We seem to have lost contact with the Control Tower [Grinding Noises][Part II] (855)

191 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7780 00:44

Given the choice between not entering the building (and being blindly obedient to perceived authority) or entering the building (and being easily manipulated by reverse psychology (or just very stupid)) you go ahead and choose the latter. As it is on the opposite bank to which you are currently on, you try to cross the bridge. Unexpectedly, the door snaps in half as you put your weight on it, making a loud noise and dampening your feet. The animal noises which were, until now, fairly subdued, suddenly swell into a raucous, rapidly approaching chorus of shrieks and howls.

Not feeling particularly in the mood for company, you make your way up the valley side towards the building. You find a second banner draped across the ground in front of the building; seemingly a continuation of the first, which has fallen from place. It reads "YOUR PARENTS WOULDN'T LIKE IT". To one side of the main entrance is written, in shaky handwriting, "FREE SWEETS INSIDE".

Inside, you a fairly large, L shaped room. It has been entirely emptied; judging by the marks on the floor, even the carpet has been taken up, leaving bare floorboards. On the East and North facing walls are doorways that have been entirely bricked up. Also on the North facing wall is a stairwell, with stairs leading both up and down. The ascending staircase has been blocked by a pile of miscellaneous furniture; you think you could probably negotiate it, but it would take some time, and two free hands. All around the descending staircase are large signs with messages such as "CUTE KITTENS DOWNSTAIRS", "ADORABLE PUPPIES TO PLAY WITH IN THE BASEMENT" and "FREE TOYS FOR ALL UNATTENDED CHILDREN". The stairs slope away into darkness, but you can just make out what appears to be a beartrap at the bottom.

You find this to be the perfect moment to consider the truly great, unanswered questions of your existence, beginning with the beginning: where did this entire reality come from? Was it, as is the scientific consensus, simply a random, inexplicable explosion of matter? If there was a big bang, was that the absolute beginning, or could there have been something before that? How does this contend with issues such as causal closure or baryonic asymmetry? Is it even possible to know the answers to questions like this, when you cannot rule out the possibility that your entire existence is nothing more than the collective daydream of a set of beings of some inconceivably higher level of consciousness, laughing at your exploits as one might those of a confused kitten on YouTube?

Your musings are interrupted by four creatures, making loud, aggressive vocalisations, entering from behind you. On closer inspection, they appear to be human - in fact, they are identical in appearance to the so-called grunts earlier, though these specimens seem to be a lot less passive. They block the entrance and holler at you. Terrified, you toss a spare sausage at the nearest, who jumps back, then grabs it and tears into it, devouring it in seconds. Rather than appeasing them, the gesture appears only to have inflamed their desire for the rest of your food.

You are not wearing a shirt; you are only wearing a full body grey jumpsuit. You bare your chest at them, which seems to them to indicate attempted dominance, rather than compassion. They are kept at bay momentarily, but still seem as though they might charge at a moment's notice.

You babble something nonsensical about the Abrahamic creation myth, and how Eve lived in a forest. The creatures interrupt you with various screaming and howling. At that moment, you notice that there is a fifth member to their party: a young girl, with long, tousled hair and wide, brown eyes, clothed in what you think might once have been a seifuku. She bares her teeth at you, appearing every bit as savage as her companions.

Your only clear exit is blocked. You can either try to distract or frighten your assailants, stand and fight - armed only with a pair of scissors and a lighter - or run away downstairs.

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