Help for a beginning programmer (12)

5 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2010-12-04 21:20 ID:zsxl8yqN

Most languages are very similar with the same basic "modules" only different syntax, so once you know a language very well you'll be able to learn a new one quite easily.

Java is considered a really good "learning language" since it's somewhat easy and straightforward. I'd recommend using the editor Netbeans for Java. it's simply amazing with a really nice text editor and a GUI designer when you'd like to play with that, it have everything you'll ever need.

Just like >>4, I recommend using Internet as a tool for learning. There's tons of introduction guides and stuff, the only thing you'll have to keep in mind is never to copy-paste any code, just write to remember :D

Once you know the basics, come up with some basic software that you'd like to make, and make them! Stuff like simple command line procedures and, later on, more complex GUI software. One thing that's quite popular to make is a calculator. Every time you don't know how you should write your code, google some examples and learn while doing!

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