We seem to have lost contact with the Control Tower.[grinding noises] (999)

606 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7599 22:46

You are blinded by a flash of inspiration. Of course! It's so simple! You insist that Continue-chan loan you her knife. Seeing the passionate glint in your eye, she finds herself unable to refuse. She takes the computer parts downstairs to where the power and internet cables are and begins setting it up again, then busies herself amongst a nest of badly damaged electronics, leaving you alone with a knife and two inanimate Senseis.

You decide to get the hardest part out of the way first. You drag the unconscious non-robo-Sensei to one of the conveniently prepared chalk ritual circles on the floor. He returns to consciousness briefly as you are moving him, but catches one sight of the dead robo-Sensei, makes a half startled, half confused "Aaergh?" sound, and returns to his state of syncope.

You kneel by his supine form, raise your bloodstained knife with both hands, and, with a brief chant to Huixtocihuatl, the Aztec god of rubbing salt in one's eyes, plunge the knife down between his ribs. A faint gasp escapes his lips, then he breathes no more. For killing a sapient creature in a ritualistic manner you have gained 100 mana and two skill points. You currently have 175 mana and two unallocated skill points.

Next, you begin work on robo-Sensei. Unfortunately, as you must keep non-robo-Sensei's bodily integrity above 80%, you are limited as to how much robotics you can add before reanimating him. You note that two of the fingers on non-robo-Sensei's right hand have been cut off - which is presumably why he was screaming and clutching his hand earlier. There is no sign of the severed fingers themselves.

In light of this, you decide to replace his right hand. After much work with the knife - robo-Sensei's skin is quite tough and leathery - you manage to sever it. It is filled with clockwork components, including parts which attach to driveshafts corresponding to the ulna and radial bone. Next, you try your hand at transorbital lobotomy, and relieve robo-Sensei of one of his eyes, and the string of gears that comes with it.

With a chop, a slip and a splash of blood, you remove the corresponding parts of non-robo-Sensei and replace them with their robotic counterparts. Finally, you spend 80 mana giving life to cybo-Sensei. "Live!" you command, "LIVE!" You raise your hands into the air dramatically, laugh maniacally, and watch with thrill as cybo-Sensei stirs. He sits up, stretches, turns to face you and says, simply, "I am yours to command, mistress."

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