Alcohol... what's good? (67)

51 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-05-17 18:53 ID:gTCU4ayq

I like two classic drinks and some weird shit, myself.

A classic martini: very cold, good gin poured into a glass misted with a spray of white vermouth, served with an olive or twist. I like Hendricks Gin, personally.

Vodka "martinis" taste OK as well, but are bullshit. Not real martinis. I like an American vodka called Square One, the world's first organic vodka and the only American vodka that doesn't taste like shit (I'm talking to you, Skyy).

I also like Perfect Manhattans, which contain bourbon or rye whiskey, a very small amount of equal parts red and white vermouth, rocks, and a twist. It's also served up (ie, in a martini glass).

It's a less sweet alternative to a traditional Manhattan, which contains only red vermouth and is usually served with a cherry. Not too into these - too sweet for me.

Slivovitz (plum brandy) with soda and a red li hing mui. But I'm kind of a pervert that way.

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