We seem to have lost contact with the Control Tower.[grinding noises] (999)

91 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7226 23:38

You immerse yourself in a deeply elaborate fantasy about your ideal girl.

She has long, dark hair which she holds up in places with cute little white ribbons. It flows and ripples in the wind like leaves on a tree, yet never becomes dishevelled. Parts of her hair hang down to either side of her head, framing her bright little face, which is populated by small, dainty features, apart from her large bright eyes. When she smiles - as she does often - she instinctively closes her eyes and tilts her head slightly to one side. She usually wears long, beautiful dresses, in simple bright colours, adorned with frills and ribbons wherever possible. She often wears thigh-high socks, and probably some very cute underwear as well, but you wouldn't know about that.

She is a thoroughly wonderful person; fun loving, quick to forgive, always able to see the best in people and possessing a childlike innocence that allows her to take a profound enjoyment from seemingly everyday experiences - a single flower on a road side; a particularly fluffy cloud. Also, she refers to you as "onii-chan" even though you aren't actually her brother.

She secretly has magical powers which she uses to protect everyone from the unknown evils of the night, whilst simultaneously keeping up a façade of living a normal girl's life. She does this not out of vanity, duty or for any perceived reward, but out of the goodness of her heart. She is one of the central characters of an anime series which is hugely successful and loved by all, which enjoys many sequels. In an especially poignant scene in the final episode, it is revealed that she actual-- whoops, looks like you got a bit carried away there. Never mind.

You cannot locate any trolls.

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