fits 4 KB, haven't tested it as I don't have PHP-GTK installed here.
Uh, I don't know the code tag for this board, will try both usual tags just in case.
//PHP-GTK calculator for geeks by Wiseman
if (!extension_loaded('gtk')) dl('php_gtk.'.PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX);
function delete_event() {
return false;
function destroy() {
function form_Main() {
global $q, $entry;
$w = new GtkWindow(GTK_WINDOW_DIALOG);
$w->set_usize(512, 280);
$w->connect('destroy', 'destroy');
$w->connect('delete-event', 'delete_event');
$w->set_policy(false, false, false);
$box1 = new GtkVBox();
$box2 = new GtkHBox();
$prompt = new GtkLabel('PHP:');
$box2->pack_start($prompt, false, true, 0);
$entry = new GtkEntry();
$box2->pack_start($entry, true, true, 0);
$entry->connect('activate', 'Calculate');
$separator = new GtkHSeparator();
$t = new GtkTable(4, 2, true);
foreach (array('raw' => 'Result', 'int' => 'Decimal', 'uint' => 'Unsigned 32', 'hex' => 'Hexadecimal', 'oct' => 'Octal', 'bin' => 'Binary', 'char' => 'Character', 'float' => 'Float', 'sci' => 'Scientific') as $k => $v) {
$frame[$k] = new GtkFrame($v);
$q[$k] = new GtkLabel('-' . $k . '-');
$q[$k]->set_usize(246, -1);
$z = GTK_FILL;
$t->resize(2, 4);
$y = new GtkStyle();
$y->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = new GdkColor('#000000');
$y->fg[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE] = new GdkColor('#000000');
$y->fg[GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT] = new GdkColor('#000000');
$y->fg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED] = new GdkColor('#FFFFFF');
$y->fg[GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE] = new GdkColor('#808080');
$y->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = new GdkColor('#D4D0C8');
$y->bg[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE] = new GdkColor('#C8C3B8');
$y->bg[GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT] = new GdkColor('#E1DED7');
$y->bg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED] = new GdkColor('#000080');
$y->bg[GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE] = new GdkColor('#D4D0C8');
$y->font = gdk::font_load('--Verdana-normal-r-normal--18--96-96-p-0-iso8859-1');
foreach ($frame as $x)
$y->font = gdk::font_load('--Lucida Console-normal-r-normal--18--96-96-p-0-iso8859-1');
foreach ($q as $x)
return $w;
define('pi', pi());
define('e', exp(1));
//Returns an string containing a character, or its name if it's not printable
function pchar($c) {
$c %= 256;
if ($c < 0)
$c += 256;
if ($c >= 32)
return chr($c);
else {
$names = array('NUL','SOH','STX','ETX','EOT','ENQ','ACK','BEL','BS' ,'TAB','LF' ,'VT' ,'NP' ,'CR' ,'SO' ,'SI' ,'DLE','DC1','DC2','DC3','DC4','NAK','SYN','ETB','CAN','EM' ,'EOF','ESC','FS' ,'GS' ,'RS' ,'US');
return $names[$c];
function Calculate() {
global $q, $entry;
@eval('$x=' . $entry->get_text() . ';');
$r = round($x);
$q['uint']->set_text($r >= 0 ? $r : 4294967296 + $r);
$q['hex']->set_text(sprintf('%X', $r));
$q['oct']->set_text(sprintf('%o', $r));
$q['bin']->set_text(sprintf('%b', $r));
$q['float']->set_text(sprintf(is_infinite((float) $x) ? 'INF' : '%f', $x));
$q['sci']->set_text(sprintf(is_infinite((float) $x) ? 'INF' : '%e', $x));
Looks like neither was :) Ok, I think I got how it's done:
//PHP-GTK calculator for geeks by Wiseman
if (!extension_loaded('gtk')) dl('php_gtk.'.PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX);
function delete_event() {
return false;
function destroy() {
function form_Main() {
global $q, $entry;
$w = new GtkWindow(GTK_WINDOW_DIALOG);
$w->set_usize(512, 280);
$w->connect('destroy', 'destroy');
$w->connect('delete-event', 'delete_event');
$w->set_policy(false, false, false);
$box1 = new GtkVBox();
$box2 = new GtkHBox();
$prompt = new GtkLabel('PHP:');
$box2->pack_start($prompt, false, true, 0);
$entry = new GtkEntry();
$box2->pack_start($entry, true, true, 0);
$entry->connect('activate', 'Calculate');
$separator = new GtkHSeparator();
$t = new GtkTable(4, 2, true);
foreach (array('raw' => 'Result', 'int' => 'Decimal', 'uint' => 'Unsigned 32', 'hex' => 'Hexadecimal', 'oct' => 'Octal', 'bin' => 'Binary', 'char' => 'Character', 'float' => 'Float', 'sci' => 'Scientific') as $k => $v) {
