C vs C++ vs Lisp (156)

61 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2008-07-27 21:29 ID:Heaven

> This is what C is about, not complaining that someone didn't do 2 seconds of work for you already

Dear Anonymous,

Arguments for programmer discipline apply to PHP too, with the resulting never-ending stream of SQL injection attacks. By comparison, it's rarely seen in Python or Perl. PHP advocates tend to advance the same argument: if you don't like it, build it yourself.

Of course I can write my own string handling, although it'll take much longer than two seconds since I'm not you, but that's really not the problem, is it?

Also, please read a thread before feeling the urge to add to it. Someone else covered that already a couple weeks ago, and in a much nicer manner.

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