[2D] Let's make a game [DQN DQN LOL] (26)

16 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6931 21:04

I've made a start on a game based on this thread using RPG maker XP, and it's going pretty well so far. Already done Act I out of III (or maybe IV).

I'd love to see a DQN VN happen, but I don't think much of the characters so far. Decapitated Squeeks doesn't fit the childhood friend archetype very well, and it'd get very annoying to keep reading "My name is Squeeks and..." in the dialogue. It could still work, I suppose.

>>12 isn't a character and doesn't even have a name, let alone moé SJIS art.

>>14 is two people, which doesn't work - unless you're proposing a harem ending?

>>15 is not valid Ren'Py syntax (but nor is this post, to be fair).
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