ITT I talk about Claire [Infatuation] (42)

25 Name: !X/rPSv9NWo : 1993-09-6421 22:24

Beyond all reasonable doubt, she doesn't like me back.

When I got home I had an 'acute attack of multiple negative emotions' as I realise the above fact. I felt like shit.

Later on, Claire went on MSN Messenger and I told her I was sorry. Thankfully, she said she only waited five minutes and it was all alright.

Then we had a long conversation. I basically.. Told her I wanted to ask her about my 'hypothetical girl problems'. I asked her what kind of place would be suitable to take a 'girl', who I was relatively unfamilar with, for lunch. She asked me whether I was asking HER out for lunch, and whether it was as a friend or as an act of dating with her. I said no, I wasnt going to ask her out, and I figured our relationship didn't swing that way anyway. Then we had a long conversation and during the course of that conversation implied that she didn't see me sexually.

I respect her decision and Im starting to forge I ever liked her already. Claire is such a good friend, she always helps me, meanwhile I don't ever have anything to give to her.

vc: coy

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