has Anonymous ever created a large program? (33)

22 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-06-03 05:05 ID:Heaven

I, myself a lot of things. Under the handle "Anonymous"? none. That's lame.
group programming requires instant and successful communication between programmers. That's why anonymous programming doesn't work. You don't understand the importance of scalability.
For example, 1-version unix utilities can be easy; Each anonymous programmer contributes a whole unix utility he wrote. What about a bigger program? Each anonymous would have to read up the work of the other anonymous. If he disagrees, he's free to improve it, but then the other anons would have to read up his version, disagree, etc etc. It doesn't work. It's time-wasting and deemed a failure.
If you truly want a project where anon can contribute, write a 2D SDL game, which should allow for extensions and other things. Anon might not contribute code for the core of the program, but he'll almost certainly will for extensions, etc.

Think of it as firefox and plugins. How many people have bothered to read the source code of firefox and actually contribute bug fixes and whatnot? Few, or none. How many people have contributed plugins, extensions, themes and whatnot? shitloads.

That's the trick: give them something that already works and the only thing that it requires is inspiration and not-so-much effort.

I can most certainly write a mario clone with a level editor, skins and shit. I'm sure it would excite a lot of people, but then again, why do it? I have more important things.

Just accept it, your current project won't succeed. Take my advice, try something else, and when you decide to post it here, be sure that it works.

and cut the faggot names, the lame philosophy and all that bullshit.
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