$frame[$k] = new GtkFrame($v);
$q[$k] = new GtkLabel('-' . $k . '-');
$q[$k]->set_usize(246, -1);
$z = GTK_FILL;
$t->resize(2, 4);
$y = new GtkStyle();
$y->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = new GdkColor('#000000');
$y->fg[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE] = new GdkColor('#000000');
$y->fg[GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT] = new GdkColor('#000000');
$y->fg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED] = new GdkColor('#FFFFFF');
$y->fg[GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE] = new GdkColor('#808080');
$y->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL] = new GdkColor('#D4D0C8');
$y->bg[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE] = new GdkColor('#C8C3B8');
$y->bg[GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT] = new GdkColor('#E1DED7');
$y->bg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED] = new GdkColor('#000080');
$y->bg[GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE] = new GdkColor('#D4D0C8');
$y->font = gdk::font_load('-*-Verdana-normal-r-normal--18-*-96-96-p-0-iso8859-1');
foreach ($frame as $x)
$y->font = gdk::font_load('-*-Lucida Console-normal-r-normal--18-*-96-96-p-0-iso8859-1');
foreach ($q as $x)
return $w;
define('pi', pi());
define('e', exp(1));
//Returns an string containing a character, or its name if it's not printable
function pchar($c) {
$c %= 256;
if ($c < 0)
$c += 256;
if ($c >= 32)
return chr($c);
else {
$names = array('NUL','SOH','STX','ETX','EOT','ENQ','ACK','BEL','BS' ,'TAB','LF' ,'VT' ,'NP' ,'CR' ,'SO' ,'SI' ,'DLE','DC1','DC2','DC3','DC4','NAK','SYN','ETB','CAN','EM' ,'EOF','ESC','FS' ,'GS' ,'RS' ,'US');
return $names[$c];
function Calculate() {
global $q, $entry;
@eval('$x=' . $entry->get_text() . ';');
$r = round($x);
$q['uint']->set_text($r >= 0 ? $r : 4294967296 + $r);
$q['hex']->set_text(sprintf('%X', $r));
$q['oct']->set_text(sprintf('%o', $r));
$q['bin']->set_text(sprintf('%b', $r));
$q['float']->set_text(sprintf(is_infinite((float) $x) ? 'INF' : '%f', $x));
$q['sci']->set_text(sprintf(is_infinite((float) $x) ? 'INF' : '%e', $x));
Presenting "splice", a useful UNIX command (probably requires a 4.4BSD-based system):
* splice is a program intended to be placed in a pipeline. It reads all
* input from stdin, opens your favorite text editor ($VISUAL, $EDITOR,
* or vi) on that input, then prints your manually changed version of
* the text on stdout.
* This is done by forking and reopening stdin and stdout as /dev/tty
* before invoking the text editor.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <paths.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <err.h>
#define MAX_EDITOR_ARGS 30
char *editor_args[MAX_EDITOR_ARGS+2]; /* 1 for filename arg, 1 for NULL */
int nargs = 0;
char tmppath[] = "/tmp/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX";
int fd = -1;
char *strndup(const char *src, size_t len)
char *s;
s = malloc(len+1);
if (s == NULL) err(1, NULL);
memcpy(s, src, len);
s[len] = '\0';
return s;
void string_to_args(const char *str)
const char *p = str, *space;
for (;;)
if (nargs == MAX_EDITOR_ARGS)
errx(1, "too many editor arguments");
while(*p == ' ')
if (*p == '\0')
space = strchr(p, ' ');
if (space == NULL)
space = &p[strlen(p)];
editor_args[nargs++] = strndup(p, space - p);
p = space;
editor_args[nargs] = NULL;
void save_stdin(void)
char buf[BUFSIZ];
int bytesread;
fd = mkstemp(tmppath);
if (fd == -1)
err(1, "cannot open temporary file");
while ((bytesread = read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, BUFSIZ)) > 0)
write(fd, buf, bytesread);
void replicate_tmpfile(void)
char buf[BUFSIZ];
int bytesread;
fd = open(tmppath, O_RDONLY|O_NOFOLLOW, 0);
if (fd == -1)
err(1, "cannot reopen temporary file");
while ((bytesread = read(fd, buf, BUFSIZ)) > 0)
write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, bytesread);
void unlink_tmpfile(void)
if (unlink(tmppath) == -1)
warn("cannot unlink temporary file");
void setup_editor_args(void)
const char *edname;
edname = getenv("VISUAL");
if (edname == NULL) edname = getenv("EDITOR");
if (edname == NULL) edname = "vi";
* Split up the editor command into arguments,
* e.g. "mg" and "-n".
