What the hell, this place is getting stupider than /b/. (52)

1 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5156 11:04

"Let's get to 1000 by x" and "ITT we x" are just another way to say "I want to make a popular thread but I have no original ideas." One of these kinds of threads every once in a while might be kind of funny, but damn guys, lay off it a little, it's getting patently ridiculous scrolling down through a full page of nothing but the same text.

I suppose this text will be copied into every reply because every trace of free thought and creativity has been drained from DQN. (Or rather, it never existed in the first place but we used to at least copy interesting threads from 2ch.) We need to get some of the old crap back; it may have been crap but there were at least some brain cells in the primordial soup.

2 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5156 11:07


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