Threaded Imageboard Software (23)

5 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-07-27 13:30 ID:Yr4oROjY


>but why is this desirable for an imageboard application

If the site is small enough, it won't matter. However, if the site has a considerable amount of users which are making posts, the time the app spends on database reads followed by templating can add up, because they are procedural. With the threading, the only part of the process which isn't concurrent is the database reads, which is a limitation from the library. With simple locking I was able to get the app to sidestep every time it wanted to use the database.

Hm, I'll have to remember to use a proxy the next time I'm being a amer and bumping my own thread. You win this time, ID system.

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