C vs C++ vs Lisp (156)

111 Name: 110 : 2008-08-15 18:47 ID:Heaven

Whoops, accidentally posted without finishing my message. I'm a moron. :(

Anyways--I was quoting those to say that you seem to believe there is one "proper" way to approach object-oriented programming, and that simply isn't true. As I said in >>100, you should look into other languages that present OOP in different ways. As it is your view of OOP seems very narrow since, like I said, you keep making mention about "proper" OOP. There are all kinds of ways to do OOP, and it will make you a better programmer to learn about them. I also believe that would really change your point of view about the reference topic at hand.

But even if it doesn't, it won't hurt to expand your view.

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