It's time to write the DQN theme song! (90)

1 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4150 19:09 ID:p4nrUZHo [Del]

>>30 is the title of the song
>>7,9,8 is the first verse
>>52-55 is the chorus
>>40,39,77 is the second verse
>>4 is the final line

the full lyrics: >>7,9,8,52-55,40,39,77,52-55,4

2 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4150 19:09 ID:p4nrUZHo [Del]

  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Oppai! Oppai!

3 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4150 19:45 ID:v9lUWmg7 [Del]

It must be performed by the NEETles.

4 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4150 21:09 ID:nLSjE4We [Del]

lol internet

5 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4150 21:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

in the dark valley of west

6 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4150 23:37 ID:nLSjE4We [Del]

in the spunk valley of DQN

7 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 00:56 ID:Heaven [Del]

la la la la la la la

8 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 01:15 ID:Heaven [Del]

Post deleted by user.

9 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 01:26 ID:nLSjE4We [Del]

fuck my anal

10 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 01:27 ID:nLSjE4We [Del]

8>> "Post deleted by user." You fucked up teh song assfuck!

11 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 13:41 ID:Heaven [Del]

So remix it later.

12 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 14:03 ID:v9lUWmg7 [Del]

As some of you already know, Japanese VIPPERS have their own theme song.

the Neetles

13 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 17:15 ID:EK6U6GaP [Del]

               | おっぱい! おっぱい! おっぱい! おっぱい!!! |
おっぱい! おっぱい   < おっぱい! おっぱい! おっぱい! おっぱい!!! >
   ☆           | おっぱい! おっぱい! おっぱい! おっぱい!!!_|
     ヽ   ☆        ̄∨ ̄∨ ̄∨ ̄∨ ̄∨ ̄∨ ̄∨ ̄∨ ̄∨
       =≡= ∧_∧          ☆。:.+:  ∧_∧     おっぱい! おっぱい~
        / 〃(・∀・ )  シャンシャン        ( ・∀・)  ♪.:。゚*
      〆  ┌\と\と.ヾ∈≡∋ゞ      / ̄ヽ/,― 、\ o。。。    おっぱい! おっぱい~
       ||  γ ⌒ヽヽコ ノ ||         | ||三∪●)三mΕ∃.
   ドコドコ || ΣΣ  .|:::|∪〓 ||         \_.へ--イ\  ゚ ゚ ゚
.     /|\人 _.ノノ ||. /|\  ∧_∧     (_)(_)   ☆:.°+
                      ( ・∀・ )っτ        。::.☆ο
おっぱい! おっぱい      ♪~ ( つ‡ /  |   おっぱい! おっぱい~
                      |  (⌒) |  ☆1
     ♪     ∬∬ おっぱい! おっぱい~ 彡  し'⌒^ミ A 〃
    ∧_∧  ( ‘)     / ̄ ̄ ̄    ̄ ̄/.|      ∧_∧ ____
    ( ・∀・)_//      | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| .|      ( ・∀・) _/
  _( (   / Cミ       | THE NEETLES   | .|  .    (\ ∧//     ~♪
  \((○ ̄ /_        |            .|/       >、\ξ)   ~♪
 Σソ\_/(_)ミ                          /∠(,,,)>\
    (_)                             (_) \| (_)

14 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 17:17 ID:Heaven [Del]


> When I find myself in times of job
> Mother Mary comes to me
> Speaking words of wisdom, let me neet.
> And in my hour of my room
> She is standing right in front of me
> Speaking words of wisdom, let me neet.
> let me neet, let me neet, let me neet, let me neet.
> If you work then you're loser, let me neet.

That's hilarious!

15 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 22:28 ID:s5ovj1kb [Del]

Waiting for >>40 to come.

16 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4152 07:32 ID:Heaven [Del]

What about the music?

17 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4152 13:43 ID:nky9s+pZ [Del]

Lyrics are first, apparently.

18 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4152 13:56 ID:bBYRNZtG [Del]

I think we should just steal a song and karaoke over it.

19 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4152 14:56 ID:Heaven [Del]

20 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4152 18:39 ID:Heaven [Del]

It kinda sounds like music if you exaggerate a lot when pronouncing the lyrics.

21 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4152 19:15 ID:a4EJXib6 [Del]


22 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4152 19:18 ID:PXbanDi2 [Del]

That's poetry.

23 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4153 19:05 ID:Heaven [Del]


24 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 02:06 ID:rSqCeaP3 [Del]

let's get >>7,9,8,52-55,40,39,77,52-55,4 by DQN theme song!

25 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 02:22 ID:flpcvF4b [Del]

What kind of musical genre do you guys prefer?

26 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 04:42 ID:he2wq7d7 [Del]


27 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 05:05 ID:vTTE7xJx [Del]


         ∧_∧   ┌────────────
       ◯( ´∀` )◯ < I LIKE COUNTRY!
        \    /  └────────────
       _/ __ \_
      (_/   \_)

28 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 07:03 ID:Heaven [Del]


29 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 13:29 ID:QzvOp6Xw [Del]

As for me, it's Kouyama Mitsuki!

