Leftism Online (37)

24 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10513 15:14

The eternal truths and immortal science of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is integral to the theory and method of the great revolutionary ideology that will liberate all of the world's oppressed peoples in the face of all reactionary forces. It should guide the conduct of all those in true consciousness as the highest doctrine to allow mastery of and to advance the final struggle in resolving the inherent contradictions present within the wretched chains of bourgeois society in line strictly and absolutely with the ideas and intentions of the Eternal President, Comrade Kim Il-sung, and the Eternal General Secretary, Comrade Kim Jong-il, as our faith and creed, to paint, in a single color, a new era, on new foundations, for all of the human race.

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