Sodium Nitrite = BAD END (17)

1 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-06-17 17:54 ID:I8fz/vbO

Consumer Health Warning
Do not buy any foods or groceries containing the following ingredients:

* Sodium nitrite (meats)
* Monosodium glutamate (soups)
* Aspartame (diet soda)
* Yeast extract (snacks)
* Hydrogenated oils
* High-fructose corn syrup
>"Sodium nitrite is a dangerous, cancer-causing ingredient that has no place in the human food supply," he explains. The USDA actually tried to ban sodium nitrite in the 1970's, but was preempted by the meat processing industry, which relies on the ingredient as a color fixer to make foods look more visually appealing. "The meat industry uses sodium nitrite to sell more meat products at the expense of public health," says Adams. "And this new research clearly demonstrates the link between the consumption of processed meats and cancer."

I knew hot dogs were bad for you, but... wow.

12 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-01-03 18:29 ID:B4xSrwwH

lol remember Surge? When that drink was around there was a rumor that if you drank it while it was hot, it would kill you because of the aspartame.

13 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-01-04 00:25 ID:8qsC4/++

I think Surge has been repackaged as "Vault"

14 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-01-08 05:56 ID:Heaven


>Norway is the only country where you can still buy this soft drink. Surge was widely associated with the extreme sports lifestyle, with television commercials similar to those currently used by Mountain Dew. Expired cans and bottles of Surge now sell on eBay for high dollar amounts, including a reported $160.08 for a 12-pack sold in April 2005.
>Since 2002, a community of Surge lovers have been built around, and have been widely credited for the release of Vault, Coke's new Surge-like soda. While Vault tastes similar to Surge, it is yellow in color rather than light green. The beginning of 2005 saw a campaign to bring Surge back to the shelves of Wal-Mart; according to, this resulted in Wal-Mart executives contacting Coca-Cola about bringing the drink back, but the soft drink company elected not to make a deal.
>While Surge does contain more caffeine than some soft drinks, it contains a little less than its closest analogue, Mountain Dew. According to Coca-Cola's customer service in Norway, Urge contains 45% more caffeine than Coca-Cola. In Norway, a 0.5L bottle of Coca-Cola contains 10mg of caffeine, while a bottle of Urge contains 14.5mg of caffeine.

15 Post deleted.

16 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2017-08-15 19:52 ID:Zq+Jl0mp

There is literally nothing dangerous about MSG. Your body synthesizes it in greater quantities than you could consume, and it occurs naturally in tomatoes, mushrooms, and cheese. Yeast extract and HFCS are also safe.

17 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2020-03-28 07:01 ID:06vPE1f1


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