30 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 16:08 ID:Heaven [Del]


31 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 16:29 ID:Heaven [Del]


32 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 21:56 ID:mab1aMGx [Del]

  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Oppai! Oppai!

I like smooth jazz, rap, and shit

33 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4155 10:34 ID:i+SBjPHr [Del]

         ∧_∧   ┌────────────
       ◯( ´∀` )◯ < I AM BURAKKU METARU!!orzorz
        \    /  └────────────
       _/ __ \_
      (_/   \_)

34 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4155 11:13 ID:FC+CD7JD [Del]

Who can compose in mixture of rock, countly, jpop, somooth jazz, rap and black metal.

35 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 08:15 ID:Nh6FL/LO [Del]

Needs more bass.

(Fan of power metal, mostly!)

36 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 16:01 ID:VJ9YGDy8 [Del]

age for >>39

37 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 17:29 ID:ZTiuVDto [Del]

Awaiting >>39, ok.

38 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 17:35 ID:mZ6TeAJS [Del]


39 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 17:35 ID:mZ6TeAJS [Del]

in my

40 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 17:35 ID:mZ6TeAJS [Del]

a bag of JISAKU JIEN

41 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 19:50 ID:VJ9YGDy8 [Del]

30 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4154 16:08 ID:Heaven [Del]


7 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 00:56 ID:Heaven [Del]

la la la la la la la

8 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 01:15 ID:Heaven [Del]

Post deleted by user.

9 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4151 01:26 ID:nLSjE4We [Del]

fuck my anal

40 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 17:35 ID:mZ6TeAJS [Del]

a bag of JISAKU JIEN

39 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 17:35 ID:mZ6TeAJS [Del]

in my

42 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 20:40 ID:mZ6TeAJS [Del]

next stop: chorus

43 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4156 22:08 ID:+9BzT4rV [Del]


44 Name: sage 1993-09-4157 05:29 ID:Heaven [Del]


45 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4157 06:36 ID:dYq6bU9w [Del]

sage yourself

46 Name: age 1993-09-4157 06:38 ID:Heaven [Del]


47 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4157 19:09 ID:dP2MRBHn [Del]

this is taking too long

48 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4157 23:03 ID:Heaven [Del]

 ( ´∀`)<ぬるぽ

49 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4157 23:09 ID:Heaven [Del]

 ( ´∀`)<あ!ぬるぽ

50 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4157 23:26 ID:aSHdA7KW [Del]


51 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4157 23:39 ID:Heaven [Del]


52 Post deleted by user.

53 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4157 23:39 ID:Heaven [Del]


54 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4158 00:42 ID:Heaven [Del]

asshats, asshats everywhere

55 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4158 01:58 ID:Ibnq+uWr [Del]

and not a nurupo to drink (GA!)
Don't let the dokyuun escape from here
they'll make the Internet stink

56 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4158 03:21 ID:Heaven [Del]

age for >>77

57 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4158 12:04 ID:1awMAHKL [Del]

おっぱい! おっぱい!

58 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4158 19:04 ID:BCScFYH8 [Del]

only one line to go
lets do it

59 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 02:14 ID:Heaven [Del]


60 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 1993-09-4159 05:57 ID:Heaven [Del]


61 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 11:50 ID:Heaven [Del]

        _,.rイ ,,"`. ---、,,,.、:::::::::::::::::::::/\:::::::::::::::::::|'i、 
゙li、      ̄../,/ ̄/  ,/:::.゙:/// |.|.l.i、,,\ ゙''''―ヽ/\::', 
,,ji}i    イ゙ ^゙`:゙‐'"~"::::::::///./ l . i . l 、,,::゙ーi、  || ./:::::', 
."。\   |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,イ /././  |  | . | .j:::|:::::ヽ/ \.l:::::::::i 
\ 。\  .W::::::::::l:::::i::::::/ |..:i. |..|\|/.|// / /..ハ、::::::::::::::::::::::i
  \  \  \リl l |:::::::r‐┼トミ||\Ο//./ /∠,,_l.::::::::::::::::::::::::i
    \  \ 丿ヽハl\| Y゙゙i'>、 l| /ノ ノ ,.r==ェ、, .i::::::::::::::::::::::::::i
     \  \::::::::::::::::ヽ ゞ;;! !. .|    ‘ ヒ''r'ソ  i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::|_____
      .へ  _ \,/^ヽ.l      r'    ~~`   ,!:::::::::::::::/l:::::::::|   /
     /:::::::ヽi `i i´ rヘ,,..ヽ、    `'        ,.ノ::::::::::::::/ .|::::,,ノ ./
 .   /::::::::::::::::l、 l/ ノ/`__,,, .ゝ,   'iニ'    /::::::::::::::::/__.レ゙` /_,,..,,_
   /::::::::::::::::::::ヽ `゛./ .// .__,, .)ゝ,,    ,,.r/::::::::::::::,,、-''゙,,-""゙゙`,,-ー''""|
   |/|::::::::::::::::::ヽ__.l_/./ //'''''ヽ| `''''.゙/::::::::,-'"_..,,/` ,/゙゙''、   ./
      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄.,゙-ヽ じ(,/''、.人  /__,/"`,,//  ,/   ゙l   /
          < ̄ ̄ \  \. `'<_,、-'"  l―''' '"     .|.,,,-゙゙ヽ
              \,,,,,,___ \  \   `゙''''ー-、l___       ノ゙´゙'''`ヽi
             / l:::::::゙ヽ.\  \       `''''\\   ./    ノ
          〈__,,,|:::;;;;;;:-=\  \        ゙l:::゙lヽ /`''ヽ

62 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 1993-09-4159 18:33 ID:fAEpFZRB [Del]

Have you ever been sitting or lying on your back in bed and you fart so ferociously that the bedsprings vibrate?