int start_editor(void)
pid_t pid;
int status;
/* To the editor arguments, add the temporary filename to edit. */
editor_args[nargs++] = tmppath;
editor_args[nargs] = NULL;
switch (vfork())
case -1:
err(1, "vfork");
case 0:
/* Reopen the terminal as stdin and stdout. */
fd = open(_PATH_TTY, O_RDWR);
if (fd == -1)
warn("cannot open " _PATH_TTY);
if (dup2(fd, STDIN_FILENO) == -1)
warn("can't dup2 to stdin");
if (dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO) == -1)
warn("can't dup2 to stdout");
execvp(editor_args[0], editor_args);
/* execvp only returns if there is an error. */
warn("%s", editor_args[0]);
pid = wait(&status);
if (pid == -1)
err(1, "wait");
return WIFEXITED(status) ? WEXITSTATUS(status) : 1;
int main(void)
int ret;
ret = start_editor();
if (ret != 0)
warnx("non-zero return value from editor");
return ret;
Nice. FYI, you might want to try perror if you're finding err isn't always available.
I wrote my own portable implementation of err() and friends for those situations. It's about 75 lines of code. I could post it here if anyone cares.
BTW, since nobody said anything encouraging: congrats, >>53. It's nothing personal, I just don't think most of us here like PHP enough to run that.
Thanks. I don't actually use it as I have a command line one, but I did that to learn PHP-GTK and see what could be done with it.
BTW, PHP is not the source of all evil. Problem is it's too easy to learn, and too easy to do it wrong. There are a lot of shitty "coders" out there writing sucky code I wouldn't touch, but any decent programmer can do a good job with PHP. Its advantages are productivity and simplicity. I've found PHP great for web applications (including complex ones; I'm currently maintaining a 200K lines one, 85% of its code doesn't suck), as well as command line scripts which are far more readable and sometimes simpler than Perl (which I also know).
For example, here's another 4 KB contender:
A script I wrote to find duplicate files in my collections, even when they are in different subdirectories and have different names. It's pretty fast (only compares file groups with the same size, only reads each of these once), and even shows fancy character mode progress bars. You use it like this: go to the root directory of your <whatever> collection, say images, and run it. It'll generate a file, "dupfiles.log", with all duplicate files (using relative paths), one line per group, 2 or more files per line, quoted names separated with a space. Now you can either run a very simple script and delete arbitrarily all files per line but one, or edit this file by hand, delete one entry per line - the one you want to keep, and then run a very simple script to delete everything that's still listed there.
The script was nicer, had more comments, reusable progress bar (I use them in other scripts), localization, and a configuration file, but I had to cut that out for the 4 KB version which sill retains most of the comments and the progress bar (only it's built in and uglier).
echo "DUPFILES v1.11.4K by Wiseman\n\n";
define(CONWIDTH, 80);
define(BARLEN, 32);
/* Draws a text progress bar, $pct=percentage (float ok), $lab=text printed left of it (trimmed if necessary).
You can update it by calling to Progress again. To finish the progress bar, call ProgressEnd($lab). */
function Progress($pct, $lab) {
global $lablen;
if ($lablen) {
//Decide whether to trim the label or not
if (strlen($lab) > ($lablen - 1))
$lab = substr($lab, 0, $lablen - 2) . '|';
//Print label and extra spaces
echo $lab, str_repeat(' ', $lablen - strlen($lab));
$i = floor($pct * BARLEN / 100);
echo '[', str_repeat('#', $i), str_repeat(' ', BARLEN - $i), ']';
//Take the cursor back
echo str_repeat("\x08", $lablen + BARLEN + 2);
/* Finishes a progress bar. $lab=text printed left of it. */
function ProgressEnd($lab) {
global $lablen;
if ($lablen) {
//Decide whether to trim the label or not
if (strlen($lab) > ($lablen - 1))
$lab = substr($lab, 0, $lablen - 2) . '|';
//Print label and extra spaces
echo $lab, str_repeat(' ', $lablen - strlen($lab));
echo '[', str_repeat('+', BARLEN), ']';
//End of line
echo "\n";
/* Scan directories recursively, inserting files into $Fsize. Prints bars.
