[Psychiatry] And how does that make you feel? (114)

1 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9084 20:00

Hello >>2-, thank you all for coming today. Please take a seat. Now, I'm going to say a word, and >>2, you're going to say the first thing that comes in to your head, okay? Don't think too hard, just feel. And then >>3, you'll do the same, but with >>2's word.
Have you got that? Great. But in this session, I'm going to add a twist! You can't say anything that's been said before. The next poster will catch you out, and your word won't count! Don't worry though, we're all friends here, so nobody will judge you.
I'll be making copious notes as always, and afterwards we'll see if we can re-evaluate your, uh, graduation, from the Superstructure.

So anyway, shall we begin? I'll start with an easy one.



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