Anarchists are hypocrites. (65)

1 Name: Citizen : 2008-10-12 08:36 ID:k8Wk/IBw This thread was merged from the former /politics/ board. You can view the archive here.

Ok. This has been bugging me lately.
I was in dc last night just doing whatever with a few friends. We run into some "Anarchists" who were getting ready to protest. They start prattling off about anti establishment no world bank no capitalizm....etc. Then they sit there and go off on a few friends and I about how we shouldnt protest such and such we should go after such and such. Then they go off and buy a freaking coffee at starbucks.

I am never going to let another anarchist live that one down EVER.
Its pointless and hypocritical. How dare you protest capitalism anti globablization and other things then go off and buy a freaking coffee at a globalized place..

.....Hypocrites...,all of them.
Not to mention they got scared of the police and took off.


Sage this

2 Name: Citizen : 2008-10-12 12:03 ID:Heaven

itt we protest anti-globablization and buy coffee at a globalized place while ignorant people call each other ignorant

3 Name: Citizen : 2008-10-12 21:42 ID:Heaven

Yeah, anarchists just don't know what's up.

4 Name: Citizen : 2008-10-12 22:09 ID:tDhmTf1m


So... were they supposed to steal the coffee... or make their own?

5 Name: Citizen : 2008-10-13 09:24 ID:Heaven

  1. Form a labor syndicate
  2. Make tools out of locally available resources
  3. Plant coffee seeds
  4. Take care of coffee plants
  5. Harvest coffee seeds
  6. Roast coffee seeds over hand-started fire
  7. Grind and boil the coffee seeds
  8. ?????

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-15 02:25 ID:hBYV+9MT

^^^^^brilliant post

7 Name: A Concerned Anarchist : 2008-10-22 01:37 ID:Heaven

Now, now, don't group all anarchists under that label. Some of us are capitalists.The rest are just crazies.

8 Name: Citizen : 2008-10-27 05:05 ID:Heaven

Yeah cuz a government isn't necessary to enforce contracts. Capitalism requires the state far more than any brand of Socialism, Communism, or Mutualism ever could.

9 Name: Citizen : 2008-12-10 17:22 ID:hd8tSdLp

Anarchism...or, to more accurately address your post the broader anti-capitalist movement as a whole attempts to resist capitalism whenever possible.
They stil need to eat, drink, go places, etc. Sure, you could boycott Wal-Mart or whatever big company of your choice and buy from local distributors, sure you could try to dumpster all your food and drink, as I did for about a month, sure you could steal everything and squat abandoned buildings. In the end, however any anti-capitalist is as much a slave to capitalism as anyone else. The typical anti-capitalist sees his or her entrapment within capitalism as moraly objectionable and attempts to break free from that. They key word there being attempt.

Your chance encounter though sounds more like 14 year old punks who are just looking for an excuse to hate the government, rather than true anarchists who espouse a true anti-capitalist doctrine.

10 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2008-12-11 03:59 ID:Heaven

Anarchism has nothing to do with anti-capitalism; its about the elimination of the government. Anarcho-capitalists are anarchists too, regardless how scary they are.

11 Name: Citizen : 2008-12-31 02:47 ID:KXBkPmX6

Anarchy and capitalism go hand in hand. No government regulation or taxation means more profits. It also sets things up to be run by organizations, which would bring everyone back to square one. Anarchy and socialism (and offspring) would not work because those economic policies require the intervention of an overseeing power. Anarchy and bartering would be perfect but who really wants to barter?

  • Anarchy + capitalization = Eventual governing by large scale organization/corperation. Circle of Life.
  • Anarchy + socialist policies (and similar) = Impossible and hypocritical.
  • Anarchy + bartering = Great, but overlooked and unwanted. Clumsy and without standard as to value or quality.

12 Name: Citizen : 2009-01-01 01:54 ID:69eipvEy


stupid people aren't really scary

13 Name: Citizen : 2009-01-21 20:49 ID:g0S0VQbG

The best anarchist come from Eugene Oregon

14 Name: Citizen : 2009-03-24 13:40 ID:13i1gMQt

I have to disagree with >>8. Comunism and Socialism is a state-regulated affair, where the State becomes the entity that regulates everything for it's citizens.

In any case, Anarchy means simply "No Government", and that, in our current times, is simply not possible. Even then, it is not possible simply because human nature, as a social animal, is to congregate in societies. Societies need some type of rules in order to not sink into mutual slaughter (because that is human nature too). Without any kind of government whose purpose is to formulate such laws, and enforce them, we end up with a Mad Max style society: every man for himself, because, with no laws, murder is not punishable, and things like greed run rampant among ourselves.

Hence, the need for a goverment. Now, now, this doesn't mean I agree with all goverments: there are ways to do things that are better than most current goverments do now, but still, it means there is someone anybody can go to when his/her rights have been broken.

15 Name: Citizen : 2009-03-24 16:30 ID:Heaven


> because human nature, as a social animal, is to congregate in societies.
> Societies need some type of rules in order to not sink into mutual slaughter (because that is human nature too).

Can you prove these claims? Preferably with the identification of a specific gene sequence. Thanks!

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