$filebase Filename base
$pctbase Base of progress bar done
$pctarea Percentage of bar assigned to it
function ScanDirectory($filebase, $pctbase, $pctarea) {
global $Fsize;
Progress($pctbase, $filebase);
//Glob stuff
if (!($dir = glob('*', GLOB_MARK | GLOB_NOSORT)))
//Process files
foreach ($dir as $k => $file)
if (substr($file, -1, 1) != SEP) {
//Add to $Fsize by size
$Fsize[filesize($file)][] = '"' . $filebase . $file . '"';
//Quotes are to prevent glitches with spaces
//Remove from $dir
//Process directories and update progress bar
if (count($dir) > 0)
$pctadd = $pctarea / count($dir); //Amount to add for every subdir
foreach ($dir as $subdir) {
ScanDirectory($filebase . $subdir, $pctbase, $pctadd);
$pctbase += $pctadd;
/* Scan $Fsize and build $Fcheck on files of matching sizes */
function SizeToChecksum() {
global $Fsize, $Fcheck;
$pct = 0;
$pctadd = 100 / count($Fsize);
Progress(0, 'Analyzing...');
foreach ($Fsize as $k => $a) {
if (count($a) > 1) {
$pctadd2 = $pctadd / count($a);
foreach ($a as $file) {
Progress($pct, 'Matching size ' . $k . ' = ' . $file);
$Fcheck[substr(`md5sum $file`, 0, 32)][] = $file;
$pct += $pctadd2;
Progress($pct, 'Scanning list');
} else
$pct += $pctadd;
/* Generate a report of $Fcheck, $file=File to be written */
function GenerateReport($file) {
global $Fcheck;
$sgroups = 0;
$sfiles = 0;
$finit = FALSE;
foreach ($Fcheck as $a) {
if (count($a) > 1) {
if (!$finit) {
$f = fopen($file, 'w');
echo "Generating report...\n";
$finit = TRUE;
fwrite($f, join(' ', $a) . "\n");
$sfiles += count($a);
if ($finit) {
echo "File dupfiles.log generated\n";
echo "$sgroups groups of duplicate files\n";
if ($sgroups) {
printf("%d matching files (%.2f per group)\n", $sfiles, $sfiles / $sgroups);
echo $sfiles - $sgroups, ' duplicate files';
if ($argc != 1) {
echo "Help wouldn't fit 4 KB lol";
$lablen = CONWIDTH - BARLEN - 3;
echo "=1/2=: Exploring files and comparing sizes\n";
ScanDirectory('.' . SEP, 0, 100);
if (count($Fsize) == 0) {
echo "No files\n";
echo "=2/2=: Calculating checksum for equal size files\n";
if (count($Fcheck) == 0) {
echo "No files of the same size (therefore no duplicates)\n";
To get this to run on my machine, I had to change line 81 to:
$Fcheck[substr(`md5 $file`, 0, 32)][] = $file;
Don't really understand why you're not just using PHP's own md5_file()
, though. Also, I found the log report much more legible if we change line 102 to:
fwrite($f, join('=', $a) . "\n\n");
The script seems to work, but there's a glitch; if there's two or more sets of matching files in the same directory, the script reports all of those files as matching each other.
It's a good start, though. I was planning on writing something like this for myself one of these days.
Actually, I don't remember why I used an external command. Perhaps I measured their performance and found my md5sum utility faster.
As for the log, I join them with spaces because that way you can edit the log file as I suggested (deleting the file you want to keep in every line) and then run a command on all these lines as is. To do that I use another script.
> there's a glitch; if there's two or more sets of matching files in the same directory, the script reports all of those files as matching each other.
This never happened to me, and I've been using it on 10000+ file collections for over a year; could you post the files you've used to see if I can reproduce it? Thanks.
Hmm. No, because now it's not finding dupes at all... ?
Twelve:~ Albright$ mkdir duck
Twelve:~ Albright$ cd duck
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ echo "Banana">banana.text
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ cp banana.text banana-copy.text
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ echo "Apple">apple.text
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ cp apple.text apple-copy.text
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ echo "Cheese">cheese.text
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ echo "asdf">asdf.text
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ echo "askljasdjklsda">askl.text
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ mv ../dupes.php ./
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ php -f dupes.php
DUPFILES v1.11.4K by Wiseman
=1/2=: Exploring files and comparing sizes
Completed [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
=2/2=: Calculating checksum for equal size files
Completed [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
0 groups of duplicate files
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ mkdir asdf
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ cp * asdf/
cp: asdf is a directory (not copied).
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ ls
apple-copy.text asdf.text banana.text
apple.text askl.text cheese.text
asdf banana-copy.text dupes.php
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ ls asdf
apple-copy.text askl.text cheese.text
apple.text banana-copy.text dupes.php
asdf.text banana.text
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ php -f dupes.php
DUPFILES v1.11.4K by Wiseman
=1/2=: Exploring files and comparing sizes
Completed [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
=2/2=: Calculating checksum for equal size files
Completed [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
0 groups of duplicate files
Maybe because I'm using tiny files here? I'll play with it a bit more when I have some time.
