CTRL+V THREAD! [part XIII] (999)

15 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8697 13:00

Moderator from Reddit here. I want to start off by saying how completely disappointed I am in every single one of you. You all single handedly ran away our guests by posting nothing but childish, disrespectful, and just flat out rude comments. /r/Iama is a chance for redditors and people in general to interact with celebrities and otherwise famous people when they will likely never have a chance to do so. What you all did was completely un-called for. I am now having to reschedule the AMA for another time because so many people that actually wanted to have meaningful questions answered had their chances ruined because of all of you. I can tell you with complete certainty that if I see a single gFor youh, gYoufre a big guyh, or gCIAh reference in the new AMA you can bet that you will be permanently banned.

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