CTRL+V THREAD! [part XIII] (999)

259 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8876 13:45

They stood together, hand in hand, bathed in moonlight.

"Donald..." Putin's voice was thick with an emotion one could only describe as love.

"Yes, Putin-sama?" The Don turned to face his Friend and Lover and Master.

"The sanctions..." The Russian began while gently kneading The Blonde Dons rolls of fat. Its was his most sensitive spot on his body since his penis had, for years, been fully retracted into his sexy over-weightedness. "Tomorrow.. its time."

"Yes Putin-sama..." He could feel his tiny, un-findable erection grow stronger as the Russian moved his hand to the tramp-stamp above his ass crack. "We will do it, anything for you."

Putin smiled a toothy, yellow grin and The Big D was ready to take The Big D of the man he had left his 'wife' for.

Putin's hand finally slipped below his waist-band and they came together in breathtaking kiss.

Duterte, covered in fentanyl, watched from the nearby bushes as the two made sweet, sinful love.

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