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ ls
Birmanstrofe.jpg batgun22qt.jpg
CalgaryDT.jpg dupes.php
ChineseNewYearAucklandNewZealand.jpg dupfiles.log
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ cp Birmanstrofe.jpg kitty.jpg
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ cp aye.sized.jpg aye.jpg
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ mkdir goose
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ cp batgun22qt.jpg goose/
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ cp CalgaryDT.jpg goose/
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ cd goose
Twelve:~/duck/goose Albright$ cp CalgaryDT.jpg canada.jpg
Twelve:~/duck/goose Albright$ cd ..
Twelve:~/duck Albright$ php -f dupes.php
DUPFILES v1.11.4K by Wiseman
=1/2=: Exploring files and comparing sizes
Completed [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
=2/2=: Calculating checksum for equal size files
Completed [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]
0 groups of duplicate files
Here is a tiny perl program for creating 10 character random alphanumeric passwords with mixed case.
$a.=(0..9,a..z,A..Z)[rand 62]for(0..9);
Time for some Perl golf!
die map{(0..9,a..z,A..Z)[rand 62]}(1..10)
Shows how much I know about perl after using it for years. I did not know what map was.
That's the best part about Perl - you NEVER STOP LEARNING IT.
You should learn a Lisp; there's probably other neat things you don't know, too.
some of us spend thousands on speech therapy to unlearn our lisps, you insensitive clod
slashdot memes? In my /code/?
in your code!
Not even close to 4K, I was just really bored this evening... Too lazy to add command line arguments, however.
import urllib, urllib2, re
def babelfish(langpair, text):
html = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(url,None,{'Accept-charset':'utf-8'})).read()
m = re.compile("white[^<]*)</div",re.U).search(html)
return m.groups()[0].decode('utf-8').replace(u'\n',u' ')
def log(f, num, text, encoding='utf-8'):
out = (unicode(num)+u': '+text+u"\r\n")
print out.strip().encode('ascii','replace')
def mutate(text, steps, langpairs, outfile):
t = unicode(text)
f = open(outfile,"wb")
n = 1
log(f, 0, t)
history = [t]
br = False
while not br:
for lp in langpairs:
t = babelfish(lp, t)
log(f, n, t)
if n==steps: break
n += 1
if t in history:
br = True
if n==steps: break
if br: log(f, n, u"[loop found]")
mutate("Hay guys what's going on in this thread?", 20, ['en_ja','ja_en'], "nonsense.txt")
opens a tab with w3m running in the first open konsole and switches to that tab, or starts konsole with w3m if no konsole is running.
first, create ~/.kde/share/apps/konsole/w3m.desktop with the following contents:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Web Browser
Exec=w3m -v
then, you can use this perl script:
my $kpid=`dcop|grep konsole`;
if($kpid eq "")
`konsole --type w3m`
my $w3msession=`dcop $kpid konsole newSession w3m`;
`dcop $kpid konsole activateSession $w3msession`;
hmm, it's difficult for me.
there are many kind of programming language.
so, i don't know how kind do i chose.
The maximum post size is set too low. I get "Text field too long" even though my whole post is less than 4K.
Maximum comment size is to 4096 characters exactly. Break it up if you have to.
Why don't you set it higher, then? What was wrong with 9K?
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
my $query=new CGI;
my $task=$query->param("task");
my $text=$query->param("text");
do_post($text) if $text;
unless (-e "index.xhtml") {
print "Status: 303 Go West\n",
"Location: index.xhtml\n",
"Content-type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8\n\n",
"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\"\n",
"<html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\">\n",
"<p><a href=\"index.xhtml\">go to index.xhtml</a></p></body></html>\n";
sub do_post($) {
if(length($text)>4096) {
} else {
my $filename="data/".int(rand(20));
open POSTFILE,">$filename";
print POSTFILE $text;
sub too_long_error() {
print "Content-type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8\n\n",
"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\"\n",
"<html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\">\n",
"<p>your text is too long.</p></body></html>\n";
sub build_main_page() {
open MAINPAGE,">index.xhtml";
print MAINPAGE "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\"\n",
"<html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\">\n",
"<head><title>a web 3.0 page</title></head>\n",
"<form action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n",
"<p><textarea name=\"text\" cols=\"64\" rows=\"10\"></textarea><br/>\n",
"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\" /></p></form>\n";
for(@posts) {
open POSTFILE,"<$_";
read POSTFILE,$text,4096;
print MAINPAGE "<hr><p>$text</p>\n";
print MAINPAGE "</body>\n</html>\n";
oh, the my $task=$query->param("task");
line isn't needed anymore
Nice, but if you call it .xhtml it'll send as a content-type of application/xhtml+xml, which some browsers don't support. (I'm thinking of Lynx and w3m here, there might be another major browser that doesn't support that content type, but I'm drawing a blank).
w3m and lynx do support xhtml sent as application/xhtml+xml.
