C vs C++ vs Lisp (156)

97 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-08-13 17:42 ID:svxdzyWV


I didn't hijack anything. I am not sure if you understand the difference between value type and reference type variables.

>void Fun(Object &Foo);which is identical to VB's ByRef which stands for by reference.

For example, that statement is not true.

void Fun(Object &Foo);

In VB.Net would be:

Sub Fun(ByVal Foo As Object)

It is ByVal becase Foo is a reference (because it is an object which makes it a reference type variable), and you wouldn't pass a reference by reference. You pass in the value of the reference.

>If you wanted to be understood, you would say "I hate that C++ doesn't automatically make all class-variables pointers to classes by default"

No, because pointers wouldn't be the answer. What I am saying is that C++ isn't very good at OOP because it does not treat objects, the basis of OOP, differently from other variables in a way that lends itself to the style of OOP.

>It makes it seem like you believe that Object Oriented Programming Languages never existed before Visual Basic.

I am using commonly used OOP languages as examples because it makes for a more practical discussion.

Also, VB and VB.Net are very different languages. VB isn't very OOP because it doesn't cover other OOP basic concepts like inheritence well so sticking to VB.Net is better.

And just to add, C++'s multiple inheritence is fucking evil.

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