ITT we write a book (121)

112 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5201 06:21

Mountian of Death and Suffering Part 23
By >>55

Chapter 1

It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents, except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness. Thus it was when Standard 4-ch user awoke from uneasy dreams to found himself transformed in his bed into a moe girl. She had no time to ruminate on this unusual development before Takakazu Abe burst into the room, and cried "Nii-san! Yaranaika? Nii-san! Yaranaika? Nii-san! Yaranaika? Nii-san! Yaranaika? Nii-san! Yaranaika? Nii-san! Yaranaika? Nii-san! Yaranaika? Nii-san! Yaranaika? Nii-san! Yaranaika? Nii-san! Yaranaika?" as he launched a flying kick at the window, shattering it and fatally injuring the funky Chinaman attempting to pry it open fron the outside.

**Publisher's note: Due to ongoing financial difficulties, Takakazu Abe's subsequent interjections in every paragraph have been omitted from this edition of Mountian of Death and Suffering Part 23. We beg your understanding, and recommend that you purchase the DQN Press hardcover edition of Mountian of Death and Suffering Part 23 for the full Mountian of Death and Suffering Part 23 experience.

Bleeding from 17 cuts caused by the shards of glass now covering the room, Standard 4-ch user roused herself from bed and walked over to the mirror to begin fondling her new breasts. "I'm not really into the whole being a girl thing, but I could get used to this," she mused.

"You look different, Nii-san. Yaranaika?" Abe observed.

"It must have been that bastard Junior," Standard said. "I bet he slipped something into my drink at that shady diner we went to last night. I'm not really into the whole going for drinks at a diner thing, but Mittens insisted."

The two got into their mecha and headed to THE REI'S DINER in Funky Chinatown, leaving a swath of destruction in their wake.

Chapter 2

As the two entered funky Chinatown, their mecha were accosted by funky Chinamen. But they fired heat-seeking missiles and rendered the funky Chinamen into thin smears on the pavement. They continued on unhindered.

Standard 4-ch user and Abe entered the diner to find ‚c‚`‚c‚c‚x‚b‚n‚n‚k sitting at the bar, surrounded by a crowd of VIPPERS. The hostess was nowhere in sight, but the corpse of a large onigiri lay disemboweled on one table, its face twisted in pain. Several of the VIPPERS were feasting on its entrails.

Abe went over, mounted the corpse and began thrusting while Standard steeled her delicate self against the gruesome sight, then pushed her way through the crowd to converse with ‚c‚`‚c‚c‚x‚b‚n‚n‚k. "hello im daddycool the VIPPER join my community of VIPPERS if you payme enough i will give you access to a secret area of VIP QUALITY," the net idol greeted her cordially.

"I'm not really into the whole secret area of VIP QUALITY thing," Standard said, flashing a 10000 yen bill. "But I need information."

‚c‚`‚c‚c‚x‚b‚n‚n‚k took the bill and slipped it into his pants. "teh rei transformed into a giant dragon-penguin and flew off somewhere," he told Standard.

"Thanks, that was very specific and helpful," Standard replied. She left and got into her mecha.

Abe, having finished with the corpse of the onigiri, went over to ‚c‚`‚c‚c‚x‚b‚n‚n‚k and pulled out ten 10000-yen bills. "I'd like the special service," he said.

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