Just tested. Lynx 2.8.5.rel2 and w3m 0.5.1 both offer to save the file. Maybe your server isn't set up to actually send .xhtml as application/xhtml+xml?
works in lynx 2.8.5rel.4 and w3m 0.5.1 for me...
Are you using FreeBSD? It looks like their w3m port has a patch to make this work. I didn't look at Lynx, but I figure either it has a similar patch or it was fixed between 2.8.5rel.2 and 2.8.5rel.4.
Someone should step up to maintain w3m and collect these fixes. Nobody is really maintaining it right now, it seems.
Speaking of XHTML, the <hr>
that script outputs is wrong.
> Speaking of XHTML, the <hr> that script outputs is wrong.
i thought i posted about that when i fixed it on for anyone who can't figure out how to fix it, just replace it with <hr/>
I've been learning Perl recently, and I made this small program to encrypt/decrypt text and files using one-time pads (more on one-time pads here, if there's interest:
Don't expect this code to be very good, but I would love any constructive criticisim (or destructive, whatever)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
-g output-file num: generates keytext file of length num. makes file of length 1024
if num is omitted.
-e file-to-encrypt output-file a-keyfile : encrypts file-to-encrypt with a-keyfile. if
a-keyfile is omitted, script uses file 'keyfile'.
-d file-to-decrypt output-file a-keyfile : decrypts file-to-decrypt with a-keyfile. if
a-keyfile is omitted, script uses file 'keyfile'.
if (not @ARGV)
print "try supplying some arguments : )\nview the source for a guide.\n";
sub rand_char{
return chr(rand 255);
sub crypt($$$){
($arg eq "-e" )?chr(($letter+$keyletter)%255):
($arg eq "-d" )?chr(($letter-$keyletter)%255):
if($ARGV[0] eq '-ga' || $ARGV[0] eq '-g')
my $keytext='';
my $length=($ARGV[2])?$ARGV[2]:1024;
$keytext.=rand_char while $length--;
open KEYFILE, ">$ARGV[1]" or die "couldn't open $ARGV[1] for output: $!";
print KEYFILE $keytext;
wow, I already fucked that up. here's the bottom half of the code
if($ARGV[0] eq '-e'||$ARGV[0] eq '-ea'||$ARGV[0] eq '-d'||$ARGV[0] eq '-da')
open INPUT, "<$ARGV[1]" or die "couldn't open $ARGV[1] for input: $!";
open OUTPUT, ">$ARGV[2]" or die "couldn't open $ARGV[2] for output: $!";
open KEY, ($ARGV[3])?"<$ARGV[3]":"<keyfile";
my @input=split //, join("\n", <INPUT>);
my @key=split //, <KEY>;
foreach (@input)
my $letter=ord($_);
my $keyletter=ord(shift @key);
print OUTPUT &crypt($ARGV[0],$letter,$keyletter);
close INPUT;
close OUTPUT;
close KEY;
Your "one-time pad" is trivially breakable if you generate it like that. Seriously. It is far weaker than even DES. You need a file of real, cryptographic-strength random data, and that's non-trivial to generate.
Also, you're taking a layman's description of one-time pads too literally if you're using + and - to encrypt. Just use a proper XOR and you won't need separate encryption and decryption modes, either.
Also, my @input=split //, join("\n", <INPUT>);
is a bug. You want my @input=split //, join("", <INPUT>);
Cryptographically you're also missing a whole lot of important features, such as a check that you have enough pad to encrypt the whole data, and a method to make sure you never re-use any part of the pad.
None of you are expert programmers. I have read the SICP, I know the abstract bullshite. I believe I am the Sussman's love child. Not enough of you are using Lisp (Possibly none of you, I do not check lesser languages on lesser boards). If you all achieved satori, you could become expert programmers like me, and sometimes shaft the paying customers, but have a lot of fun.
I have one word for all of you; the forced indentation of code.
Fuck off back to /prog/, animal.
I am from /prog/
GREETINS folks ;]
I am from Prague too!
use strict;
use warnings;
my $sleep = 2000+int(rand(1500)); #Some days are better for fishing than others
open(FISH, "") || die("Couldn't open $!");
my @fish = <FISH>;
my $fish = @fish;
foreach my $typeOfFish (@fish) {
chomp $typeOfFish;
while (1) {
my $thisIsTheFloorGrid = int(rand(80)) +1;
my $typeOfFish = @fish[int(rand($fish))];
system("xmessage A $typeOfFish appears in grid $thisIsTheFloorGrid");
sleep $sleep+int(rand(800));
I am taking 100GET to tell >>99 to next time read the notice at the top of the board, there is no retarded BBCode here you idiot!
