ITT we play chess [GENTLEMANLY PURSUIT] (94)

82 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7125 20:24

The white queen has pledged her allegiance to Satan, both in body and in soul. Satan and the queen can both move any distance horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Satan can only be slain by a bishop or king, but the queen is still mortal as ever. The play cycle now goes White -> Black -> Satan -> White.
┃♖┃  ┃♗┃♔┃  ┃♗┃♘┃♖┃
┃☠┃☠┃♙┃♙┃♙┃  ┃♙┃♙┃
┃  ┃  ┃♘┃  ┃  ┃  ┃  ┃  ┃
┃  ┃  ┃  ┃  ┃  ┃ ɤ ┃♕┃  ┃
┃  ┃  ┃  ┃  ┃  ┃  ┃  ┃  ┃
┃  ┃  ┃  ┃  ┃♟┃☠┃  ┃  ┃
┃♟┃♟┃♟┃♟┃  ┃  ┃♟┃♟┃
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