This Whole Taboo Food Issue (36)

20 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4946 08:04

But what about those that only eat those things that have fallen from the living as if a gift such as fruits and really i'm confused as to whether a potato isn't such a thing or not but i suppose that no i assume that if an individual partake of pronography or reality television then that individual shall also partake of meat, fries, chips, candy, and the soda regardless as what has entered the mind mentally must also enter the body physically so that it may be seen and accounted for in another light so the individual may keep his own records upon matters of himself that he might assume to be of an airy nature and as for creatures of the sea no discernment has yet been made but i enjoy sushi because YOUNG FRESH CLEAN

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