That's great. Carpet fishing.
Which is very unfortunate. I haven't been able to get my ``EXPERT BBCODE'' fix for a few days.
The averaging solution to Laplace's equation. More specifically, it's a 1000V and a -1000V wire near each other in a conducting pipe and I find the voltage in the pipe. While ago though, I've to look it up to see if that's right. Used symmetry to speed it up. You can change the shape and the wire's voltage and get rid of the symmetry. Graphs the result. It's in Matlab. Am I cool yet?
a = 0.5;
x = 0:1/200:a;
y = 0:1/200:a;
s = zeros(m,n);
[u1,u2] = meshgrid(y.^2,x.^2); % shape
out = find(u1+u2 >= a^2); % points outside the circle
e = 1;
while e<1000,
e = e + 1;
s = ([s(2,:) ; s(1:end-1,:)] ...
+ [s(2:end,:) ; zeros(1,n)] ...
+ [zeros(m,1) s(:,1:end-1)] ...
+ [s(:,2:end) zeros(m,1)])/4; % averaging
s(out) = 0; % outside pipe
s(1,5) = 10; % the 1000V wire
s(:,1) = 0; % y = 0
s1 = [flipud(s) ; s(2:end,:)];
s2 = [fliplr(-s1) s1(:,2:end)]; % symmetry across the y-axis
> what does anon think?Unlike Blum Blum Shub, the algorithm in its native form is not suitable for cryptography.
Monads in Javascript
// Monad stuff
function bindM(m ,k)
return function (s) {
tmp = m(s);
a = tmp[0]; s_ = tmp[1];
return k(a)(s_);
function thenM(m,k) { return bindM(m,function(_){return k;}); }
function returnM(v) { return function (s) { return [v,s]; } }
function evalS(m,s) { return m(s)[0]; }
function getS(s) { return [s,s]; }
function putS(s) { return function(_) { return [null,s]; } }
function doM(m) {
if (arguments.length == 1) return m;
else if (arguments.length % 2 && arguments.length >= 2) {
var rest =;
return arguments[1](m, doM.apply(this, rest));
else throw ("doM: Error: Arguments mismatch.");
function mapM(k,l) {
if (l.length > 0) return doM(
, bindM
, function (item) { return doM(
, bindM
, function (rest) {
if (rest)
return returnM(item.concat(rest));
return returnM(item);
); }
return returnM(null);
// Parse stuff
function parse(parser, input) { return evalS(parser, input); }
function throwInt(msg,input) {
var e = new Error();
e.message = [msg,input]; = 'PARSE_ERROR'; throw e;
/// Combinators
function choice_(m,k) {
return function (s) {
try {
return m(s);
catch (e) {
switch ( {
if (e.message[1].length != s.length) throw e;
else return k(s);
throw e;
function try_(m) {
return function (s) {
try {
return m(s);
catch (e) {
switch ( {
e.message[1] = s; // Pretend we haven't consumed input
throw e;
throw e;
var letter_ = doM(
, bindM
, function (input) {
if (input.length == 0)
return throwInt("Unexpected end of input, expected letter",input);
if (input.match(/^[a-z]/i))
return doM( putS(input.slice(1)) ,thenM, returnM(input[0]) );
return throwInt("Expected letter ([a-zA-Z])",input);
function char_(c) {
return doM(
, bindM
, function (input) {
if (input.length == 0)
return throwInt("Unexpected end of input, expected '" + c + "'",input);
if (input[0] == c)
return doM( putS(input.slice(1)) ,thenM, returnM(c) );
return throwInt("Expected character '" + c + "'",input);
function string_(str) {
return mapM(char_,str);
// Run a parser
function run(parser,string) {
print("Parse output:");
try {
catch (e) {
switch ( {
print("Parse failed: " + e.message[0] + ", input: " + e.message[1]);
throw e;
// Example parsers
// Parse some parentheses
function parens(s) {
return choice_( doM( char_('(')
, thenM
, parens
, thenM
, char_(')')
, thenM
, parens
, returnM(null)
var testOr = choice_( string_("(a)")
, string_("(b)") );
var testOr1 = doM( char_('(')
, thenM
, choice_( char_('a') , char_('b') )
, thenM
, char_(')')
var testOr2 = choice_( try_( string_("(a)") )
, string_("(b)")
var testOr3 = choice_( doM( try_( string_("(a") )
, thenM
, char_(')')
, thenM
, returnM("(a)")
, string_("(b)")
function nesting(s) {
return choice_(
, thenM
, nesting
, bindM
, function (n) {
return doM(
, thenM
, nesting
, bindM
, function (m) {
return returnM(Math.max(n+1, m));
, returnM(0)
Usage: var nestcount = run(nesting,"((()))");
//Coded by drwho
// Knight's Tour program where moves are base on on horizontal and vertical
// arrays and are accessed by a random number generator. This does only 64
// moves but can be increased. the 0 on the board is the night
// I didn't know how to get C to print out both characters and integers
// or else I would have made the knight k (%c didn't work and just displays
// weird shit). Question? I idle in #4-ch on synirc so come by
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <windows.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int j, currentrow, currentcolumn, lastmover, lastmovec, counta, moves, check;
