Why don't we record these songs here? DQN is the perfect place for anything.
DQN is the perfect place for anything except you, putrid, vile fur-covered scum. Even DQN has standards and you fall far, far below them. Your existence makes the world a far worse place. You're a worthless, unfunny leech with a consumerist, directionless life, and your egotistical delusions of wit are so removed from reality that I would pity you if I didn't loathe your foul guts. Comparing you to a cockroach would be too great a compliment. Nobody will ever truly love you. If you wish to redeem even an ounce of your pride, take your filthy posts and custom-baked tripcode in which you take so much sad pride and leave the internet forever.
>>42 i think you filled that demand pretty well, that was very cruel, I almost feel sorry for her.
Espon, while on one hand I agree you are generally an eyesore here, and I do sometimes leave insulting comments for you (though often if I'm high I change my mind before I hit post out of pity) I don't really care that much about what you do. I know you're still a person, if a little misguided.
The upstanding nail deserves to be hammered down