[Contentful] ITT we write down our dreams. [Serialization] [Thoughts] (617)

64 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8054 18:33

I had gone back to my old middle school (which was demolished several years ago) to apply for a job as the principal. Me and the other applicants were writting essays on why we'd be best for the job as part of the application process, when the person overseeing the test told us "no Hanzi!" and I was confused because I had been writing my essay in English and don't know any Chinese anyway, so I stopped to ask the instructor what she meant but while I was talking to her about it everyone got ahead of me and I never finished my essay. Also, one of the people taking the interview with me was a girl I haven't seen since elementary school whose dad was also the prinicpal at the school we both went to. I haven't seen or even thought about her in probably fifteen years but I was able to perfectly remember her name and face in my dream.

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