You are a successful businesswoman (101)

69 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8126 18:06

Too late, a small crowd has already gathered to watch the short fight!
Using your newfound diplomacy skills, you try to ask the crowd to stay quiet about what they've seen.
Susan helps by joking, "don't bother calling security...I'm security!"
Miraculously, everyone laughs and agrees not to make a fuss. You pass out joints to some of them.

You sheath your knives and drive over to the warehouse. You force yourself to businesspee in your clothes. You try not to use up all of your pee, but once you start you can't stop. Your bladder control is still pretty low. You and Susan remove your clothes, line them up, and try to pee on them but you can't bring yourself to get more than a trickle. Fortunately, Susan has a larger bladder and manages to get a good amount of pee on all the clothes.
Your Bladder and Stream Control have increased by 30!

Susan thinks for a moment about your question, then answers, "Yeah, I guess I have a reason to live...not sure what it is though. I don't have any morals though." You ask Susan if he likes hip beats. He says yes. You drive back to your apartment, still naked and smelling of pee. You go to the den and lay out some newspaper and a chair for Susan to sit in and put on a footwork remix of "Hip to be Square." He begins to twerk.

You are in the den. Music is blaring. Exits are north.

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