★★USA Election 2012★★ (120)

1 Name: Citizen : 2011-09-12 09:44 ID:Yc8gP5A+ This thread was merged from the former /politics/ board. You can view the archive here.

ITT: We discuss the upcoming 2012 elections in the USA. There will be wildly disparate poll numbers, quotes taken out of context, twice as many mentions of Ron Paul here as the number of votes he’ll actually receive, and in the end, as always, no matter who wins, we all lose.

President: Barack Obama (D)
House: GOP 242 – Dem 193
Senate: Dem 53 – GOP 47

101 Name: Citizen : 2012-10-18 08:17 ID:/W0evHJX

Obama did much better in the second debate, we'll have to see how the final debate will go though before the election winner can be predicted.

102 Name: Citizen : 2012-11-06 12:05 ID:8U8j0VOE

Oh, my poor thread. I'm so sorry I neglected you but it just got boring after all the nuts were weeded out of the Republican primary.

If you're like me, you've all been locked alone in an interior room of the house without television, radio, or an Internet connection, eating cold MREs and ignoring every knock at the door because the ads/party operatives are everywhere all the time. RELAX, IT'S ALMOST OVER!

This morning, electoral-vote.com is calling it a solid Obama victory with 294 electoral votes to Romney's 220 and the 24 up for grabs. That's if their aggregate polls actually hold true (reminder: 270 needed to win). States that could shake it up include Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida. If you live there, consider voting! If this is the first time you've heard this suggestion and you live in one of those states, consider having your hearing checked!

103 Name: Citizen : 2012-11-06 13:56 ID:YvO0gEtm

Today's the day.

104 Name: Citizen : 2012-11-06 14:02 ID:YvO0gEtm

Now that I look at >>102, it shows how much Romney and Obama got, but not how much the other guys got. I know it will be next to nothing, but I'd still like to know.

105 Name: Citizen : 2012-11-07 08:36 ID:8U8j0VOE

We have some results! As of about 2AM EST, most outlets are reporting that Obama has won, taking both Ohio and Pennsylvania. Florida could go either way, but at this point, it doesn't really matter. (You can't go all 2000 on us this year, Florida!)

✔Obama (D) 303 +/- 29
Romney (R) 206 +/- 29

✔Democrats: 51 +/- 2
Republicans: 45 +/- 2
Independents 2 (both are left-leaning)

✔Republicans: 226 +/- 33
Democrats: 176 +/- 33

Source: CNN

106 Name: grey!C.MxxuCiTo : 2012-11-07 14:01 ID:lYnC6TbS

Gay Marriage passed in Maine, and pot was legalized in WA!

107 Name: Citizen : 2012-11-07 18:41 ID:vgsO7jau

Pot legalized in CO, too. Ironically, it was probably because all of the Obama voters.

Johnson won one percent of the popular vote.

108 Name: grey!C.MxxuCiTo : 2012-11-07 22:14 ID:Heaven

Oh? Why's that ironic? Has Colorado been against pot in the past? Sorry I don't know anything about that state.

109 Name: Citizen : 2012-11-07 22:50 ID:uUhZQJ2F

( ゚ ヮ゚) Puerto Rico voted for statehood!

110 Name: Citizen : 2012-11-08 04:32 ID:tbIRaBHA

I think something legalizing gay marriage was also passed in Spain recently. Hopefully more will follow.

111 Name: Citizen : 2012-11-08 13:54 ID:p4fbFr0W

>>107 Oregon voted for Obama to, but we didn't legalize pot here!
Linking Obama with pot legalization is quite a stretch.

112 Name: Citizen : 2012-12-24 02:10 ID:QIoB28Li

A quick look on Wikipedia says that Spain legalized gay marriage nation wide in 2005, unless there had been some region where it was not allowed that was overturned recently?

113 Name: VIPpet : 2013-01-26 19:52 ID:A+AlzYQJ

Hi I am a Vipper, from VIP at 2ch.net.

Fack you,
Have a nice weekend!

114 Name: Citizen : 2014-10-30 23:19 ID:sbWuKVbZ

Obongo is fucking shit!


115 Name: Citizen : 2014-11-02 07:50 ID:N+TVVead


116 Name: Citizen : 2014-12-31 16:57 ID:RE03Phps

Obama why have you done lately?

117 Name: Mitchard McConnell : 2015-01-21 07:48 ID:FtLS7zh4

Joni Ernst ate Obama's balls!

118 Name: Citizen : 2015-01-24 05:42 ID:GHZ0bXWn

Mr. T ate mine!

119 Post deleted.

120 Post deleted.

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