[BIG WORDS] ITT we write a lecture/essay on a topic we know nothing about [BULLSHITTING] (14)

11 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7160 02:13

The Essence of Tanasinn

What is the difference between "thinking" and "feeling" (or perceiving something "intuitively")? These processes are usually viewed as two opposites (e.g. "Thinking/Feeling" in Myers-Briggs Type Indicator psychometric questionnaire). However, the same "circuitry" of your brain that is responsible for language comprehension is used in both of those. Simply put, it has two different modes for information processing: "slow" and "fast" (respectfully). During thinking, you are making a conscious effort to analyse a problem, in contrast with "feeling" that performs "automatically" and returns you a complete result.

Some of you might ask, "But which one of the two is the better one?" And that is a fairly simple question. If you are very young or not very knowledgeable... let's say, in a topic of your interest, thinking is the way to go. It takes considerably more valuable resources such as time and concentration, but in the end you are more likely to get a deeper and a thorough understanding of a subject. As you age, as you learn more along the way, your neural paths alter, creating optimized routes \ unique to your brain! \ thus allowing you to process a lot of casual and routine information intuitively. That is why you sometimes catch yourself unaware whenever you turned your electric appliances off and locked the door or not.

"But I thought..." Shut up and let me carry on with this lecture. Your intuition can be really powerful and advanced tool. But it depends on your brain development, if it is full of absurdity and nonsense, the result would be "OMG SO RANDOM!!" Well, at least people would see you as a jolly happy-go-lucky type, which is not bad for some, I suppose. On the other hand, if you train it the neural paths will be optimized in such ways, that its predictions (its output) might become even more precise than results of your "slow" thinking about the problem, plus freeing a lot of brain resources for something else.

The interesting whim about your brain is that it never shuts down. Indeed, night time is used for "maintenance tasks" like storing and cleaning up your memory \ that is why you wake up "with a clear head" after a good sleep - but you brain is still processing information. Which leads to a good advice: if you are stuck on some problem, think about it in bed until you fall asleep. In the morning your brain is likely to have a solution or two.

In conclusion, make sure that you get enough sleep and DON'T THINK! FEEL, AND YOU WILL BE TANASINN!

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