Why only China dislike Japan? (110)

1 Name: Citizen 2006-02-23 18:18 ID:6EUbClcj This thread was merged from the former /politics/ board. You can view the archive here.

101 Name: Dubious CHink : 2010-05-08 19:40 ID:aIsijqRT


102 Name: Dubious CHink : 2010-05-08 19:48 ID:aIsijqRT

What? Now we have to thank China for our goodies? Hey, we give them work and a reason to live! And now they are using that to blackmail us like this? Shameless CHINKS! Bring our jobs back!

103 Name: Citizen : 2010-05-29 14:40 ID:lZh1US1j

I am Japanese I love China I know most Chinese like Japan very much. there are few cranks on both Japanese and Chinese side speaking ill of each other. Chinese and Japanese are 同文同種, the peoples of the same leter and race, right?

104 Name: Citizen : 2010-12-13 13:16 ID:Xs5ts0lC

China can divert people's dissatisfaction with the government away.
It's true of Korea.

105 Name: Citizen : 2011-07-19 10:10 ID:x1rt0m3L

ITT: Weeaboos rush to justify their holy land's war crimes.

106 Post deleted.

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108 Name: Citizen : 2013-10-28 13:10 ID:uhUJQlDB

Crazy Chinese

109 Name: Citizen : 2013-11-08 23:05 ID:Heaven

Three years late, but Yasukuni enshrines all who died in service to the Emperor during wartime, regardless of nationality. This includes many Korean and Taiwanese people.

There's also a smaller shrine on the same grounds, Chinreisha, which enshrines all war dead whether they served the Emperor or not.

110 Name: Citizen : 2013-11-23 13:59 ID:zmES0ChS

I am a japanese. I love chinese people.
I work with chinese everyday^-^


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