ITT we threaten to leave this board (333)

224 Name: winter : 1993-09-4907 14:17

For many, many years, I've enjoyed being a part of DQN. Just reading the daily posts, creating new structured threads and just chatting along with the other five members helped keep me going when the monotony of work threatened to drown me.

Of late, though, things have changed. We're not as tight-knit as we previously were. Even though we've all been role-playing as perhaps fifty different posters each, we were always friendly and supportive of each other even as we ripped each other to shreds.

Somehow, things have changed. A great deal. I'm not going to name names, I'm not going to hurl allegations. I don't want to make things any worse than they already are. I have become a point of contention in this community, and I am going to leave before it tears DQN apart.

I've emailed each of you separately as to which characters you'll need to take over, and I'm sure you'll all pick up the slack admirably. If anyone needs to find me, just find me on skype, okay?

And will expire on the 13th. I have no plans to spend the money to renew it, so support it while you can.

And remember, >>1 is your friend.


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