[Chat] ITT we write messages to random posters in the future [DQN] (68)

32 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6713 18:28

"4chan is primarily an imageboard website, and this is where most of the discussion goes on. Each board has a different culture, so try looking at several boards relevant to your interests if the first one or two you visit aren't exactly your thing. Most of the boards relate to nerdy stuff in one way or another, but some are surprisingly mundane (such as the cooking board, /ck/, the DIY board, /diy/, or the literature board, /lit/). The moderation's pretty laid back, so if a thread or poster bothers you, the best solution is to report it and then ignore it with an extension such as 4chan X. Just take it easy and you'll have a good time!"

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