69 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8134 13:29

It isn't a problem of some of us leaving or somebody new coming - all of us were new at some point.

The problem is that we got older, grumpier, more nostalgic. We let politics affect, poison our thinking - not as dokyuns, but as actual people who are behind every post. We miss the past, the novelty, the funnier, simplier, better times. But that past is nothing but a delusion crafted by our own brains struggling to keep up with the Information Superhighway, it's a product of subconscious filtering coupled with an anger and disappointment with new posts. We see punks flooding the virtual streets - just like our forefathers did without keyboard for thousands of years. The world, however, didn't crumble.

Instead of dwindling on that golden, bright past we shall move forward, each of us doing their own unique thing, no matter how bad, and together we will become the superstructure we always strived to be.

What this means, however, is that you should fire up your favourite music program and... err... jam some grooves?

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