Japanese dating spam is the best spam! (83)

67 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9111 00:51

The other day I got a threat bitcoin ransom thing claiming I had watched pr0n on their site and they know my password and if I don't pay them within a day ALL SIX CONTACTS I have are gonna see my amateur jackoff session capped from my webcam (if they actually had my FB like they claimed, it would be significantly more than that).

Thing is, it's just a really good bluff intended to scare whoever's shitty password they had. That was my password, yeah, but it's one I used on sites I felt were kinda dodgy like 15 years ago as an idiot teenager. They almost certainly cracked the hash from some long forgotten phpBB2 board (or got it from someone who did). Not some clever back-tab RDP keylogging + webcam capture like the message claims, regarding some browser I don't use. I keep myself clean and pure for 2D futanari doujinshi, thanks.

The other problem with their gambit is that the threat holds no power over me. I have no money and no girlfriend prospects or anything; nobody is going to be super surprised to know a basement dwelling loser is watching naughty pictures. If anything, if they even followed through on the threat (they can't), some jokers will just be asking me "so, which one's the porno?"

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