Need help with something (8, permasaged)

1 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-11-06 15:32 ID:iNyozgQ6

Hello everyone. I am having a problem with a program I am doing in school. While I was able to do the program(It's for school, so it was pretty simple) something has been plaguing me. The program is to have a MessageBox pop-up and increment the font size in a label in intervals of 5 to a maximum of 50. The thing that's been bugging is if there is a way to close the MessageBox and go back to the program. I've tried exit sub using if...then and select case. This is what I have so far and I was wondering if anyone can be able to do it. Is it even possible?

Dim dbla As Double, inta As String
For dbla = 10 To 50 Step 5
MsgBox "do you want to continue?"
lbla.Font.Size = dbla
Next dbla

It's done in VB(don't bash me for using it, since I'm forced to in school.)

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