63 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 18:45 ID:Heaven [Del]

I don't have any bedsprings. My bed consists of a matress on top of a wooden frame that's broken and lying on top of several beer crates.

64 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 19:08 ID:c9vIqo5h [Del]

who will sing this song for us?

65 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 19:22 ID:Heaven [Del]

I hope it's going to be cracky-chan!

66 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 20:59 ID:0Ym7jCQT [Del]

>>77 is DQN

67 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 21:51 ID:TBB0magn [Del]


68 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 21:51 ID:Heaven [Del]


69 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 21:52 ID:Heaven [Del]

jjjjjjjisaku jien

70 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 21:53 ID:+Ks9XZHE [Del]


71 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 21:53 ID:+Ks9XZHE [Del]

i am on to you, fella!

72 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 21:54 ID:+Ks9XZHE [Del]

             /": : : : : : : : \
           /-─-,,,_: : : : : : : : :\
          /     '''-,,,: : : : : : : :i
          /、      /: : : : : : : : i      ________
         r-、 ,,,,,,,,,,、 /: : : : : : : : : :i    /
         L_, ,   、 \: : : : : : : : :i   / lalalalala DQN
         /●) (●>   |: :__,=-、: / <   lalalalala NEET
         l イ  '-     |:/ tbノノ    \    
        l ,-=-'\     l ι';/       \  Neet-kun (age: 24)
        ヽトェ-ェェ-:)     -r'          ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
         ヾ=-'     / / 
     ____ヽ::::...   / ::::|
  / ̄ ::::::::::::::l `──''''   :::|

73 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 21:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer orci pede, cursus quis, auctor quis, dictum et, pede. Aliquam luctus ornare risus. Aliquam ante risus, aliquam id, adipiscing sit amet, semper eget, metus. In ligula. Pellentesque rutrum sem id risus. Nunc in est sagittis neque semper pulvinar. Donec nec nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla enim nulla, blandit non, molestie sit amet, viverra vitae, augue. Suspendisse pharetra, massa tincidunt congue egestas, massa orci lacinia pede, eget nonummy augue dolor at tortor. Curabitur a ante. Etiam auctor, metus non pulvinar iaculis, risus purus ullamcorper neque, in consequat lacus ante at nisl.

74 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 22:33 ID:tenBs/K5 [Del]

ave satanas

75 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 22:40 ID:+Ks9XZHE [Del]

dies irae

76 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 23:05 ID:x0ttE/Bn [Del]


77 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 23:05 ID:x0ttE/Bn [Del]

a master is out

78 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4159 23:37 ID:0Ym7jCQT [Del]

teh win

79 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4160 01:56 ID:Heaven [Del]


la la la la la la la
fuck my anal
Post deleted by user.

Post deleted by user.
asshats, asshats everywhere
and not a nurupo to drink (GA!)
Don't let the dokyuun escape from here
they'll make the Internet stink

a bag of JISAKU JIEN
in my
a master is out

Post deleted by user.
asshats, asshats everywhere
and not a nurupo to drink (GA!)
Don't let the dokyuun escape from here
they'll make the Internet stink

lol internet

any suggestions on what it should be to the tune of?

80 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 1993-09-4160 06:21 ID:fAEpFZRB [Del]

In Soviet Russia, post deletes YOU!

81 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4160 19:52 ID:kllHZAFE [Del]

>>79 Top Ten charts, here we come! (w

82 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4160 23:49 ID:Heaven [Del]

Grammy 2005

83 Name: !KIRA/DnCJs 1993-09-4179 21:38 ID:zcxumB7B [Del]

pooop! pooop! poooooooop!!!

84 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4180 01:40 ID:Heaven [Del]

Song's already over, dude. (´∀` )

85 Name: !KIRA/DnCJs 1993-09-4180 02:51 ID:zcxumB7B [Del]

i hate you, anyway.

86 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4180 05:01 ID:Heaven [Del]

(´∀` ) Omae mona, fag.

87 Name: Kihei^!udEYYlTjKY!!6M/mEaRp 1993-09-4187 10:37 ID:2vgnAAhb [Del]

refer to and look for an artist called "rebirth". first two tracks are DQN theme

88 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4189 03:08 ID:9GdMKAug [Del]


k, thx.

89 Name: IQ=85 1993-09-4189 15:10 ID:eCG0+Lk7 [Del]

hello all

90 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4546 01:56 [no]

The second DQN song sucked so I'm AGEing you, ol' buddy.

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