C vs C++ vs Lisp (156)

91 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-08-13 01:23 ID:esnnjsPP

> It is not just VB programmers, its any programmers of modern OOP languages like VB, VB.Net (which is different from VB, just has the same style of syntax), C#, Java and others.

VB has references:

Sub Foo(ByRef X As String)
X = "Foo"
End Sub

C++ has references:

void Foo(string &X) {
X = *new string("Foo");

Perl has references:

sub Foo {
$_[0] = "Foo";

FORTRAN only has references. Java does not. Smalltalk does not. Common-Lisp does not. Most lisps do not. Python does not. Most C++ programmers don't use them. Perl goes through enormous contortions to detect problems at run-time caused by references. As far as I know the only language with the encouraged and pervasive use of references is Visual Basic.

Perhaps you're confusing references with something else?

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