Chicken. I hate it. (20)

8 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-24 18:06 ID:U2aZnc0p

Yes, but if you suggest her to change a recipe or try a new one she'll get upset about it. She even gets angry if i cut the tomato in slices intead of little dices when preparing the salad.
Right now i' eating biscuits. Lots of them. My sister ran away to my father's house. Guess what my mother is cooking again.
I guess is a very common problem in my country. Nobody knows how to cook properly (My grandmoher thinks i'm some kind of cooking genius because i'm the only person in that house tht makes decent spaguetti. And the only thing i do is to boil them ten minutes instead of twenty five.), and nobody really cares in learning.
I think i'll do some spaguetti (thinking of it made me craving it) with oil and garlic when i get home.

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