static movenumber;
int horizontal[8]={2,1,-1,-2,-2,-1,1,2};
int vertical[8]={-1,-2,-2,-1,1,2,2,1};
int board[8][8]={
currentrow = 3;
currentcolumn = 3;
board[currentrow][currentcolumn] = 0;
moves = 0;
check = 0;
//time seed
srand ( time(NULL) );
for (counta = 1; counta < 65; counta++){
printf("Knights Round Program\n");
// random move number with time seed
movenumber = rand() % 8;
currentrow += horizontal[movenumber];
currentcolumn += vertical[movenumber];
if(currentrow > 8 || currentrow < 0 || currentcolumn > 8 || currentcolumn < 0){
currentrow = lastmover;
currentcolumn = lastmovec;
check = board[currentrow][currentcolumn];
if(check == 0){ board[lastmover][lastmovec]; }
else{board[currentrow][currentcolumn] = 0;}
// The Board
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[0][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[1][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[2][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[3][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[4][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[5][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[6][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[7][j]);}
printf("Row: %d | Column: %d\n", currentrow, currentcolumn);
if(currentrow != lastmover && currentcolumn != lastmovec){moves++;}
lastmover = currentrow;
lastmovec = currentcolumn;
printf("Moves: %d\n", moves);
if(counta == 64){
printf("Knights Round Program\n");
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[0][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[1][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[2][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[3][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[4][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[5][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[6][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[7][j]);}
printf("Row: %d | Column: %d\n", currentrow, currentcolumn);
printf("Moves: %d\n", moves);
return 0;
//Time Delay
//Coded by drwho
// Update: Thanks to a friend from 2600 I was able to shorten the code for the
// chess board. Now that is real hacking!
// Knight's Tour program where moves are base on on horizontal and vertical
// arrays and are accessed by a random number generator. This does only 64
// moves but can be increased. the 0 on the board is the night
// I didn't know how to get C to print out both characters and integers
// or else I would have made the knight k (%c didn't work and just displays
// weird shit). Question? I idle in #4-ch on synirc so come by
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <windows.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int j, i, currentrow, currentcolumn, lastmover, lastmovec, counta, moves, check;
static movenumber;
int horizontal[8]={2,1,-1,-2,-2,-1,1,2};
int vertical[8]={-1,-2,-2,-1,1,2,2,1};
int board[8][8]={
currentrow = 3;
currentcolumn = 3;
board[currentrow][currentcolumn] = 0;
moves = 0;
check = 0;
//time seed
srand ( time(NULL) );
for (counta = 1; counta < 65; counta++){
printf("Knights Round Program\n");
// random move number with time seed
movenumber = rand() % 8;
currentrow += horizontal[movenumber];
currentcolumn += vertical[movenumber];
if(currentrow > 8 || currentrow < 0 || currentcolumn > 8 || currentcolumn < 0){
currentrow = lastmover;
currentcolumn = lastmovec;
check = board[currentrow][currentcolumn];
if(check == 0){ board[lastmover][lastmovec]; }
else{board[currentrow][currentcolumn] = 0;}
// The Board
for(i=0;i<8;i++) { for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[i][j]);} printf("\n"); }
printf("Row: %d | Column: %d\n", currentrow, currentcolumn);
if(currentrow != lastmover && currentcolumn != lastmovec){moves++;}
lastmover = currentrow;
lastmovec = currentcolumn;
printf("Moves: %d\n", moves);
if(counta == 64){
printf("Knights Round Program\n");
for(i=0;i<8;i++) { for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[i][j]);} printf("\n"); }
printf("Row: %d | Column: %d\n", currentrow, currentcolumn);
printf("Moves: %d\n", moves);
return 0;
//Time Delay
> #include <windows.h>
Why not just implement an interpreter for lisp or something. That's as useful as you can get because you can implement any other program in that.
ok I hav it giv me a sec XDD
mysqld > /dev/usr/in > < > ee.ttt
dc -e "5 6 * + +" > ff.rrrr
cat ee.ttt ff.rrrr > src.c
gcc -Wall -O3 src.c -o exe
ders my code XDD u need the /devusr/in file tho XDDD
>source code must be 4 kb
>not the resulting executable
lol cucks.