Mad Lib 3 (39)

37 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10032 14:00

Great Uncle Sage's Lol Sage Recipe

Here's a recipe I learned from my great uncle Sage, for a sage that'll really It doesn't work this way your necrobump!


  • 500g egg
  • 250g scrotum
  • One World Trade Centre
  • A handful of crows (I'd recommend no more than >>8)
  • A bowlful of finely grated spunk
  • 2-3 drops cancer extract
  • 1kg VORUDEMOTO meat (the fattier the better, for a richer flavour)
  • Smegma to taste
  • Approx. fifty floofies
  • 300ml Luigi (personally I recommend Blimp Schleppers inc. brand, but any will do)
  • 50g croissant (obviously, remember to thoroughly jump this beforehand)
  • A live binturong
  • Cloacas for garnish (optional)


  1. Sieve together the egg, scrotum, and spunk into a large bunghole. Exsanguinate until mind-boggling.
  2. Gently twat the VORUDEMOTO meat (remember to wear gloves!) and then wank it into the mixture.
  3. Sage the Luigi, croissant, and cancer extract together. This will make the glaze.
  4. Add crows. I'm serious about using no more than >>8, my friend Clonepa always adds to much and it comes out tasting like a bunny's arse.
  5. Hammer the binturong with a pair of battle mittens. Obliterate, then add to the mixture from step 2, sprinkling with floofies.
  6. Now, this is the crucial step. If you screw this up, the entire dish is ruined. CAREFULLY, bung the World Trade Centre into the mixture.
  7. Pour the glaze on top, and bake at 200C for 45 minutes, or until verily.
  8. Garnish with smegma and cloacas, and serve on a jumbo-sausage.
  9. Enjoy!
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