>>71 is an ugly aggravating unintelligent dirtball (232)

1 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 01:09

I hate >>71 with all of my burning fire.


2 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 01:13

>>71 is a filthy pus dribbling zit on the inner asscheek of humanity.

3 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 02:28

>>71 is more fun popped.

4 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 05:07

Don't listen to them, >>71.
You're a remarkable human being with great talents.

5 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 09:13

>>71 is what the cat brought in, then refused to eat.

6 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 10:41

>>71 is a pathetic excuse of a human being that needs to wiped out from this existence since >>71 shames us as specie.

7 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 11:13

>>71 is DQN.

8 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 11:43

>>71 did WTC

9 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 12:14

>>71 hasn't even posted yet, why are you all hating on him?

10 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 13:06

>>71 is such a terrible person that >>1 had to travel back in time and warn us of his post, that's why.

11 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 13:12

>>71 has nothing to offer to civilized society except for his swift departure.

12 Name: Not in Employment, Education, or Training : 1993-09-5153 13:18

>>71 is the alpha and the omega.

13 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 13:24

>>71 has much love to give.

14 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 15:18

>>71 is a Panda

15 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 18:42

Fuck >>71. Fuck him right in his fucking ear, the stupid fucking cunt

16 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 20:13

A long time ago, >>71 was my best friend. Then >>71 went and did a terrible thing. I was at the local Secretary of state, in line to renew my license and I was waiting there for at least an hour before they called my number. As soon as they called my number >>71, who was in line after me and couldn't wait any longer to have his number called, ripped up my ticket (number 70, oh the irony), and punched me in the face so hard that he left me unconscious for about 3 hours. So yeah, >>71 is a terrible person and I hate him.

17 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 21:16

Shun the nonbelievers! >>71 will come down from Heaven to rule over the righteous and smite the unworthy! Cower before >>71!

18 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 21:45

I used to be a good friend of >>71, until I found what it was he was doing with all those plastic straws he kept borrowing every now and then.

It was so traumatising that I can barely sleep at night, thank you >>71 for ruining my life.

19 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 21:49

>>17 Seriously?

Shit, >>71 sounds like a real asshole.

20 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 22:30

>>71 wasted his chance to make an amusing post and just posted uninteresting drivel and/or insulted himself.

21 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 22:46

Give >>71 a break guys! Even if all he does is kick people in the nads, imagine what he'd do if he was born with ARMS too.

22 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5153 23:06

>>71 is an idiot

23 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5154 00:04

I'm >>71, and I'll sue!

24 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5154 00:57

No you aren't, you're >>23. Quit telling lies, you're almost as bad as >>71.

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