ITT We invent new fetishes and subfetishes [Sexuality] [Explicit] [DQNcoins] [Game] [Wow] (24)

8 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8029 16:51

>>2 Tile patterns is famous for being unusual, /v/ detected, you lose this round hombre.

>>3 I have been pumping and dumping DQNcoins for a few years now, please don't tell anyone ( I am also >>73 )

>>4 I have never heard of that. 1 DQNcoin is tentatively awarded to >>4. We should all commit ourselves to thinking of good names for such a sex act.

>>5 I award you a DQNcoin but I also beg you humbly to leave the thread if you are going to be talking about disgusting sex acts like counterfeiting mittens with currency.

>>6 You have been awarded a DQNcoin as well. Please allow up to 72 hours for your payment to process as there has been an unusual level of posting on DQN lately and it's clogging up the DQNcoin server.

>>7 Another worthy entry, please find enclosed your DQNcoin.

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