ITT We Say "bumsex" 18 times (21)

1 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6388 20:15

bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex bumsex

2 Name: A BUT : 1993-09-6388 22:34


3 Name: 🔰!ESpeoN/nPA : 1993-09-6389 00:03

@ ΘQΘ@@@ΘQΘ@@@ΘQΘ@@ ΘQΘ@ @ @@ΘQΘ
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@b b@|@ „«This thread has peacefully ended.„«@b b b
@i_QjQj „³„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„ͺ„³@i_QjQj@@@@@Thank you.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Grand sponsors:
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@>>0

4 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6389 01:29

>>2 Not right now you don't.

5 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6389 01:33

This thread has been closed and replaced with the following:
  • Subject: [poop]ITT Describe Your Last Poop
  • Name: ( ˃ ƒŽ˂)
  • Link: sage
  • Verification: scien
Mine was a bit sloppy.

6 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6389 03:22

Mine was dark brown and sloppy, as it usually is after a stimulant binge

7 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6389 06:44

Mine surprised me at being a single half-meter long piece that came out amazingly smoothly.

8 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6389 06:47

Mine splattered all over the place and aroused an aquatic looking beast, but I managed to get away in the nick of time after using holy toilet paper to wipe my arse.

9 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6389 08:25

I will forever be a shit faggot.

10 Name: 🔰!ESpeoN/nPA : 1993-09-6389 09:28

Mine is NEET and doesn't want to go outside.

11 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6389 10:36


12 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6389 14:56

Mine was made after bumsex. I had some bumsex then after the bumsex I pooped. I waited until the end of the bumsex and did not shit during the bumsex, bumsex needs to be kept clean, that's basic bumsex etiquette. Bumsex, however, makes one want to poop after the bumsex is done. So following the bumsex it is ok to poop. Still, pooping before bumsex is preferable to have better bumsex afterwards. It's only DURING bumsex that poop is not acceptable. Unless you're into that kind of shit, but bumsex practitioners, by default, are not. Those who are generally do not think of bumsex as their primary activity anyway, they only have bumsex so that poop can be involved. My love of bumsex is pure, so I'd never mix poop with bumsex.

13 Name: Ϊ€( l _ l ),€T!ESpeoN/nPA : 1993-09-6389 21:40

>>11 Uranus.

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