( ß ƒŽß) I'm a magical catgirl!
This will take a while.
Alright, listen here.
mick duncher
My love for you is as pure as the sky is blue, sweet ESpeoN/NPA.
I want you to such the pus from these horrific sores covering my body.
I want to slide my thumb up your bumhole
and then i want you to taste my love for you, the lumps of it sticking to my thumb.
Then we shall make racist gestures towards each other all night,
bumsex i guess
what the blouse is a "racist gesture", honestly
Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?
On second thought, I'd rather just fuck.
On a third thought, I'd rather for us to enjoy some nice multiplayer games together.
We could play "Dance Dance Revolution," only we'd hit the buttons by fucking vigorously on the dancepad.
Or we could hypersalivate in a hyper-expensive restaurant.
...just you and me together, love.
Ur mom
Ur dad
is better looking but less agile.
He is fascinated by the moths' metamorphosis, a process he wants to undergo by becoming a woman. In one of the film's most infamous scenes, he dances around with his penis tucked between his legs, wearing a silk cape which he flourishes like butterfly wings. (In the novel, he tucks his penis between his legs after taking a shower).
Ooh! Ooh! I want to see what the lewd suggestions are!
He is fascinated by the moths' metamorphosis, a process he wants to undergo by becoming a woman. In one of the film's most infamous scenes, he dances around with his penis tucked between his legs, wearing a silk cape which he flourishes like butterfly wings. (In the novel, he tucks his penis between his legs after taking a shower).
Eat this, >>27
I'm going to hold hands with you SO HARD your breathing will quicken slightly and you'll get butterflies in your stomach!
am wanting to traverse like demon sea shores with you but have some ailment i don't know i think it is a tape recording of my mother's your cousin's lamented wails???
Let's get dressed together.