Ruby opinions (111)

94 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-11-05 02:30 ID:uoVr7v/2

Very fast (No need to rewrite shit in C if your site becomes popular) because of Psyco JIT and some awesome new caching features that have been recently added, much more extensible (If it's written in Python, you can easily find a way to incorporate it), top notch FREE documentation at the official site (Instead of "BUY THE BOOK, LOL")

Defining your model in Python then auto-generating the SQL vs auto-generating a model based of the given SQL in Ruby I guess up to personal preference, though beginners would find it much easier to go with the former. There isn't much you can't do in Django database wise, if you absolutely have to do something really tricky you still easily use your own SQL code.

Also using generic view functions seems a lot more sensible and maintainable instead of dumping scaffolding code everywhere. Django lets you define your own URL structure based on Regexes, where as Ruby forces you name your structure after your functions.

Python vs Ruby is a whole other argument, however for me the clear and readable syntax of Python makes reading, writing and maintaining code very easy. I can understand why existing MASTER PERL/LISP PROGRAMMERS would want to use all the funky features of Ruby though.

They're both excellent frameworks, though RoR gets much more and Django much less hype then they deserve IMHO.

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