[Psychiatry] And how does that make you feel? (114)

9 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9084 23:13

I'm so depressed all the time, doc. I feel like life isn't worth living, everything you or I ever do, all our struggles and accomplishments, it'll all be dust in the wind. It'll take maybe 30 seconds after our deaths for the world to forget about us. I look around me and all I see are prisons. This group therapy is a prison. Society is a prison. Our own very biology that confines us to a tiny range of habitable environments and keeps us from seeing the universe as it really is, is a prison.

No, get your fucking Jew pills away from me! I won't be drugged back into becoming a cog. You can't cure sickness of the heart by throwing pills at it, that's the coward's way out. Believe me I know, I've tried all the banal worldly pleasures that people in my case usually turn to; food, drugs, wine, women (and men); there's no meaning or lasting joy to be found in any of it. If you can look at this fleeting, filthy world and not become depressed then you are the crazy one, not me.

I don't want something so trite as "proof that life is worth living", you'll not find such a thing anyway. I don't know what it is I want or expect, that's why I came here. Maybe that's all I'm looking for, is some fellow crazies to, if not offer any kind of solution then at least to understand.

Hatch. As in eggs.

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