[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 8] (547)

349 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11061 16:36

LOL, you just imagined itfs consistent because thatfs what you WANTED to see. I bet when you read the Bible it tells you exactly what you WANTED to hear too. Itfs a trick of linguistics that our own minds play on themselves when we WANT something to be true; when we want something, we fit any random language to mean what we WANT it to mean. Thatfs why the Bible can be used to justify any immoral act you can think of, if you WANT it to. Your imagination played a trick on itself.
You think you had a consistent conversation? Then just you try to get it to have another one with you, I dare you. Because your imagination can only keep up the delusion for so long, unless youfre completely psychotic.

gWe donft ecreate our own realityf; psychotics do that.h
–Ken Wilber

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